Author Topic: ryanpaytons story  (Read 2076 times)

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Re: ryanpaytons story
« Reply #19 on: October 25, 2014, 02:32:00 AM »
Quote from: ryanpayton
Well i didnt dip today. I wanted to put a big fatty in once or twice but i didnt. I would like to think that we are all fucking little snowflakes different in many many ways. I am not going to respond well to someone "correcting" my story. I am not going to respond well to intimidation. Someone said i am a slave to my addiction and not a free man, thats just bs, i am the most free man on this damn website. I am going to quit and im going to do it my damn way. For those of you that need to follow the herd to quit then do it post roll daily and hate tobacco(and good luck). Not me i loved tobacco I am addicted to it and i always will be. That is what is keeping me clean. I know this was an accidental and relatively painless quit.. if i start again i would never quit unless i was physically unable to dip for a week like this time. What im trying to say is i am gonna quit its gonna be hard but this is my one only chance to do so. But dont try to tell me i wasnt really happy dipping i was i fucking loved dipping. Some people here hid their dipping and thus hid who they were, i never did shit like that. I was proud to be a dipper. Maybe next month ill come back on here and say im proud to be an ex dipper, but really i dont feel that way right now. I just go one day at a time. One more quick thing my trophy keeping that bitch no matter what yall say. I live in tx so my car is like 95 to 100 degrees most of the time. If yall are true dippers u know that one pinch maybe a pinch and a half is not gonna last long in that heat i can tell its dry already one more week maybe two and that dip will be totally unusable and ill have my trophy. I hadnt figured out exactly what to with the can yet but i will. So anyhow if anyone wants to chat or whatever with an open mind then im open but if not thats cool too ill do this shit on my own
I'm only on day 6 so what do I know? The only thing you might consider is that you are not in control when it comes to dipping. Another way of putting it is that you are powerless when trying to do it your own way. Has it ever worked? Is it logical to think that it will work this time on your own?

That's exactly what I thought back in April when I joined this site and then chewed again. I thought people were being assholes or trying to intimidate me. That's how addicts think. Everyone is out to get us even when it's obvious they are trying to help.

I'm on day 6 and in an hour or so it will be day 7. I'm looking forward to posting roll. I'm looking forward to reaching out to a few people. You know why? Because my confidence is soaring now. Despite not sleeping for 6 days (a few hours here and there) I feel better than I have in years. I'm now surrounded by people who are going through the exact same thing that I've gone through for close to 25 years.

All I can say is it works. Can't argue with that. What I know for certain is that my way never worked.

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Re: ryanpaytons story
« Reply #18 on: October 25, 2014, 02:04:00 AM »
Hmmm well im really not angry so im not go all crazy here. I am here for some support i could use some help, im just not gonna lie about how i got here or my current feelings. Whatever guess im a dick or not a real person. Im done posting until my hof post good luck rest of jan.

this reminds me of why i dont talk to people on the internet

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Re: ryanpaytons story
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2014, 01:25:00 AM »
Quote from: ryanpayton
Well i didnt dip today. I wanted to put a big fatty in once or twice but i didnt. I would like to think that we are all fucking little snowflakes different in many many ways. I am not going to respond well to someone "correcting" my story. I am not going to respond well to intimidation. Someone said i am a slave to my addiction and not a free man, thats just bs, i am the most free man on this damn website. I am going to quit and im going to do it my damn way. For those of you that need to follow the herd to quit then do it post roll daily and hate tobacco(and good luck). Not me i loved tobacco I am addicted to it and i always will be. That is what is keeping me clean. I know this was an accidental and relatively painless quit.. if i start again i would never quit unless i was physically unable to dip for a week like this time. What im trying to say is i am gonna quit its gonna be hard but this is my one only chance to do so. But dont try to tell me i wasnt really happy dipping i was i fucking loved dipping. Some people here hid their dipping and thus hid who they were, i never did shit like that. I was proud to be a dipper. Maybe next month ill come back on here and say im proud to be an ex dipper, but really i dont feel that way right now. I just go one day at a time. One more quick thing my trophy keeping that bitch no matter what yall say. I live in tx so my car is like 95 to 100 degrees most of the time. If yall are true dippers u know that one pinch maybe a pinch and a half is not gonna last long in that heat i can tell its dry already one more week maybe two and that dip will be totally unusable and ill have my trophy. I hadnt figured out exactly what to with the can yet but i will. So anyhow if anyone wants to chat or whatever with an open mind then im open but if not thats cool too ill do this shit on my own
Since you completely dismissed Grady as a bully or whatever idiotic response you gave him, after he took the time to do a great correction on your first post, I am not going to waste too much time on you.
But just to touch upon a few of your low notes- "those of us who need to follow the herd" as in- the members here, are participating in what is a wildly successful system to quit an incredibly addictive substance. You do that by doing what works. If you don't want to "follow the herd", there is no reason to be here. However, about half of the "herd" get diverted by the addiction and start chewing again, so if you want to follow that herd, just keep typing bullshit and bravado all day long bro.
You wouldn't be here if you didn't know you needed help, blah blah blah blah fucking blah.

Fuck this shit.
Does anyone think this guy is real?
He is hitting the troll benchmarks with stunning accuracy. He knows what statements will draw the most attention, and is plastering them all over this stupid intro.
Quote from: Troll
We are all snowflakes. I loved tobacco...that is what is keeping me clean. damn website. intimidation. painless quit. don't try to tell me I wasn't really happy dipping. fucking loved dipping. proud to be a dipper. trophy can. true dippers. do this shit on my own.
I am surprised he hasn't told anyone to kill themselves yet. Or call anyone a cum bubble. Total fucking fake asshole. (Wonder where he came from?) Fuck this tard. This is not going to end well. Just saying.

blah blah blah so please let us help you. You can only do that by listening to people here, reading the great information on this site, learning about your addiction, and getting better
You can only quit if you want to. If you want to, you've found the right place.

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Re: ryanpaytons story
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2014, 12:05:00 AM »
Well i didnt dip today. I wanted to put a big fatty in once or twice but i didnt. I would like to think that we are all fucking little snowflakes different in many many ways. I am not going to respond well to someone "correcting" my story. I am not going to respond well to intimidation. Someone said i am a slave to my addiction and not a free man, thats just bs, i am the most free man on this damn website. I am going to quit and im going to do it my damn way. For those of you that need to follow the herd to quit then do it post roll daily and hate tobacco(and good luck). Not me i loved tobacco I am addicted to it and i always will be. That is what is keeping me clean. I know this was an accidental and relatively painless quit.. if i start again i would never quit unless i was physically unable to dip for a week like this time. What im trying to say is i am gonna quit its gonna be hard but this is my one only chance to do so. But dont try to tell me i wasnt really happy dipping i was i fucking loved dipping. Some people here hid their dipping and thus hid who they were, i never did shit like that. I was proud to be a dipper. Maybe next month ill come back on here and say im proud to be an ex dipper, but really i dont feel that way right now. I just go one day at a time. One more quick thing my trophy keeping that bitch no matter what yall say. I live in tx so my car is like 95 to 100 degrees most of the time. If yall are true dippers u know that one pinch maybe a pinch and a half is not gonna last long in that heat i can tell its dry already one more week maybe two and that dip will be totally unusable and ill have my trophy. I hadnt figured out exactly what to with the can yet but i will. So anyhow if anyone wants to chat or whatever with an open mind then im open but if not thats cool too ill do this shit on my own

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Re: ryanpaytons story
« Reply #15 on: October 24, 2014, 04:48:00 PM »
RyanPayton - Why are you not on roll today?

Every day first thing. Wake up, piss, post. Anything else is unacceptable.

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Re: ryanpaytons story
« Reply #14 on: October 24, 2014, 03:18:00 PM »
Quote from: FkSkoal
Trophy tin is only a trophy if empty, preferably by flushing its remaining contents down the toilet.
Yeah. That's why I keep my empty syringe and spoon from my heroin days hanging on the wall in my foyer. Great conversation piece. So proud of that trophy. It really motivates me to stay off the heroin. Don't know why, can't put my finger on it.

(Disclaimer: my statement is 100% sarcasm and I never did heroin)
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Re: ryanpaytons story
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2014, 02:27:00 PM »
Quote from: ryanpayton
Grady....a Pirate's fan......figures. Well i guess my work here is done im quitting my way for me, and im not gonna be bullied around by a bunch of Grady's who need to be dickheads to get or stay clean. Way too much anger here. I would still like some info on the fake stuff if anyone can have an intelligent conversation.
Grady now has another fan! I personally thought what Grady wrote was brilliant! Who would have thunk that addicts can be creative in so many ways! I've got to get back to work too and tip toe through the tulips of being quit.

Come on sport, read some of the actual accounts here and you'll be inspired by quitters of all shapes and sizes and what they've gone through in order to stay quit with this addiction. You might even be humbled!

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Re: ryanpaytons story
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2014, 02:16:00 PM »
Trophy tin is only a trophy if empty, preferably by flushing its remaining contents down the toilet.
Habits begin as cobwebs and end up as chains.
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Re: ryanpaytons story
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2014, 02:08:00 PM »
Man you are in the right place. Everyone of us has been in your shoes. The beginning just sucks man. But it is worth it. Post roll daily. Keep your word. Follow these six words and success is guaranteed. We will help you through the rough patches. Grady's got thick skin - but he really is trying to help....

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Re: ryanpaytons story
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2014, 10:51:00 AM »
Quote from: Grady
Quote from: ryanpayton
I have a feeling yall are not gonna like my storythat my story is just like all of your storys because just like you I am an addict. I have been dipping for 29 years out of 45. I really planned on doing it forever, i love to dip.I don't love to dip, that is just the addiction speaking. I am an addict like all of you. Anyhow because of dipping and grinding my teeth at night i had to get new teeth 09/29/14. I paid 23000 for some implants and dentures. My plan was to continue dipping afterwards not real smart i realize but that was the plan quit allowing nicotine to control every single aspect of my life. I am an addict. Well dentures hurt like a mofo, i cant really eat shit, i have a rash all over my body for some unknown reason,basically getting new teeth really sucks. So my life kinda sucks right now, but I do realize life would suck even more if I developed cancer because of my addiction and they had to rip half of my face off because of it, like these idiots. I am an addict however i was so drugged up for the first 5 days after surgery i had no nic withdrawal. Then i was kinda scared to dip with stitches still in so no dipping until 2 week appt to get stitches out. Well by that time the nicotine was out of my system so why start now....i had bought the patch to take after surgery but never really needed it. but something inside of me told I will not use it because I WILL quit cold turkey. I have an addicition to nicotine.I did buy a can like 3 days after surgery i would just take a pinch and keep it in my hand like 5 min then dump it. I still have that can with one dip in it. I will smash that can today because after reading through this site that WILL save my life, I realize that we don't keep trophy can's around I kinda like having it around i think i might hang it on the wall or something a year from now. Anyhow i feel like the whole new teeth thing was an absolute disaster( oh ya doc hit a nerve and i have numbness that wont go away for months if ever) so the only thing good about all of this was i quit dipping. This was the only way i would have ever quit, and if i start again i will never quit. Thats what keeps me quit.I realize now that I have to reach down, grab my sack and fight this addiciton, I will stay quit and I despise nicotine more than anything in this world. I will NOT allow nicotine to win any longer I do have cravings and questions about the fake stuff but i know im not gonna get the last pinch out of my car tonight and im 99.9% sure im not gonna take that pinch tomorrow eitherthat can is gone, so I no longer have the temptation of putting that shit in my lip EVER again!....sorry for typos all of this is on my phone.

Welcome Ryan. I went and fixed your typos for you. It seems like you NOW have that attitude to quit and stay quit. We make a promise EVERY single day to our fellow addicts that we will stay quit. You will find your quit group here
Ryan, I dont know where else you could go to get the kind of support Grady just gave you.

Even worse than a Pirates fan, he has a man crush on everything Black and Yellow and I am pretty sure this is his favorite song / ringtone. That being said, what he did to your post is not being an asshole, its showing you what it is going to take to really be quit.

You want to know about Fake stuff? We have reviews a plenty on the main website and a whole forum in our Wildcard section. We also have 21000+ members with various experiences using (or not using) fake, all sorts of different perspectives on it, thousands of "home made" fake recipes, alternatives to fake, discussions on those alternatives, and so very much more.

The support you see here is just the tip of the iceberg.

You are still being controlled by your addiction. We have the power to show you how to take back that control, and all you have to do (for now) is post roll. Open your mind a little bit and reread your post and Grady's edits. See the difference between an slave and a free man.
The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your attitude about the problem.  Do you understand?

Draw Fire

If its too much trouble to post roll call, you could always fuck off.

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Re: ryanpaytons story
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2014, 10:29:00 AM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: ryanpayton
I have to start working. Today i will stay nic free
We post roll to show that we are nic free for 14 hours, but I guess you are to busy for that.
Trash the trophy tin too! That's just pointless. I'm pretty sure that it won't help you stay quit. Plus there's a pinch in there. Sheesh. 'bang head'
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Re: ryanpaytons story
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2014, 10:23:00 AM »
Quote from: ryanpayton
I have to start working. Today i will stay nic free
We post roll to show that we are nic free for 24 hours, but I guess you are to busy for that.
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Re: ryanpaytons story
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2014, 10:01:00 AM »
I have to start working. Today i will stay nic free

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Re: ryanpaytons story
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2014, 09:43:00 AM »
Don't run off Ryan. You are in the right place to quit. Just jump in feet first and we will support you.

Grady is just trying to help you get your mind right so you can attack this quit with all you got. It takes a positive mental attitude to get this done and be successful.
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Re: ryanpaytons story
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2014, 09:20:00 AM »
I'm so sorry that Grady took the time out of his busy day to try and save your life, that must really make you mad that a total stranger cares enough to tell you the truth about our shared addiction.

I'm 45 and angry as well...........angry I ever started dipping. Turn your anger towards your quit, and get pissed at nicotine.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.