Captain's log: 4/13/2018:
I find it funny on how much shit is throwing around recently. $6K plumbing problem, new business venture sucking cash, furnace breakdown, and then my little queen's (only child) cat eat's a fucking spool of thread. $3k to save its fucking life or $10k of therapy? Oh, my daughter left the thread out (major guilt). And we find out today the town's portion of the plumbing is shit (both figuratively and literally); it just collapsed. Shit is my theme this month. Either I'm cleaning it up or paying to get rid of it.
But the best news is; i'm not dipping. The money I've saved has help to offset the "setbacks". Life is good, even though its a struggle at times. I'm surrounding by people that love me and support me. Why give up now?
Thank you KTC family for helping me quit!