Author Topic: Leland Intro  (Read 1022 times)

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Re: Leland Intro
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2017, 11:59:00 AM »
Leland, welcome!

I PM'ed you my number - call or text anytime.

I was a slave for 30+ years, and could never go more than 3 days of "quitting" before flipping out and caving - if I can quit, anyone can!

Join a group, post daily and early, reach out to your group members and some who have been quit for a while. There are a lot of eloquent and badass quitters here who can help show you the way.

It's all worthwhile for the freedom you are earning, one day at a time.

Proud Jan. 13 Jackwagin

Quit Date: Sept. 28, 2012

Quitters I have met: ADMann (JW), AirForceAddict, BigBrotherJack, Brettlees, Bronc, ChickDip, Corby, DrStober, EvilWon (JW), GoneCruising, Jbradley (JW), NetGain, Nickald, Remickulous, Sage, Scoot, Sportsfan (JW), Srohde...and always want to meet more.

Endure and Abstain - Epictetus' motto

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Re: Leland Intro
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2017, 11:12:00 AM »
Howdy, Leland. I'm just getting around to welcoming all the newbies since I'm officially one of you now. I just gave up 84 days of quit and I'm not going to do that again. I'm not going to let you either without a fight. And you're not going to let me either. Glad to see you on roll.

On a personal note, I got REALLY, REALLY sad a little while ago when I read your post and it said "just turned 50" and I thought, "wow, that's not much older than me." I'll be 40 this year. Sigh.

I'll PM you my number. Quitting is the most important thing you will do today. Remember that!!

Offline Steakbomb18

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Re: Leland Intro
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2017, 07:15:00 AM »
Leland, welcome. As you mentioned in your intro you are among many who have traveled down that same road. You also mentioned that quitting cold turkey makes sense to you...quitting cold turkey also means, no nicotine. None. The "5-year" dip quit was not a quit at all, matter of fact, it wan't even a stoppage simply replaced dip with cigarettes. Not this time though, when you quit here you quit all nicotine in any way shape or form. Chew, snus, cigarettes, cigars, patches, gum, vape, ...any form of nicotine whatsoever cannot be used. And this is the promise we make with roll. Promise yourself and quit brethren that you will not use nicotine for that day in any way, shape, or form. In turn we will do the same.

Roll call is the key to success. Making this promise every day will begin to help you form bonds with people in your quit group. Accountability grows and with it so does your quit. Let's no go back to where you just came from...110% bad ass quit from here. It all starts with roll.

I quit with you Leland.
Certified Grade A Badass

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Re: Leland Intro
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2017, 11:19:00 PM »
Quote from: Leland
Decided to quit this past memorial day weekend after lurking around this site. Sick of being controlled by a plant in a can. Sick of wanting a chew in my mouth all the time. I am on Day #4 right now. Not one hour has gone by that i don't think about it, that's how sick I am. I notice other people dipping everywhere around me. I was tempted a couple of times today to bum a cigarette. My addiction runs deep. I have been dipping continuously for the last 8 years after quitting for 5. I dipped for at least 25 years before that. The 5 years I quit, I smoked cigarettes. Smoking never made much sense to me compared to chew. I could put a dip in and get busy with my hands and that felt good. I am committed to quitting. I have to do this for myself. I'm tired of stopping at the store and spilling spit all over myself and my truck. Turned 50 a few months ago and it just felt like it was time to quit. I read in some post on this site about quitting the nicotine all together and doing it cold turkey and it made sense to me. It just resonated with my being. It had been on my mind for a few weeks and suddenly, when reading a thread on this forum i summoned the courage to pull the trigger (it happened when i was considering driving at 9pm to a convenience store to get another can of the crap). Thats my intro. Sometimes during the last few days I have felt weak, really week. I take 10 mins and get on this forum and realize that I am not suffering alone. That even though it doesn't seem rewarding right now the reward will be that much sweeter when I make it through.
Good for you Leland! I chewed for 23 years. I stopped a bunch of times but I was never quit. When you know it's time you just know. We've all Been there buddy. The genius of this method is the accountability to your group and making that one simple promise to quit all forms of nicotine for just one day. Then you do it again tomorrow. You can do anything for just one day right?
Welcome to taking your life back from the nic bitch brother. It's not easy but it's so simple.
You got this!

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Re: Leland Intro
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2017, 08:29:00 PM »
Quote from: Leland
Decided to quit this past memorial day weekend after lurking around this site. Sick of being controlled by a plant in a can. Sick of wanting a chew in my mouth all the time. I am on Day #4 right now. Not one hour has gone by that i don't think about it, that's how sick I am. I notice other people dipping everywhere around me. I was tempted a couple of times today to bum a cigarette. My addiction runs deep. I have been dipping continuously for the last 8 years after quitting for 5. I dipped for at least 25 years before that. The 5 years I quit, I smoked cigarettes. Smoking never made much sense to me compared to chew. I could put a dip in and get busy with my hands and that felt good. I am committed to quitting. I have to do this for myself. I'm tired of stopping at the store and spilling spit all over myself and my truck. Turned 50 a few months ago and it just felt like it was time to quit. I read in some post on this site about quitting the nicotine all together and doing it cold turkey and it made sense to me. It just resonated with my being. It had been on my mind for a few weeks and suddenly, when reading a thread on this forum i summoned the courage to pull the trigger (it happened when i was considering driving at 9pm to a convenience store to get another can of the crap). Thats my intro. Sometimes during the last few days I have felt weak, really week. I take 10 mins and get on this forum and realize that I am not suffering alone. That even though it doesn't seem rewarding right now the reward will be that much sweeter when I make it through.
Hey, Leland! You've made the right decision! I started my quit 32 days ago and the support I've gotten from this website has been phenomenal. I will PM my cell phone number (they call them digits around here). Feel free to reach out to me anytime. Also, it really does help to have a group of guys that you can touch base with directly to promise each day that you will stay quit. I would be happy to be part of your group.

Offline Leland

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Leland Intro
« on: June 01, 2017, 07:25:00 PM »
Decided to quit this past memorial day weekend after lurking around this site. Sick of being controlled by a plant in a can. Sick of wanting a chew in my mouth all the time. I am on Day #4 right now. Not one hour has gone by that i don't think about it, that's how sick I am. I notice other people dipping everywhere around me. I was tempted a couple of times today to bum a cigarette. My addiction runs deep. I have been dipping continuously for the last 8 years after quitting for 5. I dipped for at least 25 years before that. The 5 years I quit, I smoked cigarettes. Smoking never made much sense to me compared to chew. I could put a dip in and get busy with my hands and that felt good. I am committed to quitting. I have to do this for myself. I'm tired of stopping at the store and spilling spit all over myself and my truck. Turned 50 a few months ago and it just felt like it was time to quit. I read in some post on this site about quitting the nicotine all together and doing it cold turkey and it made sense to me. It just resonated with my being. It had been on my mind for a few weeks and suddenly, when reading a thread on this forum i summoned the courage to pull the trigger (it happened when i was considering driving at 9pm to a convenience store to get another can of the crap). Thats my intro. Sometimes during the last few days I have felt weak, really week. I take 10 mins and get on this forum and realize that I am not suffering alone. That even though it doesn't seem rewarding right now the reward will be that much sweeter when I make it through.