Author Topic: My quit begins  (Read 1932 times)

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Offline davenc

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Re: My quit begins
« Reply #25 on: July 27, 2011, 09:38:00 AM »
1 Year and still going strong. The quit rages on......
Quit with extreme prejudice...
My orders say I'm not supposed to know where I'm taking this quit, so I don't! But one look at you and I know its gonna be hot!

QD: 07/28/2010
HOF: 11/04/2010
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Offline Greg5280

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Re: My quit begins
« Reply #24 on: September 20, 2010, 01:38:00 PM »
Excellent post !

It is amazing what getting off this shit can do to you. I had similar experiences through my early days. I still have the occasional 'off' day but nothing like they used to be.

You are right, dump the stuff and fight through whatever you have to to get clean. It is worth it !!


Offline davenc

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Re: My quit begins
« Reply #23 on: September 20, 2010, 01:30:00 PM »
Thoughts at Day 55

I have been wanting to post this at day 50 but have been spending time collecting my thoughts.


It has been 55 days since I took my last dip out on July 28, 2010 at 9am.
My quit started because of a recent health scare on June 23. However my dumbass continued to dip until July 27 when I was able to go see the doctor about my acid reflux. It wasn't until July 28 that I took a deep hard look at myself and everything going on in my life and realized that I must clean up my act if I intend on living a long and prosperous life.

Traveling through the fog

When I quit dipping Copenhagen I was determined that this would be my first and last quit. I knew that I would have cravings, I would have withdrawal symptoms and I would not be a very happy person for a while. The only thing that I didn't know was how long I would go through all of this. All I knew was that whatever happened that I would endure. I would come on KTC post roll call first thing every morning and take whatever punishment I receive that day but I will not dip. In the beginning I was having problems with acid reflux and anxiety. Taking Prilosec for the reflux helped but got prescribed Citralopram (SSRI) for the anxiety and went from feeling bad to feeling worse. I started going through depression along with still having the anxiety. I lost my appetite and lost about 25 pounds within 2 weeks. Waking up crying and trembling at the same time during the night was happening regularly. I actually felt for a short period like dying would have been a better alternative to what I was going thru. I tried to muscle through everything. I would come home from work every day and just hug my wife for all I was worth and just break down crying. I began praying. I guess when you feel as bad as I did you begin looking to God for help because you realize that He is the only hope you have left. I took Citrolopram for 2 weeks and decided I had to get off of it. However this drug is so powerful you have to gradually come off of it. So I took the next week gradually lowering the dosage to get off it.

It was amazing. A couple of days after my last dose I began feeling like a million bucks. The depression went away and I didn't have any anxiety for a few days until I started having this weird feeling like I was able to have an attack. At night before bed I would take a sleep aid and be able to sleep thru the night without trembling. Also my appetite came back and gained a few pounds back that I previously lost. As time went on I was still taking Prilosec for acid reflux. However after 1 month of taking it (as the doctor prescribed) I stopped the Prilosec and lo and behold my acid reflux was gone! That made me so happy that I cried.


As of today at day 55 I am pretty much back to my old self. I still have the occassional feeling of anxiety and have only had the trembling 1 time since I quit Citrolopram. I chalk the anxiety I experience now up to job stress and withdrawal symptoms but it is nowhere near as bad as during my first month of quit and it has been occuring less and less. Its been about a month without taking Prilosec and no acid reflux has occurred. I was really scared that I may have had throat cancer or a hienal hernia and would need to have an upper GI done. As for cravings for a dip the first 2 weeks were the only time I had cravings. During the first 2 weeks I drinked plenty of water, chewed gum and had the mint snuff when I had a bad craving.

Looking back on it I did what I set out to do in the beginning: Quit dipping Copenhagen and endure whatever pain was thrown at me and stay quit. Nowadays when I have a craving to go buy a can of Cope I think back to that first month of acid reflux, anxiety and depression. That gives me the proper motivation because I refuse to go through that shit agian. I cried more during that first month of my quit than I have in probably the last 15 years. I am not a shame to say that. I know that grown men aren't supposed to cry but that shows you how much control the nicotine had over me. But I stuck to my plan. I stayed close to the KTC site. I will never be able to thank KTC enough for helping me get my life back. Its like KTC broke me down from being a hardcore Copenhagen addict and built me back up to be a stone cold quitter with a raging quit erection at all times. It gave me strength to draw from when I didn't have my own. I thank you all for everything that you have done for me in my quit even if it is something as simple as just being here and posting roll with me.

One last thing I would like to say is for the new quitters and any future quitters that may ever read this. I have read posts from other quitters about how hard everything is in the beginning and I think about what I went thru when I started. I know some have had similar things happen to them and I can tell you that it does get better. It WILL get better. I am proof if you still had your doubts. Nothing is worth going back to fingerbanging the can. If I can make it thru that hell I'll be damned if you can't!

Stay quit,

Quit with extreme prejudice...
My orders say I'm not supposed to know where I'm taking this quit, so I don't! But one look at you and I know its gonna be hot!

QD: 07/28/2010
HOF: 11/04/2010
2nd Floor: 02/12/2011
3rd Floor: 05/23/2011
1 Year: 07/27/2011
4th Floor: 08/31/2011
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Offline davenc

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Re: My quit begins
« Reply #22 on: August 06, 2010, 05:50:00 AM »
I reached double digits today! This site has been a tremendous help in my quit. I haven't had a craving for a dip in a couple of days. I've been doing good just chewing gum and drinking water. However I am still having problems sleeping. Last night I decided to try sleeping without my sleep aid. I woke up this morning at 4:30 with a dull burning in my chest and slight feeling of anxiety. I've been taking Prilosec per the doctor for acid reflux and it has helped a bunch. I'm not sure if this is a symptom of me quitting dip or the fact that I am overweight. However if I get up and move around some I will burp quite a few times and it starts to feel better. I guess I should start doing more exercise in the evenings after dinner.

Other than that I'm very happy in my quit and my wife is much happier also. I enjoy posting roll call everyday and I can't believe I allowed myself to be controlled by tobacco for that long. Thank you everyone for all of the support you have given me in these first 10 days. I am going to enjoy the new nic free me!

Quit with extreme prejudice...
My orders say I'm not supposed to know where I'm taking this quit, so I don't! But one look at you and I know its gonna be hot!

QD: 07/28/2010
HOF: 11/04/2010
2nd Floor: 02/12/2011
3rd Floor: 05/23/2011
1 Year: 07/27/2011
4th Floor: 08/31/2011
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Offline cmay1

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Re: My quit begins
« Reply #21 on: July 30, 2010, 09:55:00 AM »
Quote from: davenc
Well, I'm on day 3 and still humping it. I slept better last night but I still felt some anxiety when I first woke up. But that eventually went away once I got out of bed, posted roll call and grabbed breakfast. I'm starting to get more and more cravings especially in the morning. I've been so accustomed to throwing a fat one in as soon as I got into work. Now I just throw some gum in and move on. One way or another I am going to beat the bastard and the only way there will ever be another dip in my mouth is when I am 6 feet under. Everyone can take comfort in the fact that when they see me post roll call every morning that they don't have to worry about me having a dip the rest of the day. I'll be damned if I'm going to blow what I've started so far so I can go cave in like a fat bitch at Krispy Kreme. But talk is cheap. I can talk about quitting until I'm blue in the face. The only thing that matters is my actions to stay quit. I am going to prove that every fucking day. I owe that to myself, my wife and my new brothers and sisters to let you know I am with you 100%. We will not falter. Everyday we go without dip we prevail!

Kick ass Dave - who are the other three members of the Four Horsemen in your Nov. quit group? Get together specific guys in your group that you are particularly responsible for and keep track of them (and have them do the same for you). Don't let anybody slip through the cracks. I'll tell you now from personal experience, having a relatively long-time quitter in your group cave is not a great feeling, and we all need to do all in our power to prevent that from happening.

Also, I'm pretty new here myself, but nicotine is apparently a "bitch", and not a "bastard", though it is possible that she is both....

Keep quitting. Give me a PM if you want a number -
"So if EVERYTHING was a trigger then nothing is really a 'trigger'" - MikeA

"panting like a fatopotomus" - Greg5280

"...and then at last my addict friend, you'll see what you've forsaken, when 100 speak the truth, and yet you disagree, then maybe you're mistaken." - SkoalMonster

Offline davenc

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Re: My quit begins
« Reply #20 on: July 30, 2010, 08:07:00 AM »
Well, I'm on day 3 and still humping it. I slept better last night but I still felt some anxiety when I first woke up. But that eventually went away once I got out of bed, posted roll call and grabbed breakfast. I'm starting to get more and more cravings especially in the morning. I've been so accustomed to throwing a fat one in as soon as I got into work. Now I just throw some gum in and move on. One way or another I am going to beat the bastard and the only way there will ever be another dip in my mouth is when I am 6 feet under. Everyone can take comfort in the fact that when they see me post roll call every morning that they don't have to worry about me having a dip the rest of the day. I'll be damned if I'm going to blow what I've started so far so I can go cave in like a fat bitch at Krispy Kreme. But talk is cheap. I can talk about quitting until I'm blue in the face. The only thing that matters is my actions to stay quit. I am going to prove that every fucking day. I owe that to myself, my wife and my new brothers and sisters to let you know I am with you 100%. We will not falter. Everyday we go without dip we prevail!

Quit with extreme prejudice...
My orders say I'm not supposed to know where I'm taking this quit, so I don't! But one look at you and I know its gonna be hot!

QD: 07/28/2010
HOF: 11/04/2010
2nd Floor: 02/12/2011
3rd Floor: 05/23/2011
1 Year: 07/27/2011
4th Floor: 08/31/2011
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Offline redtrain14

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Re: My quit begins
« Reply #19 on: July 29, 2010, 02:00:00 PM »
Quote from: davenc
Quote from: redtrain14
Thats a fine plan dave.  Let me change your language a bit.....

The word test, when used in quitting, has always implied to me that there is room for error.  "I took a driving test today, but I hit grandma walking across the street".  There is no room for error in quitting.  Let's change that to "a challange" that we will over come.

Post roll early, everyday, keep your word.  You got this!
Ok, I gotcha! "A Challenge" does sound better and it is motivating.

I am looking forward to another day of quit tomorrow! Roll call at 6am!
A daily battle with the nic bitch, we win! WOOOOOO!

Offline davenc

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Re: My quit begins
« Reply #18 on: July 29, 2010, 01:39:00 PM »
Quote from: redtrain14
Thats a fine plan dave. Let me change your language a bit.....

The word test, when used in quitting, has always implied to me that there is room for error. "I took a driving test today, but I hit grandma walking across the street". There is no room for error in quitting. Let's change that to "a challange" that we will over come.

Post roll early, everyday, keep your word. You got this!
Ok, I gotcha! "A Challenge" does sound better and it is motivating.

I am looking forward to another day of quit tomorrow! Roll call at 6am!
Quit with extreme prejudice...
My orders say I'm not supposed to know where I'm taking this quit, so I don't! But one look at you and I know its gonna be hot!

QD: 07/28/2010
HOF: 11/04/2010
2nd Floor: 02/12/2011
3rd Floor: 05/23/2011
1 Year: 07/27/2011
4th Floor: 08/31/2011
5th Floor: 12/09/2011
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Offline redtrain14

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Re: My quit begins
« Reply #17 on: July 29, 2010, 01:33:00 PM »
Thats a fine plan dave. Let me change your language a bit.....

The word test, when used in quitting, has always implied to me that there is room for error. "I took a driving test today, but I hit grandma walking across the street". There is no room for error in quitting. Let's change that to "a challange" that we will over come.

Post roll early, everyday, keep your word. You got this!

Offline davenc

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Re: My quit begins
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2010, 01:18:00 PM »
Tonight is going to be a big challenge for me in my quit. My wife is going out with her girlfriends tonight and won't be back home until late. Usually on days like this I use as an excuse to dip as much as I want while doing whatever I want. Its going to be a true test of my determination in wanting to stay quit.

As for my quit plan, here's what I've got:

Date of quit: 07/28/2010 (last dip spit out at 9am)

Reason for quitting: I have recently started having acid reflux while sleeping and will suddenly wake up feeling anxiety and worried that I may have some serious medical problem or dying. After getting checked by the doc I am ok but haven't received lab results for further tests. Also I googled the effects of dip on the body and read quit a few stories on people that have had to have surgeries or died (most info came from this site). After reading all of this I realized that I am doing my family and most importantly myself a disservice by doing this shit. I am 30 years old and I want to live many many more. I am tired of having the sore gums and always trying to move it around to find a nice comfortable place to put it in. Also given the state of the economy I need to trim unnecessary expenses to save money. I read the Top 100 benefits of stoppind dip and I fitted the bill on a bunch of those. I've decided that I must clean up my act and it starts right here.

Fighting Cravings: I am primarily using chewing gum and drinking water to fight off cravings. I do have some mint snuff for just in case. I am still trying to eat healthy for weight loss. I am staying active at work. If I hit a slow period instead of sitting on my ass I'll go for a brisk 15 minute walk. I have given away the dip that I bought yesterday before coming to the ultimate decision to quit permanently. I have told my wife, friends and coworkers that I am quitting. I am trying to build a good group of people I can lean on when I might be ready to cave in.

By posting roll I will reaffirm my commitment to myself that I will stay quit.
Quit with extreme prejudice...
My orders say I'm not supposed to know where I'm taking this quit, so I don't! But one look at you and I know its gonna be hot!

QD: 07/28/2010
HOF: 11/04/2010
2nd Floor: 02/12/2011
3rd Floor: 05/23/2011
1 Year: 07/27/2011
4th Floor: 08/31/2011
5th Floor: 12/09/2011
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Offline Cancrusher

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Re: My quit begins
« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2010, 12:09:00 PM »
Congrats bud! You got this! Your life will change in ways you didn't know were possible!

Only if you sack up and stick with this...

This site is a gift to those who want to be free from the chains of a terrible addiction. You stick with this, read as much as you can, and post roll will not have to worry about going back to the nic0_Bitch.

Do not be careless. The Nic0_Bitch wants you back. She will whisper in your ear while cupping your nuts ever-so-gently. "C'mon, just one more for the road Dave"..."We used to do everything together Dave"..."You can have just ONE more Dave".

All of this is 'B.S.'

Mark my words, if you haven't heard these lines from her, you will. Reading this site will give you the tools to metaphorically throat punch her when she starts in with these lies.

My thoughts are with you as you fight through these first few days. My advice, have a plan ready by this weekend. I mean a solid quit plan. Matter of fact, why don't you post this quit plan in here. They are quite personal but I could point out any weaknesses if there are any.

My Day 1 | 5/19/2010


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Offline tberge3

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Re: My quit begins
« Reply #14 on: July 29, 2010, 11:55:00 AM »
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: Sloppytaters
Quote from: davenc
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: davenc
I have good reason to believe that it was giving me acid reflux.
210 day quitter. I have not had a pepcid AC for 208 days. I used to take at least 1 a day. There is another $20 a month I have saved.
Yeah, I went to the doc the other day and he put me on prilosec otc. Took the first dose yesterday. Even though I only slept 4 hours I didn't have any acid reflux.
I never thought of it untill I seen you guys mention it, but my heart burn is gone completely as well. I use to eat 2-3 tums a day. Thats good news and i wasnt even aware of it lol
do you all want to now talk about not needing the blood pressure medicine?
My heartburn has also dissappeared. As for blood pressure, never had to worry about it yet. But I have had mine taken about 4 times this year. It was 122/80 every time. I donated blood 2 days ago and it was 116/68.

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Re: My quit begins
« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2010, 11:50:00 AM »
Quote from: davenc
Thanks all, I'm on day 2 and glad to be a member of this community. As I mentioned in my roll post I got about 4 hours of sleep but I've been chewing gum and taking the occassional mint snuff to fight off cravings. I'm really not a big fan of the mint snuff though. I'm finding just chewing gum and drinking water is helping the most. Also staying active at work. Its still taking a while to getting used to doing things without a dip. I pretty much would have one in all day unless I was eating. I have even slept with a dip in when sitting in my recliner. That shit was running my life. But I decided it was time to quit after all of the sore gums and I have good reason to believe that it was giving me acid reflux.

MOA, you can give me hell about the skoal cherry. I started using that at 15. It wasn't until after college that I decided I needed a stronger dip and moved to copenhagen regular. A couple of years ago I did a stint with Copenhagen Whiskey Blend but once it was discontinued I moved back to regular again.
At least it wasn't Peach.....
Blah...Blah...Blah...You keep TALKIN....I'll keep QUITTIN

I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to support YOUR quit.

Quit Date: 2/25/10 and every day since
HoF: June 4, 2010
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10th Floor: November 20, 2012

Offline MikeA

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Re: My quit begins
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2010, 11:31:00 AM »
Quote from: Sloppytaters
Quote from: davenc
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: davenc
I have good reason to believe that it was giving me acid reflux.
210 day quitter. I have not had a pepcid AC for 208 days. I used to take at least 1 a day. There is another $20 a month I have saved.
Yeah, I went to the doc the other day and he put me on prilosec otc. Took the first dose yesterday. Even though I only slept 4 hours I didn't have any acid reflux.
I never thought of it untill I seen you guys mention it, but my heart burn is gone completely as well. I use to eat 2-3 tums a day. Thats good news and i wasnt even aware of it lol
do you all want to now talk about not needing the blood pressure medicine?

Offline Sloppytaters

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Re: My quit begins
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2010, 11:29:00 AM »
Quote from: davenc
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: davenc
I have good reason to believe that it was giving me acid reflux.
210 day quitter. I have not had a pepcid AC for 208 days. I used to take at least 1 a day. There is another $20 a month I have saved.
Yeah, I went to the doc the other day and he put me on prilosec otc. Took the first dose yesterday. Even though I only slept 4 hours I didn't have any acid reflux.
I never thought of it untill I seen you guys mention it, but my heart burn is gone completely as well. I use to eat 2-3 tums a day. Thats good news and i wasnt even aware of it lol