Author Topic: Quit Date Set  (Read 1499 times)

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Offline Idaho Spuds

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Re: Quit Date Set
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2015, 05:49:00 PM »
Quote from: wannaquit
Capt. - I'm in a similar situation. I had a serious drinking "problem" for many years and have not had a drink in over 6 years. But when it comes to Copenhagen that's another story, I think a lot of it has to do with the immediate withdraw symptoms and how quickly to calm them which is to take another dip.
Hang in there - I've set my "quit date" for tomorrow 9/2 which I'll post in another area.
Why do today what you can put off till tomorrow 'facepalm''

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Re: Quit Date Set
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2015, 03:32:00 PM »
Capt. - I'm in a similar situation. I had a serious drinking "problem" for many years and have not had a drink in over 6 years. But when it comes to Copenhagen that's another story, I think a lot of it has to do with the immediate withdraw symptoms and how quickly to calm them which is to take another dip.
Hang in there - I've set my "quit date" for tomorrow 9/2 which I'll post in another area.

Offline jpetmpls

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Re: Quit Date Set
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2015, 01:36:00 PM »
Quote from: CaptainBama
When I said periodically, I meant periodically through the day. Not a few times a week. And I've been dip free for, what, 4 hours? I'll go 20 more. And today will be quit day. About to go flush the can now. Wish me luck....
Two words: post roll.

Like yourself and many new quitters before and after you, I did not understand why this was important. In fact, it took me until day 3 to figure it out and get the nuts to go into my quit forum. 233 days later, it still works. It doesn't cost you anything and it only takes a few seconds of your day. But... I absolutely promise that it will change your mindset about conquering the next 24 hours. Don't believe me? Ask the 20,000+ people who have walked the path already.

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Re: Quit Date Set
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2015, 12:04:00 PM »
You've got this Bama. Like you said, just quit for the next few hours, hell sometimes the next few minutes is all you'll be able to handle. Regardless, dig deep and blast through the wall. The first part is likely going to be brutal, but it won't kill you and it's not impossible. When you get out the other side, you'll wonder why it took you so long.

Freedom awaits, it's up to you to chase it.
"Fuck nicotine dude. You don't need it. And you don't want it. It didn't do a thing for you and you know it." - worktowin
"today you dissided that shit wont control your life. and it wont. unless you let it." - drome
"Not thinking about nicotine is for people who've never used nicotine. We threw that option away with the first dip or drag on a cigarette. We are addicts, and cannot become un-addicted." - wildirish317
"You need to decide how much you really want to be quit." - pky1520
We are always at risk. And probably always will be. That is why I will never get "too quit" to post my +1. Every. Damn. Day. - geis2597

Freedom Tastes So Good

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Re: Quit Date Set
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2015, 11:41:00 AM »
Quote from: CaptainBama
When I said periodically, I meant periodically through the day. Not a few times a week. And I've been dip free for, what, 4 hours? I'll go 20 more. And today will be quit day. About to go flush the can now. Wish me luck....
I smelled a woe is me quitter. There is no luck here. Luck is the result of hard work. Either you are here 100% from here on out or your wasting time.
We can show you the way but you need to put aside all assumptions and ego that you know better than us. Not anyone of us knows all of the answers but collectivetly we know what works.
First be truely humble about your addiction and realize you don't know the answer. If you did you wouldn't be here.
There are no circumstances in which using nicotine will improve the outcome.

My journey. The best part it is not over yet.

Offline CaptainBama

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Re: Quit Date Set
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2015, 11:35:00 AM »
When I said periodically, I meant periodically through the day. Not a few times a week. And I've been dip free for, what, 4 hours? I'll go 20 more. And today will be quit day. About to go flush the can now. Wish me luck....

Offline pab1964

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Re: Quit Date Set
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2015, 11:25:00 AM »
Quote from: Idaho
I used to set dates all the time, tomorrow, after this can, my birthday, my son's birthday, etc. They never happened.
Quit today and then by the 3rd you will be going on 3 days quit.

Also, this site works if you use it. We post roll call everyday, there are no occasional check ins.

To be honest it sounds like you haven't read much and you are giving yourself a lot of opportunities not to quit!
Why wait? Quit now, tomorrow never gets here. This coming from a 38 year junkie! Post roll now! Your next dip could be the one that starts the cancer cell,not trying to scare you ,just speaking truth. We're here waiting to support you, the next steps yours! I quit with you today my friend!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

Offline Idaho Spuds

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Re: Quit Date Set
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2015, 11:15:00 AM »
I used to set dates all the time, tomorrow, after this can, my birthday, my son's birthday, etc. They never happened.
Quit today and then by the 3rd you will be going on 3 days quit.

Also, this site works if you use it. We post roll call everyday, there are no occasional check ins.

To be honest it sounds like you haven't read much and you are giving yourself a lot of opportunities not to quit!

Offline CaptainBama

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Quit Date Set
« on: September 01, 2015, 10:40:00 AM »
Hello everyone. I stumbled across this site by accident. I've had that nagging voice in the back of my head saying "It's time. It's time. You need to do this. Do it. Do it." But I never could find the huevos to do it. After spending the last hour reading y'all's stories and exploring the forums and website, I've decided. I'm quitting. For my family. For my kids. And most importantly, I'm quitting for ME.
A little about me....I'm 35 yrs old. Up until I was 21, I was straight as an arrow. Never drank. Never smoked. Nothing. On my 21st birthday, I went to a casino. A multitude of doors was opened. Fast forward a handful of years, I was drinking, smoking (more than just cigarettes), and living the life. I played guitar in a bar on weekends, worked on week days, and went to school on week nights. At the time, I was living a dream. Looking back, it was a slooooooooow spiral down. By 2006, if I was awake, I had a belly full of pills, mouth full of whiskey, and lungs full of smoke. On July 26, 2007, I was slapped with an epiphany: I was a fuckup. If I didn't clean up, my parents would lose a son, my sisters would lose a brother, and I wouldn't have left a mark on this planet. One by one, I tackled my demons. I picked up Copenhagen so I would have SOMETHING as a vice. I have since finished school, got a job, got married, got 2 beautiful daughters, and a house with cats and dogs. But the Copenhagen is still here. And it's time.
Sorry, Copenhagen. You've been with me a while. And you gave me an outlet when I needed one. But you gotsta go. I will not abandon my family. And I won't let cancer force me out.
I will check in periodically. I will continue to read stories. And when the cravings and withdrawals hit, I will do what every man in the world does: turn into a total wuss and start bitching and whining. But I've got to do it.
Thanks in advance for the help and support. I apologize for the lengthy post. I tend to ramble at times. Maybe I should have been a politician.......