I'm a 31 year old teacher, and I quit dip one week ago today. As you can probably gather from my not so subtle name, I'm a huge Pittsburgh sports fan and I'll talk Steelers all day if someone gets me started.
I smoked from 18-27 and started dipping when I was 29. At first, I picked up dip only while golfing, and the first year I quit no problem after the golf season was over. I was shocked because of how difficult it was to quit smoking, so I thought I could keep up this patten. Of course, that's just stupid thinking. Of course, this past year I told myself I would just quit again for the winter, but golf season's been over for awhile and I never stopped.
I am quitting for myself. I was tired of feeling terrible and guilty every time I dipped. I was tired of what it was doing to my mouth. Thank you to everyone here for keeping this place going. I would have caved by now if it weren't for this website. Just thanks. I really do appreciate everything.