Author Topic: Jolly Good Quitting  (Read 1061 times)

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Re: Jolly Good Quitting
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2017, 11:12:00 AM »
Quote from: Robinxd
Hello everyone , i have been lurking around for a few days and decided that i want to have a more social and open life .

I used to chew and smoke , quit smoking , but chewing stuck with me . Lately , i feel lethargic when i don't chew , may be its the nicotine or something else , idk . But i just want to get rid of this bad habit .

Pretty much every male member in close family , chews and i plan on getting atleast a few of them to quit later on.

I am starting to like this place , good, experienced folks ...what else can i ask for .

Samrs , please count this as my intro .
Welcome Robinxd!!

Maybe just semantics to you but I want to set the record straight right away - nicotine is an ADDICTION, not a habit. Habits can be broken. For example, I no longer bite my nails or scratch my balls in church. But nicotine has made us all ADDICTS and the stark reality is that we will be addicts for LIFE. That is why quitting dip is a proactive process every single day. We will never be cured. Yeah, over times the cravings are less frequent and intense. But there are people on here with thousands of days under their belt who still get the occasion dip dream and find themselves craving at weird times. That is because we are fighting an ADDICTION.

Because of this, part of a long-term successful quit is learning to hate nicotine in all its forms - dip, cigarettes, cigars, gum, patch, etc. Nicotine never did anything for you. Rather, it made you a slave to a dead, poisonous plant in a plastic can. It stole your freedom, your money, your health and may have hurt your relationships. It took me over a hundred days on here to fully change my mindset and truly loathe nicotine but it is necessary to finding lasting success.

Get involved in your January 2018 group and share your digits with fellow quitters - both new folks like yourself as well as some of those vets that post support in your group. We have all been where you are now and can relate 100% to your struggles. Post roll every morning right away when you wake up and focus only on today. Tomorrow will take care of itself. I have posted every morning for 520 days and thanks to KTC and my fellow brothers and sisters on here, I am enjoying my 520th day of freedom today.

If you truly serious about quitting and want my digits, feel free to shoot me a PM (upper right corner) I will be happy to support you in this journey.
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Re: Jolly Good Quitting
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2017, 11:09:00 PM »
Hey there good job on the quitting. Many of the guys in my family dip it makes it little tougher cause you want to dip when your with them its a trigger. I found that putting in a fake dip helps me with my quit. I might have helped inspire my dad to quit chewing time will tell. .maybe it will inspire some one to do the same in your family.

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Re: Jolly Good Quitting
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2017, 12:52:00 PM »
Welcome. Post roll in January. That's our promise to ourselves, our group, and the entire KTC community that we will not use tobacco, or any form of nicotine for the rest of the day. Then, make the promise again tomorrow. I've been makin my promise for 613 days.

It's important that you don't think of tobacco as a bad habit. It's an addiction to nicotine. You are as addicted as any heroin junkie is addicted to heroin. We will be addicted for the rest of our lives, even after we've beaten the habit of use.

That's what makes the daily promise so important. It keeps our addiction at the top of our mind at least once per day, and helps us in defeating it.

Offline Samrs

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Re: Jolly Good Quitting
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2017, 12:35:00 PM »
Quote from: Robinxd
Hello everyone , i have been lurking around for a few days and decided that i want to have a more social and open life .

I used to chew and smoke , quit smoking , but chewing stuck with me . Lately , i feel lethargic when i don't chew , may be its the nicotine or something else , idk . But i just want to get rid of this bad habit .

Pretty much every male member in close family , chews and i plan on getting atleast a few of them to quit later on.

I am starting to like this place , good, experienced folks ...what else can i ask for .

Samrs , please count this as my intro .
Excellent, Robin - I just sent you a PM (private message, look in the upper right hand corner of the page for the "Inbox" link) with some information. You next step is to find your way to the [January]topic/30350913/]January quit group[/url] and post roll - I'll be looking for you there!
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Offline Robinxd

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Jolly Good Quitting
« on: September 25, 2017, 12:22:00 PM »
Hello everyone , i have been lurking around for a few days and decided that i want to have a more social and open life .

I used to chew and smoke , quit smoking , but chewing stuck with me . Lately , i feel lethargic when i don't chew , may be its the nicotine or something else , idk . But i just want to get rid of this bad habit .

Pretty much every male member in close family , chews and i plan on getting atleast a few of them to quit later on.

I am starting to like this place , good, experienced folks ...what else can i ask for .

Samrs , please count this as my intro .