Author Topic: New Quit  (Read 2769 times)

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Offline jhodge

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Re: New Quit
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2013, 04:38:00 PM »
Quote from: Sage
Hi, I have chewed for 24 years. I started very occasionally in high school when my boyfriend would offer some...I wanted to be cool. Oh yeh, I am a girl. Then when I was in College, I met my husband and he chewed. I remember the day that a test was coming up and I thought "why do I have to wait for my boyfriend to be around? why don't I just get my own can?" Dumbest thing I ever did, and, oh, yah, I was in Nursing School.

I have stopped for a few years a few times. It is really hard because my husband and I usually stop together and then when one of us fails we both end up failing. This time I am going to stop no matter what he does.

I have been with my husband for 24 years and married 21 years. We have two beautiful boys who are 10yr and 13yr. It breaks my heart that I have chewed in front of them. I am so tired of the guilt and the boys bugging me to stop. Also, because I am a girl, it is a deep dark secret that I hide and only do hidden in my room.

Just so you know, I am not some backwoods redneck girl. Not that that is a problem because I am a Alaska Girl. I am a 4 yr college educated, middle class, PTA, Registered Nurse, normal women. I am deeply ashamed of my habit and I have never met another girl like me that chews.

I live in Southeast Alaska and am use to down to earth, hard talking, hard working and hard playing men, so no need don't curb the language you use with me. I am use to it.

I did see a message by a girl named Nikki who talked about women quitting on this site and that is what made me join.

My real name isn't Sage, but the name Sage means smart and clear thinker. So it is a name I am aspiring to.

I am on Day 2 and it really sucks. I am thinking about chewing constantly. My husband is so grumpy, that sometimes I want to stuff a chew in his mouth just to shut him up....Oh maybe I am a little grumpy too. :)

Thank you for letting me be part of the group.
Welcome. It is a hard thing doing a double quit. When I signed up my girlfriend and I both talked about quitting together(she smokes). I joined this site and have now made 37 days quit. She did not join the site, or anything like it and has since caved after like day 6. It was tough watching her cave, but now she's not allowed to smoke anywhere near me or the little guy so i'm hoping the freezing cold helps motivate her. This site has provided so much motivation and because of it my quit was able to survive. Soon enough I will get her to join me again, but it was vital for me to remember this is MY quit, my battle and my addiction.
Let me know if I can help

Quit: 11/27/2012
HOF 03/06/2013

Offline Tazbutane

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Re: New Quit
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2013, 04:24:00 PM »
Quote from: Sage
Hi, I have chewed for 24 years. I started very occasionally in high school when my boyfriend would offer some...I wanted to be cool. Oh yeh, I am a girl. Then when I was in College, I met my husband and he chewed. I remember the day that a test was coming up and I thought "why do I have to wait for my boyfriend to be around? why don't I just get my own can?" Dumbest thing I ever did, and, oh, yah, I was in Nursing School.

I have stopped for a few years a few times. It is really hard because my husband and I usually stop together and then when one of us fails we both end up failing. This time I am going to stop no matter what he does.

I have been with my husband for 24 years and married 21 years. We have two beautiful boys who are 10yr and 13yr. It breaks my heart that I have chewed in front of them. I am so tired of the guilt and the boys bugging me to stop. Also, because I am a girl, it is a deep dark secret that I hide and only do hidden in my room.

Just so you know, I am not some backwoods redneck girl. Not that that is a problem because I am a Alaska Girl. I am a 4 yr college educated, middle class, PTA, Registered Nurse, normal women. I am deeply ashamed of my habit and I have never met another girl like me that chews.

I live in Southeast Alaska and am use to down to earth, hard talking, hard working and hard playing men, so no need don't curb the language you use with me. I am use to it.

I did see a message by a girl named Nikki who talked about women quitting on this site and that is what made me join.

My real name isn't Sage, but the name Sage means smart and clear thinker. So it is a name I am aspiring to.

I am on Day 2 and it really sucks. I am thinking about chewing constantly. My husband is so grumpy, that sometimes I want to stuff a chew in his mouth just to shut him up....Oh maybe I am a little grumpy too. :)

Thank you for letting me be part of the group.
Welcome to KTC Sage, Have you thought about bringing your husband in here with you???

If you have stopped before, you should know the first couple of days are the roughest, drink lots of water and exercise. bring your rage in here, if two of you are going through withdrawals together.... better lock the sharp objects up!

There is a link on the upper left 'welcome center' that has a lot of great reading material. Even if the hubby won't join, that information is still good. upper right is a link to 'live chat' good place to meet others and 'talk' or rage or whatever you need.

Get some numbers so you always have someone to text or talk to. PM me if you want I will share mine.

Take it day by day. Quitting nicotine is the best decision anyone can make.
March 2013 - Mad Men of Quit        
Quit date: 11/22/12          
Sobriety Date: 4/10/2006         
HOF Date 03/02/2013         
Semper Fidelis

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Re: New Quit
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2013, 04:22:00 PM »
Sage -

Congrats on a great choice! Click on the Welcome Center link above and read all you can. Post roll every day and keep your word. You can do this!

"One day at a time" is your new mentality. You can't change the past. What's done is forget about it. Nobody knows the future. So, forget about tomorrow, next week, next year, etc. We'll deal with them when they get here. All you need to do is to focus on today. Nothing is more important that today...right now. And anybody can quit for one little day, right? ...even a girl. :lol: (Just kidding) It doesn't matter what the future holds...the important thing is that you are living nic free today!!!

So, post roll, read everything you can on this site. The "Tom and Jenny Kern Story" was particularly influential for me. Also, plan what you're going to do now to deal with cravings in the future...seeds, mints, exercise, push-ups, hugging your kids, etc. Deciding now what you will do when the craves get bad takes one more thing off your plate.

And lastly...Embrace the Suck. You dipped for longer than a few's gonna take more than a few days to get your life back. Every minute of suffering is the feeling of you earing your freedom. The Suck is a privilege reserved to bad-ass quitters. You CAN do this.

Stay strong, stay quit, sister!

Offline fmpro

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Re: New Quit
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2013, 04:12:00 PM »
Welcome Sage. I'm in the April quite group too. I'm on day 3 and it SUCKS. I can't imagine trying to quit with a spouse! Things between my wife and I are already so strained since I've been an ass, I can't imagine how explosive things would be if she were kicking nicotine too. Having said that, she's been a huge support for me. I have a safe word with her that I tell her when I feel an argument brewing and we just part ways for a bit. I feel like I'm almost itching to get in an fight with her sometimes....Don't quite know why, but it isn't fair.

Congratulations on your decision to quit!


Offline grovermuldoon

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Re: New Quit
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2013, 02:34:00 PM »
Quote from: Sage
Hi, I have chewed for 24 years. I started very occasionally in high school when my boyfriend would offer some...I wanted to be cool. Oh yeh, I am a girl. Then when I was in College, I met my husband and he chewed. I remember the day that a test was coming up and I thought "why do I have to wait for my boyfriend to be around? why don't I just get my own can?" Dumbest thing I ever did, and, oh, yah, I was in Nursing School.

I have stopped for a few years a few times. It is really hard because my husband and I usually stop together and then when one of us fails we both end up failing. This time I am going to stop no matter what he does.

I have been with my husband for 24 years and married 21 years. We have two beautiful boys who are 10yr and 13yr. It breaks my heart that I have chewed in front of them. I am so tired of the guilt and the boys bugging me to stop. Also, because I am a girl, it is a deep dark secret that I hide and only do hidden in my room.

Just so you know, I am not some backwoods redneck girl. Not that that is a problem because I am a Alaska Girl. I am a 4 yr college educated, middle class, PTA, Registered Nurse, normal women. I am deeply ashamed of my habit and I have never met another girl like me that chews.

I live in Southeast Alaska and am use to down to earth, hard talking, hard working and hard playing men, so no need don't curb the language you use with me. I am use to it.

I did see a message by a girl named Nikki who talked about women quitting on this site and that is what made me join.

My real name isn't Sage, but the name Sage means smart and clear thinker. So it is a name I am aspiring to.

I am on Day 2 and it really sucks. I am thinking about chewing constantly. My husband is so grumpy, that sometimes I want to stuff a chew in his mouth just to shut him up....Oh maybe I am a little grumpy too. :)

Thank you for letting me be part of the group.
Best decision you have ever made in your life. Easily. I have a wife I adore, and two kids i love dearly as well. None of them have have a clue that I dip. They call it ninja dipping on this site. I am guilty of it. You may feel different as a woman, and i understand that. But you are human, like all of us that CHOSE to dip and then later CHOSE to quit. I chose to quit for me 20 days ago and no one else. My wife and kids don't even know that I quit.

Welcome to the club of the fucking ashamed. I can beat your shame. I'm a lawyer in NYC - lived here for 20 years. NO ONE dips in NYC - it's for white trash right? Bullshit. It's an addiction like any other. Nic doesn't care who you are or what you are. It fucking owns you. Don't let it own you anymore.

You want more shame? I saw a shrink for the last five years, and NEVER told him that I dipped because I was so ashamed. We are all the same....and all just as dumb until the day we decided to post roll. More shame? Most of my dipping was done while sitting on the toilet while hiding from my wife and children. Thousands of hours wasted on a cunt named skoal.

I repeat this to someone almost every day - but this site is saving my life one day at a time. I hope that I can help you save your life too.

Welcome aboard Sage - I quit with you today.


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Re: New Quit
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2013, 02:24:00 PM »
Welcome Sage. The best way to quit, is to quit for yourself. Make your quit a personal choice. Choose to be free. Embrace the first few days and never forget what it took to break free from the nic bitch. You can do it. Go to the welcome center and read up on everything about this site. Post roll every day, early. Its your pledge to stay quit, one day at a time.

Your quit group will be April 2013. Hang tough it gets easier with each passing day.
Enough is enough. Time to take control back from the nic bitch. My HOF speechGR8WHITEBUFFALO

Offline SirDerek

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Re: New Quit
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2013, 02:19:00 PM »
Quote from: Sage
Hi, I have chewed for 24 years. I started very occasionally in high school when my boyfriend would offer some...I wanted to be cool. Oh yeh, I am a girl. Then when I was in College, I met my husband and he chewed. I remember the day that a test was coming up and I thought "why do I have to wait for my boyfriend to be around? why don't I just get my own can?" Dumbest thing I ever did, and, oh, yah, I was in Nursing School.

I have stopped for a few years a few times. It is really hard because my husband and I usually stop together and then when one of us fails we both end up failing. This time I am going to stop no matter what he does.

I have been with my husband for 24 years and married 21 years. We have two beautiful boys who are 10yr and 13yr. It breaks my heart that I have chewed in front of them. I am so tired of the guilt and the boys bugging me to stop. Also, because I am a girl, it is a deep dark secret that I hide and only do hidden in my room.

Just so you know, I am not some backwoods redneck girl. Not that that is a problem because I am a Alaska Girl. I am a 4 yr college educated, middle class, PTA, Registered Nurse, normal women. I am deeply ashamed of my habit and I have never met another girl like me that chews.

I live in Southeast Alaska and am use to down to earth, hard talking, hard working and hard playing men, so no need don't curb the language you use with me. I am use to it.

I did see a message by a girl named Nikki who talked about women quitting on this site and that is what made me join.

My real name isn't Sage, but the name Sage means smart and clear thinker. So it is a name I am aspiring to.

I am on Day 2 and it really sucks. I am thinking about chewing constantly. My husband is so grumpy, that sometimes I want to stuff a chew in his mouth just to shut him up....Oh maybe I am a little grumpy too. :)

Thank you for letting me be part of the group.
Welcome Sage it is great to have you here. In the madmen and madwomen of Oct12 we had 2 monster women quitters (2mch2lv4 and DivineDichotomy) so yes, we know you all are out there and get ready as the nicotene bitch on withdrawal will play with your mind more than any man can.

Be as strong as any of us and be quit. My word to quit is here for you, so make yours as well and then hold to it. Every Day.

Offline Sage

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New Quit
« on: January 02, 2013, 01:53:00 PM »
Hi, I have chewed for 24 years. I started very occasionally in high school when my boyfriend would offer some...I wanted to be cool. Oh yeh, I am a girl. Then when I was in College, I met my husband and he chewed. I remember the day that a test was coming up and I thought "why do I have to wait for my boyfriend to be around? why don't I just get my own can?" Dumbest thing I ever did, and, oh, yah, I was in Nursing School.

I have stopped for a few years a few times. It is really hard because my husband and I usually stop together and then when one of us fails we both end up failing. This time I am going to stop no matter what he does.

I have been with my husband for 24 years and married 21 years. We have two beautiful boys who are 10yr and 13yr. It breaks my heart that I have chewed in front of them. I am so tired of the guilt and the boys bugging me to stop. Also, because I am a girl, it is a deep dark secret that I hide and only do hidden in my room.

Just so you know, I am not some backwoods redneck girl. Not that that is a problem because I am a Alaska Girl. I am a 4 yr college educated, middle class, PTA, Registered Nurse, normal women. I am deeply ashamed of my habit and I have never met another girl like me that chews.

I live in Southeast Alaska and am use to down to earth, hard talking, hard working and hard playing men, so no need don't curb the language you use with me. I am use to it.

I did see a message by a girl named Nikki who talked about women quitting on this site and that is what made me join.

My real name isn't Sage, but the name Sage means smart and clear thinker. So it is a name I am aspiring to.

I am on Day 2 and it really sucks. I am thinking about chewing constantly. My husband is so grumpy, that sometimes I want to stuff a chew in his mouth just to shut him up....Oh maybe I am a little grumpy too. :)

Thank you for letting me be part of the group.