Author Topic: This is going to be rough  (Read 926 times)

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Re: This is going to be rough
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2015, 01:32:00 PM »
Glad you are back, and that you know your fucked up. I fucked up 35-40 times over 17 years of nicotine use. My life was stressful when I used.

And it still is. But now I am quit, and know that killing myself will not solve any issues, only move the stress to my wife and kids.

Bean nailed it, you can ONLY quit for yourself. Post roll daily, get some numbers from other quitters, and Quit Like Fuck today.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: This is going to be rough
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2015, 12:43:00 PM »
Here's the fucked up. But we're all addicts...which means we're all fuckups. You just did it publicly. The important thing is that you came back here and got back on the right track. Congrats.

This isn't a "get out of jail free" thing. But what kind of support group would we be if we pretended like you were the only person to ever fall of the basketball? We're all very carefully balanced. The littlest slip sends us to the floor. But you did it got back on.

Nobody can do this for you. And you can't do this for someone else. Your daughter could be your inspiration. But this quit is about YOU. YOU post roll everyday. YOU give your word. And YOU are held accountable. What's done is done. You handled it right. And your back. Don't let it happen again. If your word means anything, you won't.

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Re: This is going to be rough
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2015, 11:44:00 AM »
I know invader. So here is what essentially happened

I just wasn't ready. I went off to summer training where I was without dip, and a buddy of mine would not stop talking about it. I didn't want to quit for my self I wanted to quit for my wife, which apparenlty wasn't enough to keep me motivated. We were in the store a few days before graduation and my motivation to quit melted away when I saw the can in the store.

Words on a screan are insufficient, so all I can do is show it through my actions.

As far as who I owe an explanation too, I apologize for letting you guys down. Everyone did their part ot try and hold me accountable and at the time I chose not to listen, but I am making the choice for my self now, my wife doesn't know that I have decided to quit. And while I am only day 1, I am writing this through a splitting headache and drinking a ton of coffee to try and work my way through it.
In a moment of weakness, click here.
Quit Date - July 14th, 2015

Was there ever any question on how much I could take?
You kept feeding me your bullshit,
Hoping I would BREAK!


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Re: This is going to be rough
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2015, 11:24:00 AM »
Damn dude, in 2 more months you could have been posting day 365 if you would have stuck with this place. And yes, it's true, you can expect some flak headed your way. Your old group and the one you showed up in today are gonna want to know the following:

What happened?
Why did it happen?
What is going to be different this time?

If you're serious and want to quit for yourself, you got this. But it has to be for you. Not wives, not kids. If they benefit from it, great, but it has to be you at the center of it all. There is no alternative. We'll see if you meant what you said or if you were just parroting what you've heard on this site.

If you're ready to quit, I'm ready to quit with you. But for now, you got some folks who are owed an explanation.

Offline Joliver

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This is going to be rough
« on: July 14, 2015, 10:59:00 AM »
I was thinking about changing my username to signify a start of something new, but than I thought that a man doesn't hide from his past, but learns from his mistakes.

I have tried to quit many times before, and by many I mean I failed to keep the tobacco out of my lip. I am tired of allowing a substance have control over my life. But what makes this time different for me is that I am no longer just trying to do it to make my wife happy. I am doing this for my unborn daughter, but mostly I am doing it for my self.

I fully expect to get flack for failing my last quit, but I know now what I am fighting for.
In a moment of weakness, click here.
Quit Date - July 14th, 2015

Was there ever any question on how much I could take?
You kept feeding me your bullshit,
Hoping I would BREAK!