Author Topic: Today I choose to quit  (Read 1387 times)

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Re: Today I choose to quit
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2017, 12:42:00 PM »
Quote from: nyyankee23
I messed up yesterday. It was day 2 and I broke down and had a dip. I feel terrible about it. Like I am a slave to this. So, today I will start anew and go change my roll call status to day 1. I have had my share of withdrawal situations in the past but that's a different story. I let myself down and everyone around me down. Really need help to do this. I have to find a replacement like gum or something.
I'm sorry to hear you failed in getting parole from NicoPrison (see my signature line for more info on that one).

For what it's worth, my mantra is 'I never use nicotine now.'. See, it's always now, right? It was now when I wrote this; it'll be now when you read this. So...when the craves hit, I just repeat that mantra. In other words, I take ODAAT (One Day At A Time) and compress it to the infinitely short period of time called 'now'. In other words...I may use nicotine later, but with God's help, I'll have enough guts to stay away from nicotine now. This is especially important for me, as I have a learning disability that makes parsing time in the traditional manner very difficult indeed.

One last thing: About that gum...I hope you don't mean nicotine gum. That stuff is no good, it just drags out the pain, and it's expensive as heck anyway. you wish parole from NicoPrison or not? It's time to decide...kill the can (some treat themselves to That Very Last Dip Ever before they kill the can - I did - but it's better to just do it and be done with it).

But...keep at it. Stay quit. You'll be paroled soon enough. Wanna' keep that parole? Stay away from nicotine, fullstop.

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Re: Today I choose to quit
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2017, 06:38:00 AM »
NY, until you make "the decision" to be quit, you won't! The decision to quit has to be made and it must be about you only. Your family is only collateral benefits. You can do this with the help of KTC. I and many before have done it. We understand! It is not easy! Relish your quit so that you will never have to go thru this again.

BTW, I made the decision to quit on 2/17/2014. I dipped a can of Skoal a day for 33 years! So, I know what you are going thru.

I quit with you today!


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Re: Today I choose to quit
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2017, 05:38:00 AM »
I messed up yesterday. It was day 2 and I broke down and had a dip. I feel terrible about it. Like I am a slave to this. So, today I will start anew and go change my roll call status to day 1. I have had my share of withdrawal situations in the past but that's a different story. I let myself down and everyone around me down. Really need help to do this. I have to find a replacement like gum or something.
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Offline Frobozz

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Re: Today I choose to quit
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2017, 03:31:00 AM »
Quote from: AceBoogie
Quote from: 686Matt
Quote from: nyyankee23
Anyone else get nausea during first day or two?
I'm on day 5. I my stomach was messed up For days 2 through 4. Today seems normal so far.
I had some wicked stomach issues in the first week or so. Keep in mind, your body is trying to rewire itself so the first few days are the gnarliest. You will be moody, you will be hungry, and you may even be concerned why you have the shits or haven't had to shit all day. Its part of the process. I had nausea when I was in the fog. There were times where I would feel sick to my stomach, or would just feel like utter shit. Just push through it. If you need to bitch, bitch to us, don't rip loved ones a new one for little things. Rant to us, we have been there.

If it makes you feel better, when I was going through my quit early on and was in the fog, I had to spend $200 on a new printer in the office because I couldn't load the paper the correct way and I threw the printer on the ground. Bashed that bitch to pieces. Even though I was pissed I had to spend my money on a new one I would not go back and change that because damn! it was so satisfying.
I can empathize! ;o) I'm very glad I live alone; if someone had gotten on my bad side during my 72 hours of physical withdrawal, I would be in jail now.

NYYankee23, I assure you, it DOES get easier. The withdrawal goes away. Now it's time to focus on putting together a new life without any nicotine. Yes, you CAN do this.

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Re: Today I choose to quit
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2017, 01:48:00 PM »
Quote from: 686Matt
Quote from: nyyankee23
Anyone else get nausea during first day or two?
I'm on day 5. I my stomach was messed up For days 2 through 4. Today seems normal so far.
I had some wicked stomach issues in the first week or so. Keep in mind, your body is trying to rewire itself so the first few days are the gnarliest. You will be moody, you will be hungry, and you may even be concerned why you have the shits or haven't had to shit all day. Its part of the process. I had nausea when I was in the fog. There were times where I would feel sick to my stomach, or would just feel like utter shit. Just push through it. If you need to bitch, bitch to us, don't rip loved ones a new one for little things. Rant to us, we have been there.

If it makes you feel better, when I was going through my quit early on and was in the fog, I had to spend $200 on a new printer in the office because I couldn't load the paper the correct way and I threw the printer on the ground. Bashed that bitch to pieces. Even though I was pissed I had to spend my money on a new one I would not go back and change that because damn! it was so satisfying.

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Re: Today I choose to quit
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2017, 06:07:00 AM »
Quote from: nyyankee23
Anyone else get nausea during first day or two?
I'm on day 5. I my stomach was messed up For days 2 through 4. Today seems normal so far.

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Re: Today I choose to quit
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2017, 05:55:00 AM »
Anyone else get nausea during first day or two?
"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."

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Re: Today I choose to quit
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2017, 01:56:00 PM »
Quote from: outd00rs
NYYankee23 - Welcome to the site you obviously found us for a reason.

Sounds like you've been looking around a bit which is always encouraged. Keep doing it so you can become familiar with how this addiction has impacted others and how they are coping with it using the tools that you'll be equipped with here.

Your story sounds similar to mine from an age and use perspective. All of our stories have lots of similarities. I didn't/don't have the dental issues that you are having but rest assured there are others here that will reach out to you and can give you some insight.

You've taken the first step by posting in the Intros but posting here is to say hello and let everyone else know you're starting your quit. To really get the support of all the quitters you need to post roll:

April Quit Group

This is your commitment not to use nicotine each and every day. Do it first thing in the morning. Your quit group and you will support one another as you go through the peaks and valleys associated with this journey.

Post each and every day then come back here and you'll have more support than you can imagine.

Get in there with April, lots of folks are new quitters there and they can help you get this done.


^^ that is some solid advice

Keep it simple, post roll, read up and get active on KTC.

A good quitter and friend of mine BJ said, "you cannot fix the past, forgive yourself and move forward"

The first couple trips to the dentist can be tough but you will get through it.
ID Spuds

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Re: Today I choose to quit
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2017, 08:52:00 AM »
NYYankee23 - Welcome to the site you obviously found us for a reason.

Sounds like you've been looking around a bit which is always encouraged. Keep doing it so you can become familiar with how this addiction has impacted others and how they are coping with it using the tools that you'll be equipped with here.

Your story sounds similar to mine from an age and use perspective. All of our stories have lots of similarities. I didn't/don't have the dental issues that you are having but rest assured there are others here that will reach out to you and can give you some insight.

You've taken the first step by posting in the Intros but posting here is to say hello and let everyone else know you're starting your quit. To really get the support of all the quitters you need to post roll:

April Quit Group

This is your commitment not to use nicotine each and every day. Do it first thing in the morning. Your quit group and you will support one another as you go through the peaks and valleys associated with this journey.

Post each and every day then come back here and you'll have more support than you can imagine.

Get in there with April, lots of folks are new quitters there and they can help you get this done.


Offline nyyankee23

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Today I choose to quit
« on: January 06, 2017, 08:28:00 AM »

I choose today to quit. I woke up this morning and put a dip in just like every morning for the past 21 years. As soon as I did it finally clicked in my head that I don't need to quit, I HAVE to quit for me and my family. I am 42 years old and have been dipping a can a day for 21+ years. I had my first taste of tobacco when I was 14 and I snuck a bag of chew from my old man. Needless to say I liked it but only did it off and on for the next few years. I then started smoking cigs and other stuff for a couple of years. I started dipping to quit smoking and by golly it worked! Never realized at that time that I would be hooked for the next 20 years. I started dipping Skoal straight and then various other flavors. Then Redseal came out and I have been dipping that ever since it hit the shelves. There have been many times where I "quit", but only lasted a few days. Actually made it almost a month once. Now I see that I have been just destroying my body with this stuff. I don't blame the tobacco companies or anyone else. I chose to do it of my own accord. No one made me do it. All I have to show for this is a pile of wasted money and a mouth full of rotten teeth. It has got to the point that I am finally scared that it may be too late. That the damage is done. But even so I choose today to quit! I have an appointment with the dentist to see about getting dentures. Never thought I would be needing them at age 42. I just hope that cancer is not present and my mouth can be salvaged.

I have read many of the post and stories and commend you all. I hope I can be a member of the quitters club. Also, I haven't seen post that other members are dealing with tooth loss. If you are out there and can reply about your tooth problems to let me know I am not alone I would greatly appreciate it.
"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."

Thomas Jefferson