Author Topic: No one can force you to quit... Eh?  (Read 1259 times)

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Offline evilearl

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Re: No one can force you to quit... Eh?
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2013, 07:08:00 AM »
Another perspective. You do have to give up NICOTINE. In the past I would play games with myself ie "I sure am glad I'm not smoking I'm only dipping", "I'm sure glad I'm not dipping, I'm only smoking a little," "I'm sure glad I'm not smoking or dipping, but I'm using patches, nicotine gum, nicotine lozenges, or Arriva or Stonewall nicotine candy".

Your method of delivery is unimportant. The fact is, you are a nicotine junkie (as I am also). You have to give up NICOTINE. If you do not, you will never get through withdrawal, only prolong it. NICOTINE replacement therapy is the biggest lie out there (there are rare exceptions who do quit using them, but they are not the norm and this is most likely not you).

I have known people who have been on the patches, gum, and lozenges for YEARS....rotating between the various NRT flavors with spurts of smoking and dipping thrown in.

Do yourself a favor and quit the evil NICOTINE all together. You CAN do it!

Offline Rob1985

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Re: No one can force you to quit... Eh?
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2013, 02:38:00 AM »
Unicornrocinu, you logged in "Last Activity: Mar 12, 2013, 10:07 am" and no response to any of our postings? We all know you read this... so if you're serious and want help, I highly advise you say something other than an introduction. Anything else is just wasting our time.

Quitting is tough as hell, but so will fighting for your life because you either have to have your jaw, face or tongue removed. Not to mention if you start using the cancer sticks, now you're talking lung cancer in addition to oral cancer! Put the addiction to rest, it's the same drug..Nicotine, just a different delivery! Take back your life, it might just save your life!

I watched my father die of cancer and my step-father die of lung cancer! Do it for you and the ones you love! QUIT LIKE FUCK!

If I offend you, well too bad, I take my quit seriously and I am irritated that you posted this, logged in several hours later and never replied. _
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Re: No one can force you to quit... Eh?
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2013, 02:01:00 AM »
Quote from: Unicornrocinu
I guess I beg to differ....

I wanted to go get a can of chew a couple of days ago and my husband said we should quit. I mean, he brought up how it's so not attractive and of course un healthy. So, I go along with it. Not like I have much of a choice. What can I say ? My 'rational' mind just goes to 'Finger' I want it!!

So 2.5 days later, total depression, hot flashes, and cravings.
I've tried salty, sugary, lots of water....grrrrr

I'm just venting. Nothing I can really do. The few drags I have a day from his smoke are disgusting, lol! 'help'
Wait, something is seriously wrong with this picture Unicorn. What do you mean "I go along with it" and "I don't have much of a choice"??!! What are you a robot programmed to take orders from your husband? Don't you have a mind of your own and can decide to quit or not all by yourself?

Second of all "lol"?; the people on this site are not laughing with you on this one.

Listen and I'll tell you straight, you have to REALLY WANT to do this and not play games. We are serious quitters dedicated to the cause. None of us have time for games. This intro post is suspicious to me so either explain and commit now or don't waste our time

Offline bleeckerdogs

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Re: No one can force you to quit... Eh?
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2013, 02:07:00 PM »
Looks like you don't want to be quit! And thats ok! Do we all want you to say fuck it im done, absolutly, misery loves company. We all are fighting like hell to stay quit. You will hear alot of people on here say shit like one day at a time. BS - for the first couple weeks its was hour by hour. That fades and after awhile you won't think about it hourly. Then you can take it 1 day at a time. Nic is a real whore and it will wisper in your ear for years to come. You cant quit because your husband all of a sudden decided its time. When you decide its time, come back and post roll. Until then you are going to waste the time of a lot of bad ass quiters. If hes ready get him in here. We will help him along. Good luck!

Offline Houstonlh

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Re: No one can force you to quit... Eh?
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2013, 12:53:00 PM »
Quote from: Unicornrocinu
I guess I beg to differ....

I wanted to go get a can of chew a couple of days ago and my husband said we should quit. I mean, he brought up how it's so not attractive and of course un healthy. So, I go along with it. Not like I have much of a choice. What can I say ? My 'rational' mind just goes to 'Finger' I want it!!

So 2.5 days later, total depression, hot flashes, and cravings.
I've tried salty, sugary, lots of water....grrrrr

I'm just venting. Nothing I can really do. The few drags I have a day from his smoke are disgusting, lol! 'help'
If you are really honest with yourself, your rational mind will tell you that you DON'T want it! yea the first few days suck and you may feel like nothing will help you, but I am on day 7 and I can tell after day 4 or so for me the cravings may still be there but I just cant make myself get a dip. Once you are 100% Nic free come back here, post day 1, and make a promise that you won't use TODAY. Having the people on this website to be accountable to will make all the difference in the world, I promise.

Offline Radman

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Re: No one can force you to quit... Eh?
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2013, 07:55:00 AM »
There is no "few drags", or "try", or "want" here. There is "Quit" and there is "Not quit". Every person falls into one of those categories. Pick one of them.

As long as you are taking "a few drags", you will never feel better. You will never get over the withdrawal symptoms. Your body is working hard trying to cleanse itself, and you keep throwing poison right back in there. A friend of mine posted here a while back "..... in the end, there is only one way out: no nicotine today.". Scowick is a wise dude. Notice he said "NO nicotine". He didn't say "less nicotine". Do yourself a favor and let your body do what it wants to do. Quit completely.

Additionally: that is the price of admission here. We all have to be 100% nicotine free. Else we can't post here.

I'm glad to see you here. I'd really like to see you follow through and make it stick.

Offline Rob1985

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Re: No one can force you to quit... Eh?
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2013, 06:32:00 AM »
Quote from: Unicornrocinu
I guess I beg to differ....

I wanted to go get a can of chew a couple of days ago and my husband said we should quit. I mean, he brought up how it's so not attractive and of course un healthy. So, I go along with it. Not like I have much of a choice. What can I say ? My 'rational' mind just goes to 'Finger' I want it!!

So 2.5 days later, total depression, hot flashes, and cravings.
I've tried salty, sugary, lots of water....grrrrr

I'm just venting. Nothing I can really do. The few drags I have a day from his smoke are disgusting, lol! 'help'
If you want help and support from any of us on here you need to quit all nicotine! This site is 100% cold turkey. We post roll every day to promise we won't use. It's that simple... integrity and owning your quit.

When you're ready, visit the " Welcome Center" and become quit! It will be tough, but I can guarantee it will get better!
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Offline waketech

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Re: No one can force you to quit... Eh?
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2013, 04:17:00 AM »
Quote from: Unicornrocinu
I guess I beg to differ....

I wanted to go get a can of chew a couple of days ago and my husband said we should quit. I mean, he brought up how it's so not attractive and of course un healthy. So, I go along with it. Not like I have much of a choice. What can I say ? My 'rational' mind just goes to 'Finger' I want it!!

So 2.5 days later, total depression, hot flashes, and cravings.
I've tried salty, sugary, lots of water....grrrrr

I'm just venting. Nothing I can really do. The few drags I have a day from his smoke are disgusting, lol! 'help'
So let me get this right? Neither you nor your husband are quit? We quit cold turkey here! That means no nicotine in any form. We use each other to lean on for support and post a daily promise not to use. While you are putting nicotine in your blood stream I can not help you for it is weak and I have no room for weakness in my quit. When you are ready to quit for yourself come back and post up we will help you out...

Offline Unicornrocinu

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No one can force you to quit... Eh?
« on: March 12, 2013, 04:05:00 AM »
I guess I beg to differ....

I wanted to go get a can of chew a couple of days ago and my husband said we should quit. I mean, he brought up how it's so not attractive and of course un healthy. So, I go along with it. Not like I have much of a choice. What can I say ? My 'rational' mind just goes to 'Finger' I want it!!

So 2.5 days later, total depression, hot flashes, and cravings.
I've tried salty, sugary, lots of water....grrrrr

I'm just venting. Nothing I can really do. The few drags I have a day from his smoke are disgusting, lol! 'help'