Foshizzle. Big Balls jd.
Welcome to the best decision you could have made. Like all my brethren have said, you will get support here like no other site. We understand you. We are you. Just with a few more days quit behind us.
Spend some time reading everything you can on this site, from quit groups to Words of Wisdom to HOF speeches. Then read it again.
You know the drill on getting nic out of your system, but I'll repeat it for you. Drink lots of water. Take vitamins, especially those with vitamin B in it. Your brain is about to take a major shit on you. That's healing going on. You will get through it. But never, ever forget how horrible it is. You never want to go through this again.
If you need support, check out Live Chat. We work on accountability here, so I'd suggest you get some numbers from your fellow April 2012 quitters. If you want mine, PM me and I will be glad to send it. Reach out and start making friends with people who will help you change your life. You will get to a point where you can help your April brothers as well.
We check on each other, so if we see you miss a day, know that your phone will get a workout. That's not a threat, it is a promise that we will provide whatever support you need. As has been stated, the rules here are simple:
1. Post roll first thing every day. Give your word that you will not use nicotine in any form.
2. Keep your word.
3. Rinse and repeat.
Do this and you will have success.
Quit on.