A little about myself,
12 years ago I quit smoking and gave up cigarettes. I was looking for the easy way out and Copenhagen was less expensive than the patch or nic gum. In fact I used to refer to Copenhagen as "the lip patch", and joked that I had quit smoking using it as a tool. I am done kidding myself that one is less damaging, less expensive, less nasty than the other. The enemy is nicotine regardless of the delivery system. I have gambled with my life and nicotine for 34 years of my 48 years on this planet. I am done. I discovered this site when googling quitting on the very first day of my quit 1/6/14. Based on my experience, I believe the only way to quit is to go 100% cold turkey, dragging it out is not quitting, it is simply changing the delivery method. I spent a lot of time reading posts and roll calls the past few days, have had some doubts about myself and also feel a little weird opening up to people I have never met. Putting this introduction post out here today represents my full commitment to be and stay quit and also to support and be supported. Although I really feel less foggy today, I am most worried about my first weekend and triggers it will bring (adult beverages, sitting in my tree stand), but I will ODAAT and recommit each day!
SAM is a nickname from high school, the real name is Chris. I reside in the Pittsburgh area and when I am not at work I enjoy everything outdoors, and prefer two wheels over four any day.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.