Author Topic: Introduction  (Read 1601 times)

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Offline Souliman

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2011, 05:55:00 PM »
Quote from: BJH83
Thanks to all for your replays. You have helped me to put my thoughts into prespective as when I read your comments it is insance to think that I would miss the very thing that has controlled my life for the past 10 years. Perhaps it is just part of the process of coming to terms with a toabacco free life which I really can not remember a time when that was the case.

I am 100% committed to my quit and do not want to give the impression that my mind is focused on anything other than beating my addtion.
WELCOME ABOARD BROTHER. YES! Can you smell it? Its the sweet lusty smell of quit all over ya. Oh boy. The NB is going hate you. I can tell. Just the type to piss her off.

Welcome to the quit. Reach out when things get tough. Keep your word and we'll get through this together.

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2011, 05:46:00 PM »
Thanks to all for your replays. You have helped me to put my thoughts into prespective as when I read your comments it is insance to think that I would miss the very thing that has controlled my life for the past 10 years. Perhaps it is just part of the process of coming to terms with a toabacco free life which I really can not remember a time when that was the case.

I am 100% committed to my quit and do not want to give the impression that my mind is focused on anything other than beating my addtion.

Offline dante

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2011, 05:13:00 PM »
Quote from: BJH83
I will miss Skoal Mint as it has been part of my life for the last decade, but it is time to grow up and let it go. 
US Tobacco will miss your daily $5.

You should not miss paying for the ingredients to poison your body and create disease with in your mouth. If you don't change your outlook...a cave is imminent.

Glad you're here...but get your head straight.

You know what I miss? Those days before I was an addict, when I loathed cigarette smoke and thought dip was vile and disgusting. I miss that, not the shit the UST sells.
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Offline Scowick65

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2011, 04:18:00 PM »
Nice 10th day of quit today. Glad to quit with you.

Offline MontyG18

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2011, 03:44:00 PM »
I'm 42. I never found it embarrising. So I don't think age is it. Think it is more of where you are from, a cultural thing maybe. 8 of 10 guys I have a cold beer with or play poker with dip. Hiding it was just never an issue. Just different for me to hear about it. I was just curious. I have two beautiful daughters 18 and 21 they don't dip. More of a do what i say not as I do type of thing with us.

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2011, 03:19:00 PM »
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: MontyG18
I read on here all the time about people hiding their addiction.  Having to sneak 20min here and there so no one would know.  Why?  I only hid it when I was to young and my parents would have kicked my ass.  34 yrs ago when I started I was super young, but then no one really thought it would hurt you so by the time I was 13 i wasn't even hiding from my parents anymore.  I guess what I am asking is why all the hiding?
Because when you are 40 it is really embarrassing.
Because I did not want my kids to see me doing it.
Because it is about the only thing my wife and I ever fought about.
Me and the guys I hung around with thought dipping was cool when I started 14 years ago. Very few of the guys I've hung around with since leaving high school have been dippers or tobacco users of any kind. None of them think my addiction is cool, none of my girlfriends have thought my addiction was cool, my fiance doesn't think my addiction is cool, I DON'T THINK MY ADDICTION IS COOL. I'm ashamed of my addiction. I never liked dipping around other people because they gave me shit about it, reminding me that I was a dipper, so I felt more ashamed, became more secretive, etc. Kind of a vicious cycle after a while. But it definitely gets hard to hide. Much easier to toss it to the curb now than imagine hiding it for the rest of my life. It's been nice not having to hide it for the past 4 days. I'd really lost site of the fact that I'd become such a slave to the chew. I'm glad my Copenhagen is sitting down in the sewer the the rest of the shit I don't need.

BJH, nice work on Day 5. Remember that your Skoal was a weed and doesn't miss you a bit. Give yourself the satisfaction of hating it, not missing it. You don't need it.
Quit Day: 6/20/2011
1st Floor: 9/27/2011


Offline MikeA

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2011, 12:50:00 PM »
Quote from: MontyG18
I read on here all the time about people hiding their addiction. Having to sneak 20min here and there so no one would know. Why? I only hid it when I was to young and my parents would have kicked my ass. 34 yrs ago when I started I was super young, but then no one really thought it would hurt you so by the time I was 13 i wasn't even hiding from my parents anymore. I guess what I am asking is why all the hiding?
Because when you are 40 it is really embarrassing.
Because I did not want my kids to see me doing it.
Because it is about the only thing my wife and I ever fought about.

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2011, 12:01:00 PM »
I read on here all the time about people hiding their addiction. Having to sneak 20min here and there so no one would know. Why? I only hid it when I was to young and my parents would have kicked my ass. 34 yrs ago when I started I was super young, but then no one really thought it would hurt you so by the time I was 13 i wasn't even hiding from my parents anymore. I guess what I am asking is why all the hiding?

Offline Souliman

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2011, 10:04:00 AM »
I'm going to pile on with Husker and Mags

You got to HATE Skoal mint right now. You got to get some resolve, conviction going here BJH. All Skoal mint did was try to kill you on a daily basis. Its not some cute memory from high school...its your fucking enemy bro.

Offline husker06484

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2011, 09:57:00 AM »
I will miss Skoal Mint as it has been part of my life for the last decade, but it is time to grow up and let it go. 
Don't romanticize your addiction its a one way ticket to epic failure. Magnum is right...Life is not romantic without a jaw...

Skoal was part of my life for 16 years and there is not a day I fucking miss that shit....I hit the hall tomorrow and I thank god everyday i stopped before it waqs to late....Miss the lies, the late nites, the hiding of my addiction...I dont miss that shit..That was my life, I dont miss it for a second

What did not dipping make me realize...That I missed my family, I missed spending an entire day with my kids and I dont have to run and hide for 20 mins....It made me realize that I missed kissing my wife as soon as I see her...Yup I missed many things..Skoal will not be one of them.....The Freedom is the greatest thing going.....

Stay strong stay quit.....Miss skoal not a shot, gain freedom that is your call????

Offline magnum9

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2011, 12:49:00 AM »
Quote from: BJH83
Just wanted to post a quick topic introducing myself to all the KTC faithful out there. I actually found this site in day 5 of my quit, and I am glad that I did. The support, or rather just the accountability has been the driving force behind my resolve so far.

Day 7 was probably worse for me than day 1, and the only reason I did not go out and by a can was the fact that I found this site and posted roll that morning! Strangely enough, day 8 was by far the best...

I will miss Skoal Mint as it has been part of my life for the last decade, but it is time to grow up and let it go.

Today, I quit with the rest of September!


I welcome you to the brotherhood but I also would be doing you a disservice if I did not mention a grave problem with your attitude...

You will miss Skoal Mint?

If that is how you feel about it you will never succeed.

Do you really miss something that was going to rot your teeth out? Do you miss not having the potential of getting your jaw removed? Do you miss the idea that you were far more likely to have a heart attack 7 days ago?

What is it that you miss?

There is something on here that we call "burning you boats". You have not done that yet. Get you attitude straight about that devil weed and burn your boats. That way you will never go back to the shit because you "miss it".

Get it done.

Offline nicofiend

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2011, 12:36:00 AM »
Welcome aboard the quitters train BJ! Glad to be quit with you ! Nicofiend

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2011, 11:32:00 PM »
Quote from: BJH83
Just wanted to post a quick topic introducing myself to all the KTC faithful out there. I actually found this site in day 5 of my quit, and I am glad that I did. The support, or rather just the accountability has been the driving force behind my resolve so far.

Day 7 was probably worse for me than day 1, and the only reason I did not go out and by a can was the fact that I found this site and posted roll that morning! Strangely enough, day 8 was by far the best...

I will miss Skoal Mint as it has been part of my life for the last decade, but it is time to grow up and let it go.

Today, I quit with the rest of September!

Welcome BJ.

You will find people here who say what you need to hear, and other who will say things that will piss you off. Listen to the voices that work for you and ignore the rest.

Congratulations on taking your life back. What's your story? age? Brand of choice? length of addication? ...Why did you quit?
The love you get here is conditional. The condition is that you are quit.

"Every time you bump someone and dont fix it, a kitten dies" - Jost2Brown

Offline BJH83

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« on: June 22, 2011, 11:12:00 PM »
Just wanted to post a quick topic introducing myself to all the KTC faithful out there. I actually found this site in day 5 of my quit, and I am glad that I did. The support, or rather just the accountability has been the driving force behind my resolve so far.

Day 7 was probably worse for me than day 1, and the only reason I did not go out and by a can was the fact that I found this site and posted roll that morning! Strangely enough, day 8 was by far the best...

I will miss Skoal Mint as it has been part of my life for the last decade, but it is time to grow up and let it go.

Today, I quit with the rest of September!