Welcome roastbeef. 230 days later and I still need folks like you and kdip so that I can quit. Have a plan. I cannot emphasize this enough. Know you triggers and decide how you are going to handle them because some situations (eating, driving, yard work) are just unavoidable. Read everything on this site. Some of the best advice I ever got was to pick a quit group and read it beginning to end - look for patterns: who makes it and who doesn't; what can you expect in the first week, second week, third week; answers to questions you didn't even think about; it is all here on this site......Get numbers, support your brothers and accept their support. If you need a number, pm me and it is yours. You can do this. Look around at all the poeple who are doing it everyday on this site. Above all, remember that this is the most important thing you have to do.