Author Topic: Late to the Party  (Read 245 times)

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Offline goldenbulls

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Late to the Party
« on: March 08, 2017, 09:23:00 AM »
Here I sit, Day 80, finally figuring out what this intro page is all about. Sure, I've seen others posting theirs, seen them linked in tags, just never took the steps to figure out here goes.

I'm 35, been chewing for 15 years and I'm an addict.

Living in MN with a wife and 3 great kids who have been supportive through the quit process, and it has been a process.

I live in the outdoors, work in the outdoors and smash up cars every August at the county fair. I teach kids about water quality. I design and engineer structures to reduce erosion and water loss from agricultural lands. I clean the garage on Sunday's. I sit in my office most days at 2pm wishing it were 5 O'Clock. I wear a tie when required and shit kickers, also when required. I love my family, friends and after many failed attempts at quitting, KTC is showing me the way.

I don't smoke. I don't each vegetables. I don't do laundry, vaccuum, or the dishes half the time. I don't like opera. I don't even like people in large numbers. BUT, most of all, I don't like being a slave to the nicotine BITCH!

After ruling my life for 15 years, stinging my eyes, staining my fingers and making my gums bleed, it's time to kill her....for good. I will no longer purchase a $0.99 water just to have a spitter next to me, spit out the window of a moving car and hit the person behind me, or....take a big swig of day old chew spit. There are no more emergency runs to the gas station, going into the garage to sneak a chew just before bed. No more telling myself that I can stop whenever, a few times a day isn't bad, I'll only chew when I drink, only once a day after my 30th birthday, next year I will quit, when my first child is born, make that my second........or I mean my third. No more pausing tv shows just to spit out my chew in the sink and probably the biggest more having my kids bring me my chew when I'm grumpy because it calmed me down. (They still get me beers from the fridge).

I've been a slave for too many years and even after ALL of the I's in this intro, the ONLY reason this quit has been successful is because the team that surrounds me is supporting my decision to quit. A huge thanks to my KTC brothers and step sister in March '17 for their support, the vets who's words of wisdom have rang true so many times during my quit, the late night chats, drunken rages and most of all, my family for being the team required to make this quit a reality.

P.S. Just drink water, always!

24.6 Stay Quit, Stay March

-goldenbulls (Blake)