Author Topic: One More Addiction  (Read 1858 times)

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Offline Spurbow

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Re: One More Addiction
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2010, 09:10:00 PM »
Quote from: BlindSquirrel
Instigator - just read your post here. Just posted in nohappydays thread that I ripped the patch off earlier. Don't think I need to start over at Day 1 but if that's how you guys roll here, no problem. In my mind, I'm still on day 7 but I can be day 1 here. Calling it day 1 in my head would only serve to discourage me and that's not going to help. Either way, though, the result will be the same - no more dip!
That is how we roll.
"Silly rabbits, nicotine wasn't filling the void it was creating it." - Skoal Monster

Offline BlindSquirrel

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Re: One More Addiction
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2010, 08:03:00 PM »
Instigator - just read your post here. Just posted in nohappydays thread that I ripped the patch off earlier. Don't think I need to start over at Day 1 but if that's how you guys roll here, no problem. In my mind, I'm still on day 7 but I can be day 1 here. Calling it day 1 in my head would only serve to discourage me and that's not going to help. Either way, though, the result will be the same - no more dip!

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Re: One More Addiction
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2010, 06:57:00 PM »
Ok, gang. Read blindsquirrel's post in nohappysong's intro thread. He is still on nic gum and patches. Blind, you can do this, but you gotta dump all the crutches and cold turkey this thing. Flush it all, start over day one, December group.
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Offline Spurbow

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Re: One More Addiction
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2010, 06:47:00 PM »
Quote from: vh5150
Quote from: kdip
As Tony and Mitch say, we are here to support you!!!  you can DO this ONE day at a time!!!  30+ Nic addict here and almost 2 years clean!!!  You will have a whole NEW outlook on life once you are no longer chained to a can!!!  Congrats on the BEST decision you will ever make!!!  PM if you need a number for support
What kDip said. It isn't going to be the easiest thing you've ever done. For me, it was the hardest. Until you go completely nic free, you're not going to feel any better and that crave is going to get harder to resist. Gum, candy, straws, fake snuff are all good things to help with the mouth fixation. Later, you can get off of these or not. It doesn't matter as long as you're not poisoning yourself with nic. We're here for you, but it's time to man up and either quit or keep killing yourself. I won't stand by for the latter, but I'll proudly stand by and be a quitter with you. This is the one time in life when it's a good thing to be a quitter.
Hey Blind Squirrel - Read my post below on day 13. I like we have similar addictions 38, dipped since i was 14 but still drink. I didn't think i would like a site like this but tried out of desperation.....glad i did. Let me know if you ever need anthing or a number and good luck on the best decision of your life.

Feels like a good time to post up on the experience......

I had my second dentist appointment today for a deep scaling and cleaning. Today was the dip side of my mouth and it was quite a bit worse but i actually enjoyed it. Scraping away layer upon layer of chaw tar from below my gum line and flushing it out with an antibiotic - it was like some kind of exorcism.

QUIT 13 days now and feel better today than the last couple. I seemed to be going backward for a couple of days but today my cravings were more manageable - at least so far.I continue to substitute oral hygeine exercises for shoving shit in my mouth or lighting shit and that seems to help. I bought a water pick because i still suck at flossing.

I never, ever, ever thought a site like this would be something for me. I have always dealt with my problems alone - come to think of it, i just never dealt with them and perceived doing it alone. So far everything i have tried, i.e., live chat, reading various topics, PMing a friend, posting in NOVEMBER, chatting with my fellow Shitbags new to the QUIT, listening to the VETS (even the VET CAVERS) is another shingle in my armour against the NIC BITCH - but I am still exposed.

Today is the day our band of brothers takes down the vacancy sign and I have been waiting for this for a while. NOVEMBER FLAMIN SHITBAGS HAVE A SOLID NUMBER TO TAKE TO THE HOF and I will take any caving very personally.

I recently started lurking in some of the other QUIT GROUPS and was amazed at all of the happenings; VETS rooting and counting down the days like aged baseball stars approaching "that hit" and QUITTERS, well into their quit, getting advice how to handle a big trigger event coming up.

Here is what i have learned so far and will apply:
Get Numbers
Have a back up plan and contract
Take what works for your quit and leave the rest.
Read a lot
Don't get too Cocky

Appreciate you all (well most of you),
"Silly rabbits, nicotine wasn't filling the void it was creating it." - Skoal Monster

Offline vh5150

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Re: One More Addiction
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2010, 05:08:00 PM »
Quote from: kdip
As Tony and Mitch say, we are here to support you!!! you can DO this ONE day at a time!!! 30+ Nic addict here and almost 2 years clean!!! You will have a whole NEW outlook on life once you are no longer chained to a can!!! Congrats on the BEST decision you will ever make!!! PM if you need a number for support
What kDip said. It isn't going to be the easiest thing you've ever done. For me, it was the hardest. Until you go completely nic free, you're not going to feel any better and that crave is going to get harder to resist. Gum, candy, straws, fake snuff are all good things to help with the mouth fixation. Later, you can get off of these or not. It doesn't matter as long as you're not poisoning yourself with nic. We're here for you, but it's time to man up and either quit or keep killing yourself. I won't stand by for the latter, but I'll proudly stand by and be a quitter with you. This is the one time in life when it's a good thing to be a quitter.
Romans 10:9 - That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

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Re: One More Addiction
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2010, 02:27:00 PM »
As Tony and Mitch say, we are here to support you!!! you can DO this ONE day at a time!!! 30+ Nic addict here and almost 2 years clean!!! You will have a whole NEW outlook on life once you are no longer chained to a can!!! Congrats on the BEST decision you will ever make!!! PM if you need a number for support

Offline TonyC

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Re: One More Addiction
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2010, 02:01:00 PM »
YO Yo Blind squirrel, It can be done and you can do it. I am day 30 QUIT and used the Mint Snuff for the first two weeks pretty heavy, less the 3rd week and even less this 4th week.....fully expect to be done with the mint fake stuff by this can do it no problem if you have decided to stop...i was a 30 year NIC addict......cravings come and go constantly but this thing is very beatable...stay on here every day if possible...ask for help if needed.....this group is pure class man. GOOD LUCK MY FELLOW QUITTER.....

Offline mitch

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Re: One More Addiction
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2010, 01:39:00 PM »

I must say I'm incredibly impressed at your ability to quit alcohol without the help of a support group. But if you "aren't much of a support group guy," what led you here?

If you use this site as it is designed, and summon your incredible resolve against this literally cannot fail. We won't allow you to.

I was a 15-year dipper...I've been clean for half-a-year with the help of this site, and I'm loving life today. Send me a Private Message (click 'Inbox' in the upper-right-hand corner of your screen, then "Compose New Message") if you'd like my phone number to text or call for support.

Stick around, use the will succeed.

Mitch (May '10)
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Stay Quit! It gets better!!!

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Re: One More Addiction
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2010, 01:33:00 PM »
Welcome Blindsquirrel and congrats on your decision.

Head over to the November '10 quit group and introduce yourself.


You can also hang out with these non dipping non drinking studs.


Post up, read, read, read, and get involved. Shout if you need anything.

Offline BlindSquirrel

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One More Addiction
« on: August 24, 2010, 01:29:00 PM »

I'm 41 years old and have been dipping pretty much constantly since I was 16. I have attempted to quit a couple of times but it hasn't stuck. This time will be the last time I quit because I'm not going back. This morning marked 1 week since my last dip and I will freely admit I hate almost every minute of it.

The hardest part for me is the fact that I am a recovering alcoholic (next month will mark 15 years of sobriety) and I have used dip as my crutch ever since. To be honest, replacing one addiction with another was a good thing for me for a while because the dip was the only thing that kept me from drinking may times. However, 15 years with that crutch is long enough. I have repeatedly lied to my wife and hid my addiction from everyone, and I have hated myself for it. I started swallowing the spit 5 years ago so I could have a small dip in for most of the work day without anyone knowing. In a nutshell, it was controlling me.

I'm not a big support group guy (I quit drinking totally by myself), but I need every advantage I can get to make this work. I look forward to comments, advice, moral support, a kick in the butt, or whatever else anyone wants to throw my way.
