Author Topic: JustinA : My Intro  (Read 1282 times)

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Re: JustinA : My Intro
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2014, 09:45:00 AM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: JustinA
Roger that. I feel like crap but the sore in my mouth went away so I cancelled the dr appointment. No nic for these 24 hours. That's all I got to do. Easy, right?
Yep easy as pie. You gave your word therefore you are locked in. All you have to do is be a man of honor. See you tomorrow.
With the right attitude it is easy as pie like Claws said. Burn your boats, close the door, kick the nic bitch to the curb.... However you say it, it boils down to NAFAR.
I quit with you today bro!

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Re: JustinA : My Intro
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2014, 05:45:00 AM »
Quote from: JustinA
Roger that. I feel like crap but the sore in my mouth went away so I cancelled the dr appointment. No nic for these 24 hours. That's all I got to do. Easy, right?
Yep easy as pie. You gave your word therefore you are locked in. All you have to do is be a man of honor. See you tomorrow.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Re: JustinA : My Intro
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2014, 09:36:00 PM »
Roger that. I feel like crap but the sore in my mouth went away so I cancelled the dr appointment. No nic for these 24 hours. That's all I got to do. Easy, right?

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Re: JustinA : My Intro
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2014, 01:54:00 PM »
You don't deserve pain. We all have guilt for being addicts, but there is nothing gained from beating ourselves up over it.

I can't fix the past, but I can quit for 24 hours, and that's all I need to win.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: JustinA : My Intro
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2014, 06:13:00 PM »
So my quit is going alright. My wife is super supportive. Surprisingly enough, she's fond me and prefers having me around. The rage has been there, at the periphery, watching, waiting for me to let my guard down and then I'm crazy eyed, screaming and yelling about just about nothing. Then, its gone, I'm apologizing and sweeping the floor and working on the tile around the shower so it looks nice. I'm working through it. The moodiness is tough but I'm a whiner and did this to myself. She's terrific and she knows it and I'm grateful.

Going to see the doctor tomorrow about the head, chest, throat cold and I'll get the sore spot in my mouth checked out too. Can't hurt right? Unless they decide to do a biopsy in which case it will probably hurt a ton. But I'm a sissy, so it will probably hurt me more than the rest of the tough guys in March and all the veteran BAQs but I deserve some pain so I guess I can't complain. We'll see. Almost done with Day 9, double digits tomorrow. Feeling pretty good about that.

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Re: JustinA : My Intro
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2014, 09:55:00 AM »
Sounds like quitting in here, Justin. Speaking quit is quitting, you are quit. Now read about the physical and brain aspects of quitting, behavior modification, and get ready for the rage that could hit in a few weeks. Take your rage out on KTC, not your family. I sure did.

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Re: JustinA : My Intro
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2014, 09:19:00 AM »
You seem to get it Justin. I "quit" anywhere from 30-50 times, mainly using the patch and gum, only to be dipping again days or weeks later. This site is the only thing in 17 years of using that got through my head.

And yes, while there are pains associated with quitting, I wouldn't hesitate to see a dentist or doctor if they persist.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: JustinA : My Intro
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2014, 01:23:00 AM »
Justin I really appreciate your story. It's so much like others we've read but you give us a very good picture of who you are. If you continue having mouth issues check them out for your satisfaction, but I must say that sores and pain are often associated with quitting. The fear of the worst (you quit too late) is also very common, I still think that at times. Maybe I did wait too long (40+ Years) but that isn't what I worry about. I worry about quitting today and enjoying my wife and grandkids today. As the days add up I recognize the importance of the support in quitting also. Immerse yourself in your group and every new day will strengthen your power over this terrible addiction.
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JustinA : My Intro
« on: December 16, 2014, 11:22:00 PM »
So, I guess i'm late writing this up as I'm on day 8 and already been through the rotten nastiness of the first 3 days. But, here goes...

So, St. Raphael's school in Bay Village, OH outside Cleveland, in 8th grade I sat next a "cool" kid named Chris who introduced me to cherry flavored dip. We'd spit into a cup in our desks or on the carpet in the classroom. What little craps, right? Dipped at the 8th grade outing to Cedar Point and barfed my guts out after a roller coast and swore of dip forever. Such is the commitment of 14 year olds.

Freshmen year at the Naval Academy, an upper classman offered me some Skoal in a gesture of kindness as I was in my room working a paper during a precious liberty period, I took the offer, wrote the paper in record time and got an A. Still remember that, 25 years later. I got an A and figured, damn, I'm doing that again. I wanted good grades and figured this was helping. So, over the course of the four years, I eventually graduated to Kodiak.

I went into submarines, gobs of stress, little sleep, impossible boredom. Dipped essentially continuously unless I was trying to quit aka stopping for a little while to be grouchy and then going back to the nic. Had all the expected rotten stories of spilled spitters that I had forgotten and running out and begging for a hit, paying a clever crew member 10 times the purchase price of the chew because I didn't bring enough on deployment. You think I might be an addict? Yeah, me too.

So I got kidney stones and could be on subs anymore so I went into medical limbo and ended up in the computer world for the navy and got stationed in MD. Things were stable and less stressful and they had a smoking cessation program with Wellbutrin that I went through and was stopped for 5 years. Worked pretty OK for me. I think the thing that made it work was the class/program because of the accountability. The meds helped I guess but the meetings were really a big deal for me. And then later, when I caved, I figured the meds would make it easy like the last time. Guess what? With the meds but without the accountability, it was still tough and it was never more than a month or two off the crap.

So, while I was off, I met my wife and we got married and all was good with the world. Then my in-laws bought some furniture at an auction that I didn't want but they got it as a gift and so i gotta go get the stuff and haul it back to our house and unload it and move it around and I'm being pissy about it. So, I stop and get a can of Kodiak and that day I was back to my 1 tin a day habit. That was probably 12 years ago.

I've tried the patch, the gum, chantix, welbutrin, and cold turkey dozens (hundreds?) of times. Failed so many times and so many ways that I'd kind of given up. Telling my wife, I'm going to stop once the stress at work dies down. Kept not dying down.

Had a road trip with my son, 12, last month and it was the first time that I dipped in front of him without trying to hide it. 15 hours there and 15 hours back and had a dip in for probably all but 2 hours and that was to eat. He never said a word about and just sort of looked away. Apparently he told my wife that he thought it was disgusting. He's a pretty smart kid.

So, I'm thinking about my son and my 3 daughters and my wife and how I'm not too enthused about their prospects if I knock off after spending them into the poorhouse with medical bills. I found this site and started lurking around reading the posts. I had said I'd quit on Dec 12, Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, kind of a big deal for Catholics in the western hemisphere. I started tapering, kept reading the site, had some fake chew, and was reading the site on 12/9 and decided to stop early. Spit the crap out. And that was the end of it.

First three days were just as crappy as predicted. Stayed at work and away from home to not get midevil on my family. Had a major challenge with a 7 hour car ride after work in the snow. But I had some Smokey Mountain, listened a recording of The Killer Angels, that book about the civil war, and I made it. Its easier now.

Here's the big suck. I'm quit. Not craving, at least not right now, not really much in a couple days. But I got this pain on the side of my tongue way back on the right side by my tonsil. I get canker soars and it kind of feels like that. And I've a sore throat from the innumerable sick people who think they are so critical to the office that they need to come in while diseased to work at 50% and infect everyone else. And I've watching the videos and looking at the pictures of all the cancer patients. So, I'm trying to no be freaked. Probably just need a good night's sleep, right?

Hey March, we got this!