Author Topic: time to quit  (Read 10215 times)

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Offline Derk40

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Re: time to quit
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2014, 08:58:00 PM »
Quote from: slinger
Flush it, Bro. You'll never quit unless you decide right now is the time. We've all planned quits before, and we've all failed. Flush it right now, post roll, and let's do this. Quit right now and you'll have all the support you could ever ask for. Are you ready?
Do what MrCounihan did today! Read his intro. He came in with a future plan and just flat out quit. That is how you do it.

You can do this Marine!!! Quit now and let's get your life back!!!
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Re: time to quit
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2014, 08:51:00 PM »
Flush it, Bro. You'll never quit unless you decide right now is the time. We've all planned quits before, and we've all failed. Flush it right now, post roll, and let's do this. Quit right now and you'll have all the support you could ever ask for. Are you ready?
We are what we repeatedly do. ~ Aristotle

Quit or get off the pot, Sally. ~ Diesel2112

The way I see it, you can either post roll daily or fuck off. ~ jost2brown

Bam! Right in the ass! ~ MonsterEMT

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Re: time to quit
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2014, 08:49:00 PM »
Quote from: THansen2413
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Grab your sack. Spit that horrid evil shit out of your mouth immediately, unless of course you want to wind up like your gramps. Flush the rest of your shit. And hang on. We are your lifeboat. Climb in.
Nice intro about yourself ... Then you close out with a I'm Quittin on the 7th cuz I bought 2 cans of poison.

While you are a slave... tomorrow, a week from now, or July 7th always seems like a reasonable plan. For a normal person it would be. But for an addict it is not. You get to tomorrow, a week from now, or July 7th and you are still owned.... You will want to put together another future quit plan.

This is all BS! The only way to do this is to quit right now. Make those 2 cans, dump them in the toilet, then flush. It is the only way.

There is no tomorrow. Only today. You have to take back your life and you have to do it ASAP!!!
Damn bro great decision to quit! Only problem is...July 7th could turn into July 8th, or July 9th or whenever the next convenient time to quit is. The only time to quit, is now! You probably don't understand it right now but, your introduction has just been graced with some of the most badass quitters on this site, listen to their advice and my advice, quit now. I wrote my introduction and said something to extent of "tomorrow is my day 1". I got talked into quitting that night...just like that, no more shit in my lip! Here I am, 128 days later still alive and breathing. Time to dig deep and nut up... I'll quit w/you, but quit now!
Just the few guys that replied to you know how to quit. Between them almost 20 years of freedom. Quit now. Get it over with. You can't get to where you want to be till you go thru the suck. I know you can do it. Like you alluded to, you've been through worse. Thanks for your service brother!

Offline THansen2413

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Re: time to quit
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2014, 08:39:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Grab your sack. Spit that horrid evil shit out of your mouth immediately, unless of course you want to wind up like your gramps. Flush the rest of your shit. And hang on. We are your lifeboat. Climb in.
Nice intro about yourself ... Then you close out with a I'm Quittin on the 7th cuz I bought 2 cans of poison.

While you are a slave... tomorrow, a week from now, or July 7th always seems like a reasonable plan. For a normal person it would be. But for an addict it is not. You get to tomorrow, a week from now, or July 7th and you are still owned.... You will want to put together another future quit plan.

This is all BS! The only way to do this is to quit right now. Make those 2 cans, dump them in the toilet, then flush. It is the only way.

There is no tomorrow. Only today. You have to take back your life and you have to do it ASAP!!!
Damn bro great decision to quit! Only problem is...July 7th could turn into July 8th, or July 9th or whenever the next convenient time to quit is. The only time to quit, is now! You probably don't understand it right now but, your introduction has just been graced with some of the most badass quitters on this site, listen to their advice and my advice, quit now. I wrote my introduction and said something to extent of "tomorrow is my day 1". I got talked into quitting that night...just like that, no more shit in my lip! Here I am, 128 days later still alive and breathing. Time to dig deep and nut up... I'll quit w/you, but quit now!
Quitters I've met in person : Keddy, boelker62, Big Brother Jack, baitbanjo, SirDerek, Chewie, Scowick65, theo3wood, mcarmo44, MonsterEMT, Bronc, dforbes, rocketman, Lance from SD, kdip, wastepanel, quitspit, basshaug, greenspidy, 30yrAddict, btdogboy, cmark, chrisTKE1982, Jeffro Dolfie, Clampy, carlh2o, JGlav, ReWire, Chewrouski_Philly, Sranger999, walterwhite, DWEIRICK, spit cup, FranPro, ericfluck

Offline Derk40

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Re: time to quit
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2014, 08:33:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Grab your sack. Spit that horrid evil shit out of your mouth immediately, unless of course you want to wind up like your gramps. Flush the rest of your shit. And hang on. We are your lifeboat. Climb in.
Nice intro about yourself ... Then you close out with a I'm Quittin on the 7th cuz I bought 2 cans of poison.

While you are a slave... tomorrow, a week from now, or July 7th always seems like a reasonable plan. For a normal person it would be. But for an addict it is not. You get to tomorrow, a week from now, or July 7th and you are still owned.... You will want to put together another future quit plan.

This is all BS! The only way to do this is to quit right now. Take those 2 cans, dump them in the toilet, then flush. It is the only way.

There is no tomorrow. Only today. You have to take back your life and you have to do it ASAP!!!
Quit date: 6/23/2013
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Re: time to quit
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2014, 08:24:00 PM »
Grab your sack. Spit that horrid evil shit out of your mouth immediately, unless of course you want to wind up like your gramps. Flush the rest of your shit. And hang on. We are your lifeboat. Climb in.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Re: time to quit
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2014, 08:22:00 PM »
Flaw, you really need to listen to what these guys are trying to get across to you. Who know's if the next dip, the next can, the next day full of dips is the one that triggers cancer and eventually kills you.

Damn dude, you survived a living hell (and thank you for your service), but why take any more risks than absolutely necessary. Take those cans, throw the shit out, go to your new quit group, and do this thing.

You need digits, someone to talk to, shoot me a PM.

C'mon the hell on.... your a Gdamn Marine.
What's the difference between a liberal and a puppy??? The puppy stops whining and shitting on everything when he grows up.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: time to quit
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2014, 08:16:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Flaw
well, here goes my intro..

I started chewing roughly 6 years ago. I graduated high school and all my friends were chewing, so i thought to myself hell why not try one i probably wont like it. First time I put in a dip, I puked. I told myself I would never put a disgusting wad a "dirt" into my mouth ever again..Well, that wasn't true, because the very next day I put one in and I loved the feeling of it..the burning sensation in my gums and the "nicotine high" it gave me was incredible. At first, I only chewed when friends were around because I felt cool doing it. Then it turned into dipping at home playing video games or watching tv. At that point, I knew I was addicted because every time I woke up in the morning, I grabbed my tin and put a pinch in.

I joined the Marine Corps in 2009 and I told my master sergeant at the time that I wanted to quit and he said my best bet was when i ship to recruit training because it would be 3 months of no nicotine. Sadly, 3 months is the longest time I have quit chewing. The second I graduated recruit training, I went over to the px and bought myself a can of Copenhagen. I didn't even think twice of it. Every day of my enlistment, I had to dip in. Of course, being in the infantry, it didn't really help because everyone there chewed. Skipping 8 months in, I got my orders that I would be deploying to Iraq. Of course, being the PFC, I was all gung-ho about deploying not knowing what it actually would be like. It really wasn't all that bad the first couple of months. When it really sucked was when my battalion lost 12 men after an ied attack and ambush. After that, I took chewing as a way to calm myself down. i even lied to my parents about not chewing. I asked them to send chew in care packages and told them that it wasnt for me it was a good trading item..but in reality, i wasnt trading them, i was chewing them myself. I came back 8 months later not all gung-ho and was depressed after a while. that's when I knew chewing would be my best friend because no matter what, i was always calm when i had a pinch in. In total, I deployed 3 times, once to iraq and twice to afghanistan. After seeing all the bullshit that happens and losing countless friends, I decided that it would be best for me to get out. I discharged from active duty in January of this year, been to depression therapy and now they have diagnosed me with ptsd, which i deny to this day.

anyways, enough of my poor me story, I have come to realization, that if I don't quit now, I will end up like my grandfather who died of mouth cancer. I know it will be tough to quit, but because of my past experiences, if i can get through that shit, I know there is nothing stopping me to quit chewing. Ironically, while writing this post, saying that i want to quit, I have had a lip in the whole time. and this is why i need help, because i am addicted and can't seem to go a day, more like a minute without having a dip in.

I set my quit date to July 7, but only because i just bought a couple more cans..what a surprise. I am hoping that with the support of all of you and everyone that is quitting or will quit, that we can all do this together!
Best wishes to all of you, and lets kick this bitch in the ass

Now do yourself a favor and open those two cans you bought and dump them on the ground.

It wont be any easier on the seventh than today.

Stop putting it off. Don't you think you have been doing that long enough already???
The Nic-Bitch offers fake Win-Win schemes. She will whisper in your ear and will accept any scheme you come up with about the future if she gets today. She is firm in her negotiations. “Yes, the plan to quit tomorrow is a great plan. Let’s get that can TODAY and enjoy, for tomorrow we genuinely strive to quit”.
How do you counter? Know that she is deceitful. Know that she whispers. Your ONLY way out is NO nicotine TODAY. Period. Her Win-Win schemes are false promises.

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Re: time to quit
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2014, 08:15:00 PM »
Quote from: Flaw
well, here goes my intro..

I started chewing roughly 6 years ago. I graduated high school and all my friends were chewing, so i thought to myself hell why not try one i probably wont like it. First time I put in a dip, I puked. I told myself I would never put a disgusting wad a "dirt" into my mouth ever again..Well, that wasn't true, because the very next day I put one in and I loved the feeling of it..the burning sensation in my gums and the "nicotine high" it gave me was incredible. At first, I only chewed when friends were around because I felt cool doing it. Then it turned into dipping at home playing video games or watching tv. At that point, I knew I was addicted because every time I woke up in the morning, I grabbed my tin and put a pinch in.

I joined the Marine Corps in 2009 and I told my master sergeant at the time that I wanted to quit and he said my best bet was when i ship to recruit training because it would be 3 months of no nicotine. Sadly, 3 months is the longest time I have quit chewing. The second I graduated recruit training, I went over to the px and bought myself a can of Copenhagen. I didn't even think twice of it. Every day of my enlistment, I had to dip in. Of course, being in the infantry, it didn't really help because everyone there chewed. Skipping 8 months in, I got my orders that I would be deploying to Iraq. Of course, being the PFC, I was all gung-ho about deploying not knowing what it actually would be like. It really wasn't all that bad the first couple of months. When it really sucked was when my battalion lost 12 men after an ied attack and ambush. After that, I took chewing as a way to calm myself down. i even lied to my parents about not chewing. I asked them to send chew in care packages and told them that it wasnt for me it was a good trading item..but in reality, i wasnt trading them, i was chewing them myself. I came back 8 months later not all gung-ho and was depressed after a while. that's when I knew chewing would be my best friend because no matter what, i was always calm when i had a pinch in. In total, I deployed 3 times, once to iraq and twice to afghanistan. After seeing all the bullshit that happens and losing countless friends, I decided that it would be best for me to get out. I discharged from active duty in January of this year, been to depression therapy and now they have diagnosed me with ptsd, which i deny to this day.

anyways, enough of my poor me story, I have come to realization, that if I don't quit now, I will end up like my grandfather who died of mouth cancer. I know it will be tough to quit, but because of my past experiences, if i can get through that shit, I know there is nothing stopping me to quit chewing. Ironically, while writing this post, saying that i want to quit, I have had a lip in the whole time. and this is why i need help, because i am addicted and can't seem to go a day, more like a minute without having a dip in.

I set my quit date to July 7, but only because i just bought a couple more cans..what a surprise. I am hoping that with the support of all of you and everyone that is quitting or will quit, that we can all do this together!
Best wishes to all of you, and lets kick this bitch in the ass

Now do yourself a favor and open those two cans you bought and dump them on the ground.

It wont be any easier on the seventh than today.

Stop putting it off. Don't you think you have been doing that long enough already???
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Re: time to quit
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2014, 08:13:00 PM »
Quote from: Flaw
well, here goes my intro..

I started chewing roughly 6 years ago. I graduated high school and all my friends were chewing, so i thought to myself hell why not try one i probably wont like it. First time I put in a dip, I puked. I told myself I would never put a disgusting wad a "dirt" into my mouth ever again..Well, that wasn't true, because the very next day I put one in and I loved the feeling of it..the burning sensation in my gums and the "nicotine high" it gave me was incredible. At first, I only chewed when friends were around because I felt cool doing it. Then it turned into dipping at home playing video games or watching tv. At that point, I knew I was addicted because every time I woke up in the morning, I grabbed my tin and put a pinch in.

I joined the Marine Corps in 2009 and I told my master sergeant at the time that I wanted to quit and he said my best bet was when i ship to recruit training because it would be 3 months of no nicotine. Sadly, 3 months is the longest time I have quit chewing. The second I graduated recruit training, I went over to the px and bought myself a can of Copenhagen. I didn't even think twice of it. Every day of my enlistment, I had to dip in. Of course, being in the infantry, it didn't really help because everyone there chewed. Skipping 8 months in, I got my orders that I would be deploying to Iraq. Of course, being the PFC, I was all gung-ho about deploying not knowing what it actually would be like. It really wasn't all that bad the first couple of months. When it really sucked was when my battalion lost 12 men after an ied attack and ambush. After that, I took chewing as a way to calm myself down. i even lied to my parents about not chewing. I asked them to send chew in care packages and told them that it wasnt for me it was a good trading item..but in reality, i wasnt trading them, i was chewing them myself. I came back 8 months later not all gung-ho and was depressed after a while. that's when I knew chewing would be my best friend because no matter what, i was always calm when i had a pinch in. In total, I deployed 3 times, once to iraq and twice to afghanistan. After seeing all the bullshit that happens and losing countless friends, I decided that it would be best for me to get out. I discharged from active duty in January of this year, been to depression therapy and now they have diagnosed me with ptsd, which i deny to this day.

anyways, enough of my poor me story, I have come to realization, that if I don't quit now, I will end up like my grandfather who died of mouth cancer. I know it will be tough to quit, but because of my past experiences, if i can get through that shit, I know there is nothing stopping me to quit chewing. Ironically, while writing this post, saying that i want to quit, I have had a lip in the whole time. and this is why i need help, because i am addicted and can't seem to go a day, more like a minute without having a dip in.

I set my quit date to July 7, but only because i just bought a couple more cans..what a surprise. I am hoping that with the support of all of you and everyone that is quitting or will quit, that we can all do this together!
Best wishes to all of you, and lets kick this bitch in the ass
Met you in chat and welcome again,

a week is a long time. Quit now and by the 7th the nicotine will be out of your system, think about it as can be a week into your final quit by then

go ahead and flush it down the toilet. heck I would send you the re-imbursement. But I feel that you have decided already to quit so why wait.

You can do this.

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time to quit
« on: June 30, 2014, 08:09:00 PM »
well, here goes my intro..

I started chewing roughly 6 years ago. I graduated high school and all my friends were chewing, so i thought to myself hell why not try one i probably wont like it. First time I put in a dip, I puked. I told myself I would never put a disgusting wad a "dirt" into my mouth ever again..Well, that wasn't true, because the very next day I put one in and I loved the feeling of it..the burning sensation in my gums and the "nicotine high" it gave me was incredible. At first, I only chewed when friends were around because I felt cool doing it. Then it turned into dipping at home playing video games or watching tv. At that point, I knew I was addicted because every time I woke up in the morning, I grabbed my tin and put a pinch in.

I joined the Marine Corps in 2009 and I told my master sergeant at the time that I wanted to quit and he said my best bet was when i ship to recruit training because it would be 3 months of no nicotine. Sadly, 3 months is the longest time I have quit chewing. The second I graduated recruit training, I went over to the px and bought myself a can of Copenhagen. I didn't even think twice of it. Every day of my enlistment, I had to dip in. Of course, being in the infantry, it didn't really help because everyone there chewed. Skipping 8 months in, I got my orders that I would be deploying to Iraq. Of course, being the PFC, I was all gung-ho about deploying not knowing what it actually would be like. It really wasn't all that bad the first couple of months. When it really sucked was when my battalion lost 12 men after an ied attack and ambush. After that, I took chewing as a way to calm myself down. i even lied to my parents about not chewing. I asked them to send chew in care packages and told them that it wasnt for me it was a good trading item..but in reality, i wasnt trading them, i was chewing them myself. I came back 8 months later not all gung-ho and was depressed after a while. that's when I knew chewing would be my best friend because no matter what, i was always calm when i had a pinch in. In total, I deployed 3 times, once to iraq and twice to afghanistan. After seeing all the bullshit that happens and losing countless friends, I decided that it would be best for me to get out. I discharged from active duty in January of this year, been to depression therapy and now they have diagnosed me with ptsd, which i deny to this day.

anyways, enough of my poor me story, I have come to realization, that if I don't quit now, I will end up like my grandfather who died of mouth cancer. I know it will be tough to quit, but because of my past experiences, if i can get through that shit, I know there is nothing stopping me to quit chewing. Ironically, while writing this post, saying that i want to quit, I have had a lip in the whole time. and this is why i need help, because i am addicted and can't seem to go a day, more like a minute without having a dip in.

I set my quit date to July 7, but only because i just bought a couple more cans..what a surprise. I am hoping that with the support of all of you and everyone that is quitting or will quit, that we can all do this together!
Best wishes to all of you, and lets kick this bitch in the ass