well, here goes my intro..
I started chewing roughly 6 years ago. I graduated high school and all my friends were chewing, so i thought to myself hell why not try one i probably wont like it. First time I put in a dip, I puked. I told myself I would never put a disgusting wad a "dirt" into my mouth ever again..Well, that wasn't true, because the very next day I put one in and I loved the feeling of it..the burning sensation in my gums and the "nicotine high" it gave me was incredible. At first, I only chewed when friends were around because I felt cool doing it. Then it turned into dipping at home playing video games or watching tv. At that point, I knew I was addicted because every time I woke up in the morning, I grabbed my tin and put a pinch in.
I joined the Marine Corps in 2009 and I told my master sergeant at the time that I wanted to quit and he said my best bet was when i ship to recruit training because it would be 3 months of no nicotine. Sadly, 3 months is the longest time I have quit chewing. The second I graduated recruit training, I went over to the px and bought myself a can of Copenhagen. I didn't even think twice of it. Every day of my enlistment, I had to dip in. Of course, being in the infantry, it didn't really help because everyone there chewed. Skipping 8 months in, I got my orders that I would be deploying to Iraq. Of course, being the PFC, I was all gung-ho about deploying not knowing what it actually would be like. It really wasn't all that bad the first couple of months. When it really sucked was when my battalion lost 12 men after an ied attack and ambush. After that, I took chewing as a way to calm myself down. i even lied to my parents about not chewing. I asked them to send chew in care packages and told them that it wasnt for me it was a good trading item..but in reality, i wasnt trading them, i was chewing them myself. I came back 8 months later not all gung-ho and was depressed after a while. that's when I knew chewing would be my best friend because no matter what, i was always calm when i had a pinch in. In total, I deployed 3 times, once to iraq and twice to afghanistan. After seeing all the bullshit that happens and losing countless friends, I decided that it would be best for me to get out. I discharged from active duty in January of this year, been to depression therapy and now they have diagnosed me with ptsd, which i deny to this day.
anyways, enough of my poor me story, I have come to realization, that if I don't quit now, I will end up like my grandfather who died of mouth cancer. I know it will be tough to quit, but because of my past experiences, if i can get through that shit, I know there is nothing stopping me to quit chewing. Ironically, while writing this post, saying that i want to quit, I have had a lip in the whole time. and this is why i need help, because i am addicted and can't seem to go a day, more like a minute without having a dip in.
I set my quit date to July 7, but only because i just bought a couple more cans..what a surprise. I am hoping that with the support of all of you and everyone that is quitting or will quit, that we can all do this together!
Best wishes to all of you, and lets kick this bitch in the ass