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Offline Gonzo

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Re: Promise
« Reply #35 on: January 27, 2013, 07:10:00 PM »

Good job on your quit-the fake is helping me too.

Man-have you tried the Oregon Mint? I would check it out-it has been my favorite after trying Smokey Mtn, Golden Eagle, then Hooch (sampler pack).

This place is listed on their website as carrying it:

Rochester : 12/12* Lori's Natural Food Center 900 Jefferson Rd. (14623) 585-424-2323

The Oregon is definitely not for everyone, but I have really enjoyed it. I must admit that I was quite underwhelmed with the flavors of the Hooch. Although it's texture and pack, etc. were awesome.

I've been using the Beaver 'winker', then throwing a wintergreen pouch in with it-super flavor, and the best thing is, your breath rocks afterwards.

Quit with you today man. Stay quit.


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Re: Promise
« Reply #34 on: January 27, 2013, 06:18:00 PM »
Quote from: bleeckerdogs
Day 12, I thought you guys said this was easy? Kidding. By far the hardest thing I have done in a long time but I am a nic whore. That bitch has made me do things no one else could even come close to. KTC and the people here are awsome. Posting roll, promising to you and me has keep me clean. I look forward to posting everyday and can understand completely why we see guys here with 1800 + quit days. Is sad but we quit everyday for the day and for me I can see myself posting roll for a very long time.

Ready - Day 1,823.

You have no idea how great things will get.

But I'm not cured. I'm quit. I'm here.

Keeping my word.

Offline kidb

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Re: Promise
« Reply #33 on: January 27, 2013, 12:36:00 PM »

The link for the site where you can find the Hooch is

I think you have to buy it mailorder but I've purchased a few times now and so far it has come fairly quickly and not too expensive if you buy it in blocks of 12 cans at a time. Almost 90 days in now and I'm still turning to Hooch, but less frequently than at first and stopped using it at home altogether. Still good for high trigger times though (like long car rides, long stretches alone without family etc.)

Keep up the good work. I can promise that it will get easier and if you're anything like me, the more time I put behind me without a dip, the more adamant I become about never going back again.

Proud to quit with you!


Offline bleeckerdogs

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Re: Promise
« Reply #32 on: January 27, 2013, 08:48:00 AM »
You guys rock! Wanting to be quit is key! Wanting to be quit makes it possible to drive past the gas station.

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Re: Promise
« Reply #31 on: January 26, 2013, 09:43:00 PM »
That bitch has made me do things no one else could even come close to.

Your not alone in that! I lied to the lady I love for 33 years. Even came up with lies each time she caught me! Damn it feels good to be free from that burden.
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Re: Promise
« Reply #30 on: January 26, 2013, 09:27:00 PM »
You WERE a nic whore. Now you're just an addict that's come to his senses. I love that "aha" moment when the curtains are pulled back and an addict realizes what a BITCH they have been (I was for 27 years, go figure...).

Never again brother. You need anything, or someone to watch your back, let me know.
*Quit today. Full stop. No qualifiers. Tomorrow?... IDK, IDC.

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Re: Promise
« Reply #29 on: January 26, 2013, 07:46:00 PM »
Keep drinking the Kool-Aid. The Stuff works. You will make it through this and be a much better man for it.
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Offline bigwhitebeast

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Re: Promise
« Reply #28 on: January 26, 2013, 08:38:00 AM »
You have the right idea Bleeker! It does get easier but there is no better way of ensuring success than coming back tomorrow and making your promise to stay quit! My friend copingwithoutcopen can tell you that, he is a success story!

Keep coming back and keep quitting, that is why we are all here and that is how we are all here! One day at a time.

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Re: Promise
« Reply #27 on: January 26, 2013, 07:39:00 AM »
I don't know about easy but I bet you'd get alot of head bobbin if you asked if it was worth it, though. If you keep it up, you never have to experience this again.

Offline bleeckerdogs

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Re: Promise
« Reply #26 on: January 26, 2013, 05:22:00 AM »
Day 12, I thought you guys said this was easy? Kidding. By far the hardest thing I have done in a long time but I am a nic whore. That bitch has made me do things no one else could even come close to. KTC and the people here are awsome. Posting roll, promising to you and me has keep me clean. I look forward to posting everyday and can understand completely why we see guys here with 1800 + quit days. Is sad but we quit everyday for the day and for me I can see myself posting roll for a very long time.

Offline bleeckerdogs

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Re: Promise
« Reply #25 on: January 24, 2013, 09:45:00 PM »
Minx - Where do you buy the hooch, the fake stuff is helping. I will stay with it for awhile. Today, day 10 was probably the hardest I have had. I love being quit, but its hard today. I promised and I will again tommorow. Reading here helps, Thank god i'm not alone

Offline kidb

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Re: Promise
« Reply #24 on: January 24, 2013, 10:41:00 AM »
Hey Bleek-

Just came across your posts and wanted to add my support as well. I am about 75 days ahead of you and although I have stopped dipping the fake shit at home (for me its Hooch. Spitfire and Wintergreen do the trick), I still keep a fake dip in my lip a good portion of the day. Old oral habits die hard I guess but as long as its not NIC, who the fuck cares? And to answer your first posted question on here, as you probably now know, as long as you post every day, embrace the integrity of your quit and respect your quit brothers, the fake stuff will only help your quit until you don't need it anymore.

Like you, I too was what we call here a "ninja dipper". I dipped for about 13 years and was going through about 2 cans a day of Skoal before I finally quit. My kids knew nothing and I'm pretty sure my wife only knew that I occasionally dipped years ago and then stopped even that. I too was able to dip almost all day at work and then would spend half the night in my home office dipping after the wife and kids went to sleep. Pretty fucked up when you think about how much we have kept from the person who is supposed to be our life partner and how many ways we were willing to alter our lives just to get that time to dip by ourselves. I still haven't told her about my addiction (or my quit) but plan to do so in about 15 days when I make my first 100 day mark.

Long story short, like many of the others here, I know only too well where you have been, what you are going through and what the next few months has in store. The cravings are gone and I'm spendning a lot more time with my wife and kids since I don't have to find excuses to stay away from them or skip activities in order to get that one more dip going.

If you need any support or want a number to text or call just in case, PM me and let me know and congrats on making it through the first 10 days.


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Re: Promise
« Reply #23 on: January 23, 2013, 07:18:00 PM »
Quote from: bleeckerdogs
Can I tell all you friggin quiters how excited I am to say tomorrow is 10 mother huggin days, double didgets! I feel like i have kicked the world in the ass! 10 Days, 10 days is a lifetime for someone that basically had a chew in his face every awake moment for the last 10 years. And the 16 years before that I chewed in my sleep. 10 Friggin days. I was told that the boys at work all bet against me without me knowing and theres 100 waiting on my desk in rochester. That 100 is getting donated to the local mens shelter as is the first 100 I would have spent on poison. Wonder if I can get UST to donate as well!

With your help, I cant wait to quit tomorrow. Kepp the quit real! !0 Days :D
yes it is very exciting but dont loose track of why this site works my friend. ONE DAY AT A TIME. you never know what will happen between now and tomorrow. i am very proud of you for being strong. enjoy today breath in the freedom.
Quit date 11-20-12
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Offline bleeckerdogs

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Re: Promise
« Reply #22 on: January 23, 2013, 07:10:00 PM »
Can I tell all you friggin quiters how excited I am to say tomorrow is 10 mother huggin days, double didgets! I feel like i have kicked the world in the ass! 10 Days, 10 days is a lifetime for someone that basically had a chew in his face every awake moment for the last 10 years. And the 16 years before that I chewed in my sleep. 10 Friggin days. I was told that the boys at work all bet against me without me knowing and theres 100 waiting on my desk in rochester. That 100 is getting donated to the local mens shelter as is the first 100 I would have spent on poison. Wonder if I can get UST to donate as well!

With your help, I cant wait to quit tomorrow. Kepp the quit real! !0 Days :D

Offline bleeckerdogs

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Re: Promise
« Reply #21 on: January 23, 2013, 06:54:00 PM »
New thought that makes me feel really good, since i quit there are about 14 cans on skoal still sittin on the shelf at the gas station. 'Finger' UST In upstate NY that = $112.00