Author Topic: The last day of the worm dirt  (Read 2098 times)

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Offline penutbuter

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Re: The last day of the worm dirt
« Reply #12 on: March 20, 2012, 09:51:00 PM »
OK so I have had no Nicotine in my body for over 24 hours. my first "day" is complete and I have done this with no patches or pills. I have done this first day with an amazing amount of support here on KTC and my family. I am very thankful and look forward to posting my name on the the roll first thing in the morning and promising to do it again tomorrow.
"Good .. Bad .. I'm the guy with the gun." -- Bruce Campbell

Offline jonathanrivers

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Re: The last day of the worm dirt
« Reply #11 on: March 20, 2012, 09:40:00 PM »
Quote from: penutbuter
So I have decided to quit, I have prepped my self as much as I can. I have the gum and gummi bears, enough to last a small army the rest of the spring. I have my quitting list posted on my desk at work. I am thinking of all the reasons I should quit and while I am excited to be quit I am completely terrified of tomorrow. I have tried quitting before and it hurt. I am using the patches this time. (if anyone has tried this with the patches, please feel free to drop a line). I am ready to quit and stay quit.
Lose the patches, kick the bitch in the face and you're all in at KTC.

Good to have you, but only pussies use patches. You got this.
Telling that dirty whore to fuck off since 2/21/2012. You can do it too. Just stop being a pussy and do it.

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Offline Leahy16

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Re: The last day of the worm dirt
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2012, 08:23:00 PM »
This is awesome.

What you're doing is absolutely kick ass. We know it hurts but we also know you CAN do this. Minute by minute, hour by hour it gets better and better, and easier and easier.

Drink lots of water. Do push ups. Go for a walk. Anything to stay quit. Read this site.

I'm quit with you brother.
Quit Date Jun 5, 2011; HOF Sep 12, 2011; 1,000 days Feb 28, 2014

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Re: The last day of the worm dirt
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2012, 07:46:00 PM »
Choosing to live one day at a time. That's bad ass man.

I'll quit to that.
Freedom - 8 January 2011
HOF Date - 17 April 2011, 2nd Floor - 26 July 2011, 3rd Floor - 3 November 2011, 4th Floor - 11 February 2012

How bad do you want to quit? - posted by NOLAQ
"I'm an F-18 nic bitch, and I'll destroy you in the air." - The Sheen

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Re: The last day of the worm dirt
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2012, 12:52:00 PM »
Good choice!
Proud to be quit with you today.
Shout if you need anything.
Fish, eat, sleep. Repeat.
quit date 2/10/12
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Offline Scowick65

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Re: The last day of the worm dirt
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2012, 12:04:00 PM »
Quote from: penutbuter
alright so i am making it pretty well this morning .. trying to stay away from triggers and sucking down candy. i have had no nicotine in well over half a day. I am freakin pumped and have great support to make today actually happen.
Way to go. Your life is priority #1. You can do this.

Offline penutbuter

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Re: The last day of the worm dirt
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2012, 12:03:00 PM »
alright so i am making it pretty well this morning .. trying to stay away from triggers and sucking down candy. i have had no nicotine in well over half a day. I am freakin pumped and have great support to make today actually happen.
"Good .. Bad .. I'm the guy with the gun." -- Bruce Campbell

Offline penutbuter

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Re: The last day of the worm dirt
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2012, 09:40:00 AM »
Alrighty, today is day 1. I am going sans patch and so far I am doing ok. trying to keep my mind from wandering back to the subject ya know ..

Thank you for your support
"Good .. Bad .. I'm the guy with the gun." -- Bruce Campbell

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Re: The last day of the worm dirt
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2012, 12:18:00 AM »
Quote from: penutbuter
So I have decided to quit, I have prepped my self as much as I can. I have the gum and gummi bears, enough to last a small army the rest of the spring. I have my quitting list posted on my desk at work. I am thinking of all the reasons I should quit and while I am excited to be quit I am completely terrified of tomorrow. I have tried quitting before and it hurt. I am using the patches this time. (if anyone has tried this with the patches, please feel free to drop a line). I am ready to quit and stay quit.
First of all, you post day 1 not day 0.

Second, you post it in PreHOF June'12, that's your quit group

Third, we quit cold turkey here, drop the patch nancy
Quit date: 11/21/11
HOF date: 2/28/12
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Offline dgonseaux

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Re: The last day of the worm dirt
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2012, 11:28:00 PM »
Quote from: penutbuter
So I have decided to quit, I have prepped my self as much as I can. I have the gum and gummi bears, enough to last a small army the rest of the spring. I have my quitting list posted on my desk at work. I am thinking of all the reasons I should quit and while I am excited to be quit I am completely terrified of tomorrow. I have tried quitting before and it hurt. I am using the patches this time. (if anyone has tried this with the patches, please feel free to drop a line). I am ready to quit and stay quit.
Hey man, I tried quitting too before I found this site. Twice. The first time cold turkey, but didn't mean it. Made it a week and chose to dip with family. Second time, I had the patches. Sure they helped some but I still wanted to die on days 13 and 14 and I caved. Then I found this site. I've been nic free (including patches and gum) for 26 days.

The point is, you go through hell even on the patch. Cold turkey sounds tough but you can do it!

I've been using coffee grounds lately and they have helped a lot.

As you'll read on here, drink the KTC kool aid. It works.

1. Post roll.
2. Keep your word
3. Repeat

It's that simple. Just make the promise every day. PM people for numbers. There's tons of people on here who are glad to help including me.
Nic Quit: February 23rd, 2012
Alchohol Quit: July 27, 2011
KTP Quit: January 5th, 2013

You are more than the choices that you?ve made
You are more than the sum of your past mistakes
You are more than the problems you create
You?ve been remade

-Tenth Avenue North - You Are More

It's worth the pain, God's in the rain. It's not to late to start again, it's worth the pain.
So hold on tonight, there's grace. When you're at wits end, begging for it, He'll take you by the hand. There's grace.

-Disciple - Worth the Pain

Phillipians 4:13

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Re: The last day of the worm dirt
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2012, 11:17:00 PM »
Quote from: penutbuter
So I have decided to quit, I have prepped my self as much as I can. I have the gum and gummi bears, enough to last a small army the rest of the spring. I have my quitting list posted on my desk at work. I am thinking of all the reasons I should quit and while I am excited to be quit I am completely terrified of tomorrow. I have tried quitting before and it hurt. I am using the patches this time. (if anyone has tried this with the patches, please feel free to drop a line). I am ready to quit and stay quit.
I remember the fear that grips you now.

I too thought it would be impossible to quit.

I too found this site and after five minutes knew I was in the right place.

I posted roll giving my word of honor that I would not use NICOTINE in any way, shape or form, for that day.

I kept my word.

That was one thousand five hundred and nine days ago.

If you are a man of your word, You can do this.

P.S. No nicotine allowed.

Offline penutbuter

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The last day of the worm dirt
« on: March 19, 2012, 11:01:00 PM »
So I have decided to quit, I have prepped my self as much as I can. I have the gum and gummi bears, enough to last a small army the rest of the spring. I have my quitting list posted on my desk at work. I am thinking of all the reasons I should quit and while I am excited to be quit I am completely terrified of tomorrow. I have tried quitting before and it hurt. I am using the patches this time. (if anyone has tried this with the patches, please feel free to drop a line). I am ready to quit and stay quit.
"Good .. Bad .. I'm the guy with the gun." -- Bruce Campbell