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Offline steffano626

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Re: withdrawal
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2014, 09:05:00 AM »
There may be some who find success by gradually reducing nicotine, but this is not really the site for that. I guess you can try it on your own and then come join us, but I'm with the others...there is no better time than now to quit cold turkey. Flush the cans and toss the gum. Why stretch out your agony? Yes, the first 3 days are hell, but we've all made it through them and you can to. You will find lots of reading material and support here.

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Re: withdrawal
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2014, 08:45:00 AM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: THansen2413
Quote from: AppleJack
Brother... I was a 2 can a day beast too.
I was about as big a junkie as you could find. For real.

I dropped it cold turkey April 17, 2013... 454 days ago.

If I can do this... You can do this.
It is NOT fun. It is NOT easy.
It... IS possible. I'm proof.
Decide and own it.
It's that simple.
I echo these sentiments. I was a 1- 1.50 can a day addict. I thought I'd never be able to beat this habit. I wasn't able to beat this because I viewed it as a dirty habit. I was wrong. I'm an addict. You're an addict. Toss the poison out and live a free life. I'm 143 days removed from using that shit and let me tell ya bro, this kind of freedom you can't buy. It feels awesome! You can do it. I'm here for support. NO better time to quit than now!
Yes. What you see as a stumbling block, is actually a stepping stone. Just quit, plain and simple.
All of us went through the first 3 days, AKA the SUCK. It is different for everyone. Day 1 I was as nervous as a jackrabbit and shaky. Day 2 I had a headache and was depressed. Day 3, depression, headache, the shits, shakes. Day 4, a few shakes, but also starting to feel better. My point is if you want to be quit, you have to sack up and go through the SUCK. It helped me by staying close to this site and reading anything and everything. You are not alone in this if you post roll and reach out to the KTC.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: withdrawal
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2014, 05:44:00 AM »
Quote from: THansen2413
Quote from: AppleJack
Brother... I was a 2 can a day beast too.
I was about as big a junkie as you could find. For real.

I dropped it cold turkey April 17, 2013... 454 days ago.

If I can do this... You can do this.
It is NOT fun. It is NOT easy.
It... IS possible. I'm proof.
Decide and own it.
It's that simple.
I echo these sentiments. I was a 1- 1.50 can a day addict. I thought I'd never be able to beat this habit. I wasn't able to beat this because I viewed it as a dirty habit. I was wrong. I'm an addict. You're an addict. Toss the poison out and live a free life. I'm 143 days removed from using that shit and let me tell ya bro, this kind of freedom you can't buy. It feels awesome! You can do it. I'm here for support. NO better time to quit than now!
Yes. What you see as a stumbling block, is actually a stepping stone. Just quit, plain and simple.
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Re: withdrawal
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2014, 10:22:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Brother... I was a 2 can a day beast too.
I was about as big a junkie as you could find. For real.

I dropped it cold turkey April 17, 2013... 454 days ago.

If I can do this... You can do this.
It is NOT fun. It is NOT easy.
It... IS possible. I'm proof.
Decide and own it.
It's that simple.
I echo these sentiments. I was a 1- 1.50 can a day addict. I thought I'd never be able to beat this habit. I wasn't able to beat this because I viewed it as a dirty habit. I was wrong. I'm an addict. You're an addict. Toss the poison out and live a free life. I'm 143 days removed from using that shit and let me tell ya bro, this kind of freedom you can't buy. It feels awesome! You can do it. I'm here for support. NO better time to quit than now!
Quitters I've met in person : Keddy, boelker62, Big Brother Jack, baitbanjo, SirDerek, Chewie, Scowick65, theo3wood, mcarmo44, MonsterEMT, Bronc, dforbes, rocketman, Lance from SD, kdip, wastepanel, quitspit, basshaug, greenspidy, 30yrAddict, btdogboy, cmark, chrisTKE1982, Jeffro Dolfie, Clampy, carlh2o, JGlav, ReWire, Chewrouski_Philly, Sranger999, walterwhite, DWEIRICK, spit cup, FranPro, ericfluck

Offline AppleJack

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Re: withdrawal
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2014, 10:15:00 PM »
Brother... I was a 2 can a day beast too.
I was about as big a junkie as you could find. For real.

I dropped it cold turkey April 17, 2013... 454 days ago.

If I can do this... You can do this.
It is NOT fun. It is NOT easy.
It... IS possible. I'm proof.
Decide and own it.
It's that simple.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline Mogul

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Re: withdrawal
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2014, 09:12:00 PM »
You need to turn your " I can'ts" into " I cans". Negatives to positives, problems to solutions. However, whether you believe you can or believe you can't, YOU'RE RIGHT. GRAB YOUR SAC, MAN UP, AND BE QUIT. we will help but we can't do it for you.


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Re: withdrawal
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2014, 09:03:00 PM »
Quote from: Sporticus
Quote from: KunioKun
ok, I really want to quit.last week I had decided I was done.of course I was delusional, as about 5 hours in, the roof began to cave in and I could do nothing but pace around the house. there was no way I could do it, not without some help. at the drugstore, I pick up some of the 4 mg Nicorette. I chewed piece after piece. park and chew, park and chew. of course the cravings never went away.
I didn't realize exactly how much nicotine I was putting into my body. the withdrawal is absolutely hellish, a restlessness sets in that is indescribable. I don't know it seems like I'll have to wean myself down before quitting. I have been trying to use the gum in between dip usages, stretching the time out between uses of Actual tobacco. I do not know if it is a solid plan, I do not know what else I could really do. I already deal with a panic disorder, which probably makes quitting even harder.
any advice is much appreciated.
Congratulations! You made the right call by joining us here. I used a can a day for 15 years. The withdrawal symptoms will last 4 72 hours, by that time all the nicotine will be out of your system. I would suggest using carrots and celery as snacks to keep give oral fixation busy. Drink lots of water and get plenty of exercise. It also helps me to work on meditative breathing and yoga. That certainly helps with the raging. Get phone numbers from your brothers and sisters and lean on your support as often as you need to. This is hopefully the last stop for you. There is no reason for you to cave while being here. You will have all the support you need and all the health you could possibly use if you chooseto use it. Send me a private message if you need a cell number to text when things get tough. You got this!
advice: quit.

there are two ways to stop putting that shit in your lip: 1. choose to quit. 2. Have your lip removed

I know it sucks ass right now. but take heart: If you choose to quit you will only go through this withdrawal once. If not today, then when?
Things will get progressively easier. The nicotine will leave your system within 3 days. The symptoms generally lessen quickly from there.

lets do this. jump in.

Offline Derk40

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Re: withdrawal
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2014, 09:02:00 PM »
If you want to quit... toss the gum and your stash. Post roll and make a committment to quit today.

That is about the best advice I can give you.
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Re: withdrawal
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2014, 08:53:00 PM »
Kun, it's pretty much cold turkey or the highway brother. You have to make up your mind to quit, sack up, and do it. Throw out the cans and spitters, nix the gum, and embrace the suck. Day 1-3 sucks ass. No way around it. It's the price you pay for ingesting all those chemicals. Deal with it on here. Read. Post. Get to know other quitters.

In the end it's up to you to quit. No one can decide for you. Either do it or don't, but here, on this site, we quit. Every day, every minute, we quit. And you can too
You're Quit, Not Cured. KTC will help remind you of the difference.

Quit- 6/20/2014
HOF- 9/27/2014

Offline sporticus

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Re: withdrawal
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2014, 08:50:00 PM »
Quote from: KunioKun
ok, I really want to quit.last week I had decided I was done.of course I was delusional, as about 5 hours in, the roof began to cave in and I could do nothing but pace around the house. there was no way I could do it, not without some help. at the drugstore, I pick up some of the 4 mg Nicorette. I chewed piece after piece. park and chew, park and chew. of course the cravings never went away.
I didn't realize exactly how much nicotine I was putting into my body. the withdrawal is absolutely hellish, a restlessness sets in that is indescribable. I don't know it seems like I'll have to wean myself down before quitting. I have been trying to use the gum in between dip usages, stretching the time out between uses of Actual tobacco. I do not know if it is a solid plan, I do not know what else I could really do. I already deal with a panic disorder, which probably makes quitting even harder.
any advice is much appreciated.
Congratulations! You made the right call by joining us here. I used a can a day for 15 years. The withdrawal symptoms will last 4 72 hours, by that time all the nicotine will be out of your system. I would suggest using carrots and celery as snacks to keep give oral fixation busy. Drink lots of water and get plenty of exercise. It also helps me to work on meditative breathing and yoga. That certainly helps with the raging. Get phone numbers from your brothers and sisters and lean on your support as often as you need to. This is hopefully the last stop for you. There is no reason for you to cave while being here. You will have all the support you need and all the health you could possibly use if you chooseto use it. Send me a private message if you need a cell number to text when things get tough. You got this!

Offline KunioKun

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« on: July 15, 2014, 08:43:00 PM »
ok, I really want to quit.last week I had decided I was done.of course I was delusional, as about 5 hours in, the roof began to cave in and I could do nothing but pace around the house. there was no way I could do it, not without some help. at the drugstore, I pick up some of the 4 mg Nicorette. I chewed piece after piece. park and chew, park and chew. of course the cravings never went away.
I didn't realize exactly how much nicotine I was putting into my body. the withdrawal is absolutely hellish, a restlessness sets in that is indescribable. I don't know it seems like I'll have to wean myself down before quitting. I have been trying to use the gum in between dip usages, stretching the time out between uses of Actual tobacco. I do not know if it is a solid plan, I do not know what else I could really do. I already deal with a panic disorder, which probably makes quitting even harder.
any advice is much appreciated.