Author Topic: Quitting to win.  (Read 1147 times)

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Re: Quitting to win.
« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2014, 08:05:00 AM »
Day 9 for me Nooj, and what I have found is the first 3-4 day are the suck as described by KTC, and after that you get pissed and can't wait to quit the second you wake up. Fuck Skoal Cherry and whatever brand you used to chew.

I quit with you today.
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Re: Quitting to win.
« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2014, 06:42:00 AM »
Welcome Nooj. Post roll diligently. Promise not to use for the day. You can do this. You are in control. You do not need nicotine.

Offline Grizzlyhasclaws

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Re: Quitting to win.
« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2014, 06:37:00 AM »
Quote from: Nooj
Thanks guys.

I had a very profound realization recently. Between fighting cravings, I heard a message- You are faced with choices, and have the ability to control the direction you take. Nobody can say "I couldn't help it"- because you CAN help it. It's your choice to do so.

Maybe I'm just used to being the kinda guy to say "I couldn't help it" and excusing my behavior. But being quit (after trying dozens of times before, and always going back to the can), and this time truly feeling like I've got it beat, even in the midst of the fog and detoxing myself of nicotine- the concept finally took hold. I DO have a choice. I can take control. When I choose to have control, I have power over my life.
Maybe it sounds silly- but to feel like you have control over something in your life, after years of feeling like you "couldn't help it", is very empowering.

Quitted. A little pissed about it, but still in control,
You got it. That's a great realization. Don't forget that. Keep it at the forefront.

I quit with you today. You are badass. Way to clarify.
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Re: Quitting to win.
« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2014, 11:33:00 PM »
Thanks guys.

I had a very profound realization recently. Between fighting cravings, I heard a message- You are faced with choices, and have the ability to control the direction you take. Nobody can say "I couldn't help it"- because you CAN help it. It's your choice to do so.

Maybe I'm just used to being the kinda guy to say "I couldn't help it" and excusing my behavior. But being quit (after trying dozens of times before, and always going back to the can), and this time truly feeling like I've got it beat, even in the midst of the fog and detoxing myself of nicotine- the concept finally took hold. I DO have a choice. I can take control. When I choose to have control, I have power over my life.
Maybe it sounds silly- but to feel like you have control over something in your life, after years of feeling like you "couldn't help it", is very empowering.

Quitted. A little pissed about it, but still in control,

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Re: Quitting to win.
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2014, 02:26:00 AM »
Go to the web page and read every article you can find. I quit before coming here by a day. After reading every single article on killthecan,org it changed my brain. Can't explain why but my thinking changed and suddenly it was easier... Not easy, I just said easier... I am on day 7. Also proud to be quit with you.

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Re: Quitting to win.
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2014, 02:11:00 AM »
Quote from: Nooj
NOOJ- I'm probably screwing this roll call up... I'm so damn pissed off, irritable, and unpleasant- and this is only DAY 1!! I'll wake up to day two, and hopefully the will to win.
Nice job posting roll. Now, drop the wishes and hope and take charge. You quit because you want it and that starts with posting roll every day, first thing in your day, without exception. Forget hope, prayers, and will. Just QUIT. One day at a time. Post your promise. Repeat tomorrow. Quit.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline Grizzlyhasclaws

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Re: Quitting to win.
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2014, 08:45:00 PM »
Quote from: Nooj
I would love to post roll- if I could navigate my dumbass through this site!!! I'm so irritable and unpleasant today- I just want to kill puppies and break nice things!

I just haven't figured out the whole "find your group" and "post roll" thing. Believe me- I'm tobacco free today, and my piss-poor attitude proves it, lol!

When I figure out what the hell I'm doing, I'll join in. Until then I'm going to throw things and eat a lot.

You can figure it out. We were all dumbasses at first too. Read read read. Read everything and figure it out. You can do it. There's even a video.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Offline Grizzlyhasclaws

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Re: Quitting to win.
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2014, 08:43:00 PM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Nooj
I agree, Leonard!! 
I have rinsed the last filthy pinch from my mouth.  We're putting our boys to bed, then I'm letting my wife help me dump it in the trash.
Maybe that sounds overly ceremonial, but I need her on board and need to know she's got my back on this too.

Thanks for the motivation.
Not ceremonial at all. Having our partners on board is a good thing. For my first couple months my wife and I discussed my quit each night before bed. I'd lied to her so many times, rebuilding trust was essential.
Since you went ahead and quit you might as well post roll with your quit group. You're in July 2014 in the quit group section. July is when you'll hit 100 days. All the quitters there are recently quit just like you. So read the welcome center. Get roll figured out and post ASAP. The posting of your roll is how you ensure you're quit for the day. It's the most important thing right now other than keeping dog shit out of your mouth. Do it now brother. I quit with you.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Offline Nooj

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Re: Quitting to win.
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2014, 08:37:00 PM »
I would love to post roll- if I could navigate my dumbass through this site!!! I'm so irritable and unpleasant today- I just want to kill puppies and break nice things!

I just haven't figured out the whole "find your group" and "post roll" thing. Believe me- I'm tobacco free today, and my piss-poor attitude proves it, lol!

When I figure out what the hell I'm doing, I'll join in. Until then I'm going to throw things and eat a lot.


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Re: Quitting to win.
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2014, 07:29:00 PM »
Hi Nooj and welcome! The next few days will be tough, but you can do it and all the support you need is here at KTC! Post roll everyday.


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Re: Quitting to win.
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2014, 11:02:00 PM »
Welcome to the suck. It's totally worth it. Post roll every day and promise to yourself, as well as everyone here that you'll stay free of nicotine one day at a time.

Feel free to PM me to exchange numbers. Accountability is a huge part of staying quit.

This forum is only as helpful as you allow it to be. Proud to be quit with you.
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Offline Wt57

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Re: Quitting to win.
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2014, 10:34:00 PM »
Quote from: Nooj
I agree, Leonard!!
I have rinsed the last filthy pinch from my mouth. We're putting our boys to bed, then I'm letting my wife help me dump it in the trash.
Maybe that sounds overly ceremonial, but I need her on board and need to know she's got my back on this too.

Thanks for the motivation.
Not ceremonial at all. Having our partners on board is a good thing. For my first couple months my wife and I discussed my quit each night before bed. I'd lied to her so many times, rebuilding trust was essential.
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Offline Nooj

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Re: Quitting to win.
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2014, 10:22:00 PM »
I agree, Leonard!!
I have rinsed the last filthy pinch from my mouth. We're putting our boys to bed, then I'm letting my wife help me dump it in the trash.
Maybe that sounds overly ceremonial, but I need her on board and need to know she's got my back on this too.

Thanks for the motivation.

Offline LeonardThompson

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Re: Quitting to win.
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2014, 10:14:00 PM »
Throw it in the trash RIGHT NOW. Today can be Day 1. Don't plan a future quit. Not even an hour from now. QUIT RIGHT NOW. Head to the welcome center and learn how we roll up in here.

Offline Nooj

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Re: Quitting to win.
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2014, 10:05:00 PM »
Hello all,
This was the first site I clicked on after googling "tips to quit dipping," and I knew it was just what I needed.
I smoked and dipped starting about 1997, and have dipped exclusively since 2003. In fact, for several years I have had a dip in during every waking hour, except when eating (I've even slept with 'em in...).

This is the turning point. I feel like I have found a TEAM of support.
With KTC, my prayers, and the support of my wife, I feel like I'm already winning. All I need now is to endure breaking the addiction and habit.

Tonight it's going in the trash- Tomorrow is DAY 1!

Thank you to everyone here.
