Author Topic: New Member Intro - Screw Grizzly  (Read 3547 times)

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Re: New Member Intro - Screw Grizzly
« Reply #19 on: January 07, 2014, 07:33:00 PM »
30 days quit today. The site is a blessing!

I have given myself a free pass on the booze and diet.

What do you vets think about me attacking more vices? Too soon.....or go for it?

"If you post 100 % of the time and honor your word, you will remain quit" - Sir Derek

Offline Screw Grizzly

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Re: New Member Intro - Screw Grizzly
« Reply #18 on: December 31, 2013, 09:25:00 AM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: Screw
Day 22 and I am doing great. I sat in a bar watching football with two other dippers yesterday. I wasn't tempted even with a good beer buzz.

I don't want to feel the pain again and my focus and disgust it still very strong.

Thanks to everyone with offer up the numbers in support. I haven't cheated and I am really embracing the whole process. It just makes sense and works.

A few questions for others:

Have you ever woken up in the morning a felt like your mouth is all busted up. Like I was back and and dipping a ton? My moth felt like I went on a big weekend bender and my gums were raw. I hope I am not sleep dipping. :) That would mean I would have to be driving to the store in the middle of the night.

Has anyone been abler to get off their BP medicine? It really is scary how low my BP has been since I gave it up. It really shows how damaging the nicotine is.
Way to stay quit. Be careful about the beer buzz and hanging around your dipping buds. That is a dangerous game to play right now. Take it EZ on the beer early on here.

Your body is going thru changes as it gets back to normal. Your mouth will hurt, your throat, etc. It takes time to heal the damage that we caused on our bodies.

Quit on!
Thanks Derk40!
"If you post 100 % of the time and honor your word, you will remain quit" - Sir Derek

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Re: New Member Intro - Screw Grizzly
« Reply #17 on: December 31, 2013, 08:35:00 AM »
Quote from: Screw
Day 22 and I am doing great. I sat in a bar watching football with two other dippers yesterday. I wasn't tempted even with a good beer buzz.

I don't want to feel the pain again and my focus and disgust it still very strong.

Thanks to everyone with offer up the numbers in support. I haven't cheated and I am really embracing the whole process. It just makes sense and works.

A few questions for others:

Have you ever woken up in the morning a felt like your mouth is all busted up. Like I was back and and dipping a ton? My moth felt like I went on a big weekend bender and my gums were raw. I hope I am not sleep dipping. :) That would mean I would have to be driving to the store in the middle of the night.

Has anyone been abler to get off their BP medicine? It really is scary how low my BP has been since I gave it up. It really shows how damaging the nicotine is.
Way to stay quit. Be careful about the beer buzz and hanging around your dipping buds. That is a dangerous game to play right now. Take it EZ on the beer early on here.

Your body is going thru changes as it gets back to normal. Your mouth will hurt, your throat, etc. It takes time to heal the damage that we caused on our bodies.

Quit on!
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Offline Screw Grizzly

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Re: New Member Intro - Screw Grizzly
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2013, 11:43:00 AM »
Day 22 and I am doing great. I sat in a bar watching football with two other dippers yesterday. I wasn't tempted even with a good beer buzz.

I don't want to feel the pain again and my focus and disgust it still very strong.

Thanks to everyone with offer up the numbers in support. I haven't cheated and I am really embracing the whole process. It just makes sense and works.

A few questions for others:

Have you ever woken up in the morning a felt like your mouth is all busted up. Like I was back and and dipping a ton? My moth felt like I went on a big weekend bender and my gums were raw. I hope I am not sleep dipping. :) That would mean I would have to be driving to the store in the middle of the night.

Has anyone been abler to get off their BP medicine? It really is scary how low my BP has been since I gave it up. It really shows how damaging the nicotine is.
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Re: New Member Intro - Screw Grizzly
« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2013, 05:05:00 PM »
I saw you asked for more numbers in you roll post. I Just dropped you my number in your in box bro! Welcome to the brotherhood.
I would rather lose to a cheater than win as a cheater.

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Re: New Member Intro - Screw Grizzly
« Reply #14 on: December 23, 2013, 08:34:00 AM »
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: pbrain04
Quote from: Screw
Nicotine lies to you. It makes you believe that you can't mow the grass without it.
oh shit!!! I didn't even think about how I will mow my lawn!!

Mowing the lawn without dip? It sounds French. Its like peanut butter  jelly.
I grew 5 varieties of mint and had a big herbal mint chew for lots of my lawn mowing 2013... In fact the last big wad of mint I had broke my oral fixation. Chew the fresh herbs like redman.
To expand on B-lo's point....i used to pick wild mint as a kid. Maybe 10-12 years old. We helped a neighboring farmer put in hay and it grew at the edges of the field. We kids chewed it like dip and it made us feel tough like the old kids.
My conclusion is that mint is gateway drug. It can open and close the gate, it just depends on what you do with it.
"This personal torture has a good ending right?"

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Re: New Member Intro - Screw Grizzly
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2013, 11:53:00 PM »
Quote from: pbrain04
Quote from: Screw
Nicotine lies to you. It makes you believe that you can't mow the grass without it.
oh shit!!! I didn't even think about how I will mow my lawn!!

Mowing the lawn without dip? It sounds French. Its like peanut butter  jelly.
I grew 5 varieties of mint and had a big herbal mint chew for lots of my lawn mowing 2013... In fact the last big wad of mint I had broke my oral fixation. Chew the fresh herbs like redman.

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Re: New Member Intro - Screw Grizzly
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2013, 11:48:00 PM »
Quote from: Screw
Nicotine lies to you. It makes you believe that you can't mow the grass without it.
oh shit!!! I didn't even think about how I will mow my lawn!!

Mowing the lawn without dip? It sounds French. Its like peanut butter  jelly.

Offline Screw Grizzly

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Re: New Member Intro - Screw Grizzly
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2013, 11:23:00 PM »
Nicotine lies to you. It makes you believe that you can't mow the grass without it. You can't fish or watch a ball game without it. The lies go on and on. Well after 105 days I beg to differ. I have done all of those things without Nicotine. And guess what? My life is so much more enjoyable.

I just read this in KC Guy's HOF message. It was the right message at the right time.

I haven't cheated. I haven't quit.

I am still worried of how I do activities am not throw a dip in. It really is bizarre how I am able to knock off one activity after another off my list with ease, but I still stress about future days.

I am so happy I found this forum.

See you are 100 March Rollers!
"If you post 100 % of the time and honor your word, you will remain quit" - Sir Derek

Offline brettlees

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Re: New Member Intro - Screw Grizzly
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2013, 09:39:00 AM »
I smell a quitter here! I like your determination SG. You have some strong vets watching you. Follow their tips, reach out to others, and weave a web of accountabith and support in here. PM me if you want my number. I see a lot of me in your intro, and a lot of Oomph in your quit!
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline Screw Grizzly

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Re: New Member Intro - Screw Grizzly
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2013, 09:33:00 AM »
Quote from: derk40
Welcome Screw Grizz. Great decision to quit and congrats on 8 days.

My recommendation is to forget about the shame  guilt you feel. You can't do nothing about the past. What is done is done. You found the light brother.... KTC.

Similar concept is how we quit. ODAAT. We wake up, post roll and quit for today only. We don't worry about the future whether it be 1 day, 1 week, 1 year... Because we don't control the future. We control our actions today. We control whether or not we throw poison in our lip today. And we just flat out don't do it -- we keep our word and we stay quit.

You can do this. Keep fighting today. I'm quit with you all day long.
Thanks Derk40!
"If you post 100 % of the time and honor your word, you will remain quit" - Sir Derek

Offline Screw Grizzly

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Re: New Member Intro - Screw Grizzly
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2013, 09:32:00 AM »
Quote from: mogul
Hey Screw Grizz---- do us all a favor please! Post up who you really quit for. That is you! You need to quit for you and only you. Otherwise, well you will be re-posting day 1 someday soon. Let your kids and wife be the beneficiaries of what you are doing for you.

Mogul...Yes I am quitting for me!

Thanks for the support!
"If you post 100 % of the time and honor your word, you will remain quit" - Sir Derek

Offline Derk40

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Re: New Member Intro - Screw Grizzly
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2013, 09:28:00 PM »
Welcome Screw Grizz. Great decision to quit and congrats on 8 days.

My recommendation is to forget about the shame  guilt you feel. You can't do nothing about the past. What is done is done. You found the light brother.... KTC.

Similar concept is how we quit. ODAAT. We wake up, post roll and quit for today only. We don't worry about the future whether it be 1 day, 1 week, 1 year... Because we don't control the future. We control our actions today. We control whether or not we throw poison in our lip today. And we just flat out don't do it -- we keep our word and we stay quit.

You can do this. Keep fighting today. I'm quit with you all day long.
Quit date: 6/23/2013
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Re: New Member Intro - Screw Grizzly
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2013, 07:49:00 PM »
Quote from: Screw
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: T-Cell
Quote from: Screw
Hello all!

I am a 44 year old that has been Nicotine free for 8 days. I stumbled across the site and it has really helped me stay firm in my decision to quit.

I have been using one form or another of Tobacco since I was 13. It is very scary to admit I have been addicted for 31 years. I have been strictly using smokeless chew for the last year. I would buy about 3 cans a week.

I feel guilt and am ashamed that I have done this to myself for so long. My motivation is my wife and wonderful two boys (10 and 8).

I look forward to reading more from others and helping others staying committed.

My forum name is Screw Grizzly and I am going to beat this shit!
Welcome SG, great decision to become a quitter. You will not regret it.
Read everything in the salmon-colored tab on the banner called WELCOME CENTER. Especially learn how to post roll every morning. Post roll, make some contacts, don't dip. It really is that simple, but not that easy. However there is lots of proof within this membership that this method works. PM me if I can assist you. Welcome to your freedom!
Just like T-cell said it's simple, but still one of the hardest things you've ever done. Now that nicotine is out of your system the mind games begin and every conceivable reason for just one dip will enter your head. That's why you need the brotherhood and support. You will find it in posting roll!
Thanks! Wt57 and T-Cell!
You say, "I am going to beat this shit". I like that affirmation. That is exactly the attitude that will ensure your success in this endeavor. You see, we do not TRY to quit here. We just DO IT. One day at a time, nose to the grindstone. Make no mistake, it is difficult at first. But you will get easier and you will get better as you go. If you need any help reach out. I sure as hell did.

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Re: New Member Intro - Screw Grizzly
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2013, 06:08:00 PM »
Hey Screw Grizz---- do us all a favor please! Post up who you really quit for. That is you! You need to quit for you and only you. Otherwise, well you will be re-posting day 1 someday soon. Let your kids and wife be the beneficiaries of what you are doing for you.
