Author Topic: Quit or Die  (Read 10184 times)

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Offline Scowick65

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2012, 07:55:00 PM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Day 2: was difficult to get through work as images of a tasty dip entered my head every 2 minutes. I actually left work a little early. The fog was so bad I wasnt being productive anyway. Now I have a major headache and am fighting to keep dinner down.
Anything that makes you feel so bad can't be that good for you can it?

The good news. Its gets better and you never have to do this again. I am proud of you man. Pat yourself on the back. You made a great decision to take your freedom back and trust me, this is all worth it. Freedom is just that good.

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2012, 07:52:00 PM »
Day 2: was difficult to get through work as images of a tasty dip entered my head every 2 minutes. I actually left work a little early. The fog was so bad I wasnt being productive anyway. Now I have a major headache and am fighting to keep dinner down.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2012, 05:55:00 PM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
I did post roll and am nic-free for over 24 hours.

Someone will call “bullshit” on my intro, but it is the truth.

I was a professional chef for years. I took up dipping from one of my cooks. Seemed like a good way to chill after a stressful day, and it was. That was in 1996. Sure, I quit a few times, the longest was only for 28 days. As I write this I am on day 2 and physically and emotionally I am all over the place.

My family does not know that I ever used any form of tobacco. ThatÂ’s hard to believe, I know it, but the truth. I was living on my own when I started and never did it in front of anyone. I did it at home after work. Then of course before and after work. Then before work, driving to work, driving home from work, and then at home at night.

When I got married I tried to quit but failed. My wife would never approve if she knew. Luckily (or unluckily now looking at it) my wife works nights and I work days. She works weekends and I work weekdays. There is a lot of time alone and I spent every minute alone with a wad of shit in my mouth. If we would be home together I would sneak a dip in the bathroom (she thinks I shit a lot!!!! LOL), but I have always been a night owl and would dip while working from home at night after she went to bed.

I got a new dentist about 8 years ago and disclosed on the paperwork that I used smokeless tobacco. He never mentioned it, much less lectured me, but does a thorough cancer check every 6 months. I have never been a fan of going to a dentist in general, but every time I go I worry more of my teeth and the possibility of a cavity than I do of the effects of tobacco use.
I went yesterday for my 6 month regular check-up and cleaning. As I pulled into the parking lot I thought that my teeth have never felt better. I brush when I should and have been compulsive about flossing. It was at moment that I assumed this would be the day that the dentist asked about my dipping.

Sure enough. After the standard cleaning he said that was gums and cheek were “leathery”, irritated, and showed alarming signs of cell change. He said that I had to stop now and that he wanted to see me again in a month when I was nicotine free for 30 days. He said there is a good chance it will heal after 30 days of non-use, and didn’t think a biopsy was in order yet, but he said it didn’t look good now.

What else can I say? I have a wife that I love, and two little girls that I want to see grow up.
Am glad to see you post as you are on your way to making a better you.

But you need to know that this is for you. Don't let it carry over to your job, your family. Keep it with you, be selfish as you never want to get to the point of "I will show ______" and go back to the lady nic for a 'in spite of" moment.

And you may find a little secret, but the wife probably knows what you do, but keeps it to herself, as with the smell, the little shards left behind and all.

BUT I will say, if you have been able to keep here in the dark, now is the time to get her in your corner and on your side. Tell her what you were...(past tense). Even have her read the spousal support section of the site.

You have a good thing started, don't ruin it and don't keep it a secret.

I and my 102 days, quit with you today

Offline Radman

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2012, 12:46:00 PM »
Glad to see you on roll. Remember, that is not just a list. It is series of promises to me and every other person on this site. Honor your word for 24 hours. Then repeat.

I'll see you here tomorrow.

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2012, 12:43:00 PM »
I did post roll and am nic-free for over 24 hours.

Someone will call “bullshit” on my intro, but it is the truth.

I was a professional chef for years. I took up dipping from one of my cooks. Seemed like a good way to chill after a stressful day, and it was. That was in 1996. Sure, I quit a few times, the longest was only for 28 days. As I write this I am on day 2 and physically and emotionally I am all over the place.

My family does not know that I ever used any form of tobacco. ThatÂ’s hard to believe, I know it, but the truth. I was living on my own when I started and never did it in front of anyone. I did it at home after work. Then of course before and after work. Then before work, driving to work, driving home from work, and then at home at night.

When I got married I tried to quit but failed. My wife would never approve if she knew. Luckily (or unluckily now looking at it) my wife works nights and I work days. She works weekends and I work weekdays. There is a lot of time alone and I spent every minute alone with a wad of shit in my mouth. If we would be home together I would sneak a dip in the bathroom (she thinks I shit a lot!!!! LOL), but I have always been a night owl and would dip while working from home at night after she went to bed.

I got a new dentist about 8 years ago and disclosed on the paperwork that I used smokeless tobacco. He never mentioned it, much less lectured me, but does a thorough cancer check every 6 months. I have never been a fan of going to a dentist in general, but every time I go I worry more of my teeth and the possibility of a cavity than I do of the effects of tobacco use.
I went yesterday for my 6 month regular check-up and cleaning. As I pulled into the parking lot I thought that my teeth have never felt better. I brush when I should and have been compulsive about flossing. It was at moment that I assumed this would be the day that the dentist asked about my dipping.

Sure enough. After the standard cleaning he said that was gums and cheek were “leathery”, irritated, and showed alarming signs of cell change. He said that I had to stop now and that he wanted to see me again in a month when I was nicotine free for 30 days. He said there is a good chance it will heal after 30 days of non-use, and didn’t think a biopsy was in order yet, but he said it didn’t look good now.

What else can I say? I have a wife that I love, and two little girls that I want to see grow up.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2012, 11:45:00 AM »

I'm on the same day you are..Day 2. It's a bitch. But listen to these guys, especially their tricks to get by. Posting roll. A simple act, but a written promise. It's big. Water, cleanses your body of everything. If you just need to put something in your lip, go to Wal-Mart and pick up a can of Smokey Mountain. It ain't dip, but at least you'll have a similar flavor and sensation to fall back on during your quit. All steps I'm taking RIGHT NOW.

Quit with you. Quit for my sons.

Offline zam

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2012, 10:50:00 AM »
Evil, you haven't posted roll....?

To get the benefit of a support group, you have to join the support group. And I suggest you go all in. Read about (or ask) what it means to post roll. If you can man up to that, we WILL help you quit.

Personally, I didn't like the idea that I needed to rely on anyone to help me stay quit. (I don't like to rely on anyone to help me do anything) But just drink the koolaide and find your happy place. If I were still relying on just myself, I'd still be step'n and fetch'n for my (former) nicotine master.

PS - Quitting IS a bitch, but rest assured your addiction is no "super-addiction" that we wouldn't understand. We know what you are dealing with. It is tough. You will probably feel anxious, edgy, have head aches, be tough to get along with, etc etc. We know the BS tricks and mind games that are tempting you back to the can. But you CAN do this. We know.
*Quit today. Full stop. No qualifiers. Tomorrow?... IDK, IDC.

Offline Arfy

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2012, 09:41:00 AM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Yep, it has come down to that. I have tried quitting many times but never with a support group. Failure is not an option this time. I'll post more personal info tomorrow but right now (12 hours dip free) I am ready to kill and am just going to go to bed to pass a few hours of hell.
That's awesome! Enjoy 'The suck". Don't ever forget what it feels like. It will be the key to keeping you quit. Drink a ton of water the next couple days dude, that and cranberry juice. It will help your body detox the next couple of days. Now you just have to do 3 things. Post roll, honor your word, and repeat. It's that simple. It won't be easy. But it's that simple.
Caving is NOT an option!

?The only thing nicotine use does is relieve withdrawal symptoms that come from not using. That's it.? #brilliance #truth

"The day you forget Day lose."~Loot

Quit Date: 8/17/12

HOF Date 11/24/12

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2012, 01:37:00 AM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: Evil_Won
Yep, it has come down to that. I have tried quitting many times but never with a support group. Failure is not an option this time. I'll post more personal info tomorrow but right now (12 hours dip free) I am ready to kill and am just going to go to bed to pass a few hours of hell.
I expect to see you on the roll in the morning,

welcome to the best decision that you can make
Listen to Derek post roll and keep your word or you will fail again!
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2012, 12:20:00 AM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Yep, it has come down to that. I have tried quitting many times but never with a support group. Failure is not an option this time. I'll post more personal info tomorrow but right now (12 hours dip free) I am ready to kill and am just going to go to bed to pass a few hours of hell.
I expect to see you on the roll in the morning,

welcome to the best decision that you can make

Offline Evil_Won

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Quit or Die
« on: October 10, 2012, 11:49:00 PM »
Yep, it has come down to that. I have tried quitting many times but never with a support group. Failure is not an option this time. I'll post more personal info tomorrow but right now (12 hours dip free) I am ready to kill and am just going to go to bed to pass a few hours of hell.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."