I wrote this on my 999th day and cannot believe was over 150 days ago, as a reminder of who I am and where I came from ...I hope that this can help those who are new to realize how much happens when we quit nicotine and what it may uncover in their self just the way I realized in me.
A thousand days. 1,000. The comma. My name is Derek and what I have come to discover about myself over this time frame, is that I have an addictive personality. I have traits inside me that lead me easily to developing addictions.
One thousand days ago, I thought it was as simple as just a single addiction to a substance, nicotine. I had decided at that time to get it out of my life, and I believed that by doing so that I would return to a normal and better life. I realized that when I was that active addict using nicotine, I did not like who I was. I was a cheat, a loner and was unhealthy, to say the least.
- A Cheat - One who would take his hard earned money and stash it away to use not to support those who he loved, but to support a poisonous addiction. One who looked in the mirror and was dishonest about who he was, thinking he had everything under control and could not be harmed.
- A Loner - One who would get away from others just to feed him a poison. One who would drive to the store at unspeakable hours when running low. One who did not care if others saw, but was embarrassed about the addiction he was feeding.
- Unhealthy - oh this was good, going to the doctors every 3 months for his high blood pressure. Watching his gums decay away and the roots of his teeth showing while brushing. The numerous sores in his mouth that he felt.
Well I finally had that 'AH HA' moment where inside my mind I said enough to nicotine. When I quit I told myself to give my body and mind time to heal, as it was going to be a long road. I told myself that I had more than the nicotine addiction but also had the habit of something in my lower lip to overcome. I told myself that I needed to get additional help from others and to step out of my comfort zone if I wanted to get this out of my life. And for a thousand days I have done just that, learning to honor my word and learning to reach out to others.
BUT...I have realized that this is just the first step. See with my addictive personality, I need to be very aware of what I do from day to day. I say this because I have seen in myself over these days where this pattern of addiction shifted. Yes I got rid of nicotine, but in periods of time over these past thousand days I have seen:
- computer time - to a point of ignoring my wife and sons to an almost point of no return,
- alcohol - turning to it to drown out daily stress and coming close to depending on it,
- overeating - gaining weight, not eating the proper foods,
- exercising - ok this one may not be as bad, but cannot obsess about it
- and other items start to creep in to a very dangerous area of becoming an addiction.
I have realized this since my eyes were opened from getting nicotine out of my life, so when I was in downward spirals I was able to pull myself out of it.
I just need to remember to keep the positives in my life, and to always be open and honest with myself. And I know it may be a little off the wall to be using the ideals of the Knights and the Roundtable, but to me it represents those of Hard Work and Training, Honor, Skill, Courteous, Generous, and the Roundtable for equality, sharing and kinship. Just thinking if I can remember and use those attributes I can take back control of my own life and put it on the right path to being Healthy in Body, Mind and Soul. It took me a thousand days to get to this point and know there is so much more ahead.
Thank you everyone, everywhere who have helped me.
My name is Derek, I have an addictive personality, but I am not an active addict for anything, I am in control and will use what I am learning in all aspects of my life.