Author Topic: Iza's last day one...  (Read 2447 times)

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Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #18 on: July 19, 2012, 06:46:00 AM »
Quote from: Izanami
Oh yeah, before i go I would like to tell you about this wonderful herb called lobelia. It has virtually no special properties, really except that on a chemical level it binds to the nicotine receptors in the body. It is a non-addictive substitute, and can be smoked or made into tea. I know most of you chew, but lobelia tea could be part of your quit if you wish to banish those horrible withdrawl symptoms. I had none of those, and I owe it all to the lobelia.

Take care with it though, it's very much like tobacco in the sense that if you smoke too much it will make you nausious and dizzy. I don't know if its tea form has the same effect, but you could make like an ounce or two of the tea and mix it in juice or something. Just a suggestion.

After awhile of using the lobelia I just stopped feeling the need to smoke, so that's why I suggest this. I wouldn't use it long term; there's no negative side effects from it that have been discovered, but too much of anything isn't good. Apparently overseas they use lobelia as a nicotine substitute quite often. But no one has developed cancer from it, so it's safe enough.

Just wanted to help out before I left for good. Hope this knowledge helps someone.
Someone ban this bitch so that she can't come back please. I just wasted 30 seconds of my life reading a bunch of horse shit.

She's said she won't be back, let's force her to keep her word for a change. Otherwise she'll stress out in about 5 hours, break her word to be here seeing our responses.

Oh she can stick her labia suggestion up her ass too. I prefer to use areola to fight symptoms of quitting nicotine.

I can say what I want now because she forgave me.

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Offline Izanami

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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #17 on: July 19, 2012, 04:16:00 AM »
Oh yeah, before i go I would like to tell you about this wonderful herb called lobelia. It has virtually no special properties, really except that on a chemical level it binds to the nicotine receptors in the body. It is a non-addictive substitute, and can be smoked or made into tea. I know most of you chew, but lobelia tea could be part of your quit if you wish to banish those horrible withdrawl symptoms. I had none of those, and I owe it all to the lobelia.

Take care with it though, it's very much like tobacco in the sense that if you smoke too much it will make you nausious and dizzy. I don't know if its tea form has the same effect, but you could make like an ounce or two of the tea and mix it in juice or something. Just a suggestion.

After awhile of using the lobelia I just stopped feeling the need to smoke, so that's why I suggest this. I wouldn't use it long term; there's no negative side effects from it that have been discovered, but too much of anything isn't good. Apparently overseas they use lobelia as a nicotine substitute quite often. But no one has developed cancer from it, so it's safe enough.

Just wanted to help out before I left for good. Hope this knowledge helps someone.

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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2012, 04:00:00 AM »
Update for those of you that have continued your time with KTC that remember me from months ago. It has been awhile, and much has changed.

First off, I am now a non smoker. I have no idea how long it has been since I quit smoking nicotine, but I stopped smoking my substitution blend over two weeks ago. And I quit no thanks to any of you who decided that one relapse was apparently unforgivable.

Second, I would like my name to be cleared of this "trolling" crap. I have never and will never troll a site. I came here months ago because I wanted the support of others. I relapsed one day, and everyone jumped all over me like I was some kind of monster that killed puppy dogs. All that kindness people had shown me vanished instantly because I made a simple mistake. A mistake no doubt the rest of you have made at some point in your lives as well, in your battle with nicotine. Shame on all of you. I hope that you have found a bit more compassion for others after that, because not everyone has the fortitude of character that I do. I know many of you do, but think of those that are not as strong; is it really more important to drive them away or to actually try to help them?

Lastly, I still forgive you all. There were a few of you that did not try to rip me a new one, and for those precious few I apologize for not sticking it out with this site. However, I have found that the negative reinforcement that this site provides as well as the constant update of remembering how many days exactly it has been to be very damaging to my quit. Negative reinforcement, the cajoling and name calling, only served to stress me out more than the withdrawl itself; and I smoked when I was stressed. Remembering how many days since I had a dose I found restricting, because it was like having a daily reminder that I was once a smoker... which caused instant cravings. I no longer have that now. It's actually very liberating.

It's nice to be at my parents' house and stand outside while they smoke and not feel the need to light up. It's even nicer to not feel the need to follow them. I still have trouble managing stress, but that is altogether another story. It hasn't been that long, I'm sure I'll figure out the right way to react to stress eventually.

I have no intention of coming back for good; I just wanted to make an update. I promised myself after a long cry from being bashed for hours that fateful day that when I had become a non-smoker I would come back and let you know about it. Well, now I have. And after this I never have to remember being a smoker again. This was my last real link to that. After today, I can let the memory fade into the background like when I wore diapers or the time before I started wearing a bra. Sure, I will never be able to deny that it happened; I'll have some vague recollection of it. But unlike most of you, I choose to be free of its haunting memory. Have fun continuing to count the days. I'll be living my life, thanks.

Iza 'Finger'

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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #15 on: April 23, 2012, 09:01:00 AM »
Quote from: Syndrome
Quote from: Izanami
So today I'm going to exercise a bit and firm my resolve. I want that choice, I'll have to work for it. But it's mine all the same.
you wanna firm up your resolve? go over here and reed bout randy. you disside if you wanna be a quiterer or randy. there is no choise.
I just read about Randy. Increased my hatred for all things tobacco by approximately 700%. Damn.

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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2012, 06:53:00 AM »
Quote from: Izanami
So today I'm going to exercise a bit and firm my resolve. I want that choice, I'll have to work for it. But it's mine all the same.
you wanna firm up your resolve? go over here and reed bout randy. you disside if you wanna be a quiterer or randy. there is no choise.

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2012, 07:24:00 PM »
SIGH, I quit every morning for the last 18 days.  It has been real fucking hard sure everywhere there are triggers, craving was nonstop for several days, I was one mean SOB and came here to vent.  But one thing I can say I sure as hell didn't cave for some dumb ass reason. A promise is a promise. and a quit is a quit!! I do both every morning.
Now that is a real Quitter and my KTC brother!!!!

I count on you and you can count on me to quit, keep my promise and repeat daily. We stay strong because we follow the plan and keep our word. All you new quitters, don't think this is a country club and "Sorry" wont feed the bulldogs.

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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2012, 06:38:00 PM »
Sigh. Fell off the horse once my fiance got home.
Lubricant is required. Otherwise my ass gets sore.

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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2012, 03:41:00 PM »
5 hours...really? Come back when you commit to quitting.

Offline whitey324

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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2012, 03:30:00 PM »
A whole 5 hours? Strong work! I've had gas thats lasted longer than 5 hours. Glad to see that you at least had the guts to post your mistake. You can only imagine what I have gone through the past 10 days so I absolutely have no sympathy for 5 hours. Hope it works out for you this time. From reading your post, the odds are stacked against you with your SO still smoking. Against all odds. PM if you need anything.

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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2012, 02:59:00 PM »
Quote from: Steve1357
Quote from: Izanami
Sigh. Fell off the horse once my fiance got home. I did really well for 5 hours, but it's hard when you woke up a smoker to change midday. So many unexpected things happened, too, which exposed me to second hand smoke and I fought past it for awhile. It's hard quitting when the rest of those around you keep on like nothing happened.

But I woke up today to a fresh start, a brand new quit and greater resolve to make it through the first day- I'll worry about tomorrow when it's today. Five hours was a good run, but today I'll do so much better. I've already gone 12 hours without a fix, and I'm feeling pretty good.

Because my SO still smokes (I think he might quit once I've finished my craziness) there's still supplies to roll the cigarettes at my disposal. I feel knowing it is there and choosing against it helps my strength. So long as it's just me around, I don't really think about it yet. I dunno, it's a repeat of day 1 so maybe it doesn't. But I always admired this guy I knew- he was a trucker, smoked all the time and one day his lighter went out. He kept his smokes in the same place as always, even put one in his mouth every once in awhile, but never bought another lighter. That's how he quit. Like trying to quit sweets working in a cake shop.

Thanks you guys for your comments, I feel really welcome here. But I feel terrible for giving in yesterday. My heart wasn't too happy with me, either. So today I'm going to exercise a bit and firm my resolve. I want that choice, I'll have to work for it. But it's mine all the same.
If you are looking for someone to pat you on your ass and tell you great job for making it 5 hours, you have came to the wrong place.

Did you post roll yesterday?

Do you understand what roll call is?

It is a promise that you will not use nicotine for the day. You lied to us. Why should we believe you today?

There is no excuse for caving, do something else. Use the tools here exchange numbers with other quitters, jump on live chat, or read some hall of fame speechs.

This is not a game. There is no 30 day trial period. This is life or death. Don't put your name on roll call unless you are willing to do anything and everything to keep your word. If you are not willing to make that commitment, then I do not think this site is for you.

I posted roll call today and I will not use nicotine today. What will you do?
Everyone here went thru what you're currently going thru. The difference is we did what was needed to remain quit that day. Staying quit 5 hours means shit to me, make it 24 hours and we'll talk.

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is bad enough to cave. Do something else, fap, read, exercise, go call a loved one, get on chat here, whatever just stay quit. You need to learn somethin real quick, we don't fuck around, we don't use nic of any kind and we damn sure don't post roll then cave in the same day.

It's not all fire and brimstone, we are here to help, but we need to know you're committed first. Reach out, exchange numbers with other people so you can call or text them when you need support. Also, I'd remove all cigs from your site, you're an addict and the nicbitch is a very sneaky creature. I promise as long as its "at your disposal" you will not stay quit. I'm not sayin move or whatever, just ask him/her to respect your decision to quit and do this one small favor for you..

Pm if you want my number or if you need anything

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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2012, 02:58:00 PM »
Quote from: Steve1357
Quote from: Izanami
Sigh. Fell off the horse once my fiance got home. I did really well for 5 hours, but it's hard when you woke up a smoker to change midday. So many unexpected things happened, too, which exposed me to second hand smoke and I fought past it for awhile. It's hard quitting when the rest of those around you keep on like nothing happened.

But I woke up today to a fresh start, a brand new quit and greater resolve to make it through the first day- I'll worry about tomorrow when it's today. Five hours was a good run, but today I'll do so much better. I've already gone 12 hours without a fix, and I'm feeling pretty good.

Because my SO still smokes (I think he might quit once I've finished my craziness) there's still supplies to roll the cigarettes at my disposal. I feel knowing it is there and choosing against it helps my strength. So long as it's just me around, I don't really think about it yet. I dunno, it's a repeat of day 1 so maybe it doesn't. But I always admired this guy I knew- he was a trucker, smoked all the time and one day his lighter went out. He kept his smokes in the same place as always, even put one in his mouth every once in awhile, but never bought another lighter. That's how he quit. Like trying to quit sweets working in a cake shop.

Thanks you guys for your comments, I feel really welcome here. But I feel terrible for giving in yesterday. My heart wasn't too happy with me, either. So today I'm going to exercise a bit and firm my resolve. I want that choice, I'll have to work for it. But it's mine all the same.
If you are looking for someone to pat you on your ass and tell you great job for making it 5 hours, you have came to the wrong place.

Did you post roll yesterday?

Do you understand what roll call is?

It is a promise that you will not use nicotine for the day. You lied to us. Why should we believe you today?

There is no excuse for caving, do something else. Use the tools here exchange numbers with other quitters, jump on live chat, or read some hall of fame speechs.

This is not a game. There is no 30 day trial period. This is life or death. Don't put your name on roll call unless you are willing to do anything and everything to keep your word. If you are not willing to make that commitment, then I do not think this site is for you.

I posted roll call today and I will not use nicotine today. What will you do?
I agree with Steve. That's freaking lame. Five lousy hours, then whoops?

That's not going to cut it at this site, sister. Either resolve to quit, put down your word, and don't break it, or go smoke your ass off and enjoy. And trust me, us folks on here have just as many excuses, distractions, and second-hand smoke flying around our heads as well (at least at work). Remove that shit from your life. Tell your fiancee he's going to be your EX if he lights up around you while you're trying to quit.

The power is yours. Stay strong.

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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2012, 02:55:00 PM »
Quote from: Steve1357
Quote from: Izanami
Sigh. Fell off the horse once my fiance got home. I did really well for 5 hours, but it's hard when you woke up a smoker to change midday. So many unexpected things happened, too, which exposed me to second hand smoke and I fought past it for awhile. It's hard quitting when the rest of those around you keep on like nothing happened.

But I woke up today to a fresh start, a brand new quit and greater resolve to make it through the first day- I'll worry about tomorrow when it's today. Five hours was a good run, but today I'll do so much better. I've already gone 12 hours without a fix, and I'm feeling pretty good.

Because my SO still smokes (I think he might quit once I've finished my craziness) there's still supplies to roll the cigarettes at my disposal. I feel knowing it is there and choosing against it helps my strength. So long as it's just me around, I don't really think about it yet. I dunno, it's a repeat of day 1 so maybe it doesn't. But I always admired this guy I knew- he was a trucker, smoked all the time and one day his lighter went out. He kept his smokes in the same place as always, even put one in his mouth every once in awhile, but never bought another lighter. That's how he quit. Like trying to quit sweets working in a cake shop.

Thanks you guys for your comments, I feel really welcome here. But I feel terrible for giving in yesterday. My heart wasn't too happy with me, either. So today I'm going to exercise a bit and firm my resolve. I want that choice, I'll have to work for it. But it's mine all the same.
If you are looking for someone to pat you on your ass and tell you great job for making it 5 hours, you have came to the wrong place.

Did you post roll yesterday?

Do you understand what roll call is?

It is a promise that you will not use nicotine for the day. You lied to us. Why should we believe you today?

There is no excuse for caving, do something else. Use the tools here exchange numbers with other quitters, jump on live chat, or read some hall of fame speechs.

This is not a game. There is no 30 day trial period. This is life or death. Don't put your name on roll call unless you are willing to do anything and everything to keep your word. If you are not willing to make that commitment, then I do not think this site is for you.

I posted roll call today and I will not use nicotine today. What will you do?
SIGH, I quit every morning for the last 18 days. It has been real fucking hard sure everywhere there are triggers, craving was nonstop for several days, I was one mean SOB and came here to vent. But one thing I can say I sure as hell didnt cave for some dumb ass reason. A promise is a promise. and a quit is a quit!! I do both every morning.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2012, 02:39:00 PM »
Quote from: Izanami
Sigh. Fell off the horse once my fiance got home. I did really well for 5 hours, but it's hard when you woke up a smoker to change midday. So many unexpected things happened, too, which exposed me to second hand smoke and I fought past it for awhile. It's hard quitting when the rest of those around you keep on like nothing happened.

But I woke up today to a fresh start, a brand new quit and greater resolve to make it through the first day- I'll worry about tomorrow when it's today. Five hours was a good run, but today I'll do so much better. I've already gone 12 hours without a fix, and I'm feeling pretty good.

Because my SO still smokes (I think he might quit once I've finished my craziness) there's still supplies to roll the cigarettes at my disposal. I feel knowing it is there and choosing against it helps my strength. So long as it's just me around, I don't really think about it yet. I dunno, it's a repeat of day 1 so maybe it doesn't. But I always admired this guy I knew- he was a trucker, smoked all the time and one day his lighter went out. He kept his smokes in the same place as always, even put one in his mouth every once in awhile, but never bought another lighter. That's how he quit. Like trying to quit sweets working in a cake shop.

Thanks you guys for your comments, I feel really welcome here. But I feel terrible for giving in yesterday. My heart wasn't too happy with me, either. So today I'm going to exercise a bit and firm my resolve. I want that choice, I'll have to work for it. But it's mine all the same.
If you are looking for someone to pat you on your ass and tell you great job for making it 5 hours, you have came to the wrong place.

Did you post roll yesterday?

Do you understand what roll call is?

It is a promise that you will not use nicotine for the day. You lied to us. Why should we believe you today?

There is no excuse for caving, do something else. Use the tools here exchange numbers with other quitters, jump on live chat, or read some hall of fame speechs.

This is not a game. There is no 30 day trial period. This is life or death. Don't put your name on roll call unless you are willing to do anything and everything to keep your word. If you are not willing to make that commitment, then I do not think this site is for you.

I posted roll call today and I will not use nicotine today. What will you do?

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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2012, 02:00:00 PM »
Sigh. Fell off the horse once my fiance got home. I did really well for 5 hours, but it's hard when you woke up a smoker to change midday. So many unexpected things happened, too, which exposed me to second hand smoke and I fought past it for awhile. It's hard quitting when the rest of those around you keep on like nothing happened.

But I woke up today to a fresh start, a brand new quit and greater resolve to make it through the first day- I'll worry about tomorrow when it's today. Five hours was a good run, but today I'll do so much better. I've already gone 12 hours without a fix, and I'm feeling pretty good.

Because my SO still smokes (I think he might quit once I've finished my craziness) there's still supplies to roll the cigarettes at my disposal. I feel knowing it is there and choosing against it helps my strength. So long as it's just me around, I don't really think about it yet. I dunno, it's a repeat of day 1 so maybe it doesn't. But I always admired this guy I knew- he was a trucker, smoked all the time and one day his lighter went out. He kept his smokes in the same place as always, even put one in his mouth every once in awhile, but never bought another lighter. That's how he quit. Like trying to quit sweets working in a cake shop.

Thanks you guys for your comments, I feel really welcome here. But I feel terrible for giving in yesterday. My heart wasn't too happy with me, either. So today I'm going to exercise a bit and firm my resolve. I want that choice, I'll have to work for it. But it's mine all the same.

Offline JohnK

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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2012, 12:54:00 PM »
Quote from: Izanami
So, I know most of you have no idea who I am, but you know my story. Well, I'm telling you the details of my story, just because. It may help one day, you never know.

First off, my demon of choice was cigarettes, not chew. But it's the same chemical, so it's almost the same.

Second, I am female. Apparently Izanami looks masculine. Oddly enough, the masculine equivalent is Izanagi, so I can understand the confusion. But let the record be straightened from now and forever!

Lastly, the overview of my plight is as follows: Began smoking just before I turned 15, will be 29 in May. My mom, step dad, both sisters and one brother all smoke. One brother got away, lucky bastard. Been trying to quit for about 10 years off and on. Decided today that I just couldn't take it anymore.

It's not the fear of death, though I have heart palpitations indicating time is running short. It's not the money, though my account could use that $200 a month and put it to better uses. It's not because people tell me I should because I always tend to do the opposite of what people tell me I should do.

I'm tired of being a slave. I want my choice. It's mine, and I want it back.

That is all. Hope you enjoyed my rant!

Thats AWESOME its not a hard decision to make but it can be rather hard to stand by. Thats why I'm here, the support I get from the men and women at this site EVERYDAY is what keeps me away from the can and the pouch. We are in the same quit group and I have a couple of numbers I can text when I need to or you'll find me in chat. If you need anything or want a number you can text when you want send me a message. Welcome to the club and stay quit.