I am quit now 7 days. A journey that is all new to me at 45 years old. 30 + years of dipping and the last 20 being a slave to it. I never found the strength to quit no matter how much I tried to convince myself it was killing me. I love life and have a wonderful family to enjoy it with. However, I had loved the dip more. Seven days ago I quit for life....to live. The addiction had consumed me and the frustration that I couldn't beat it was driving me insane. I never asked for any help because I didn't want people to know that I was controlled by a little can. I'm a grown man, successful, raised a family but couldn't beat the addiction to a can of cope.
Nine days ago I found this site. I didn't take the time to figure out how to use the site, I wanted to talk to someone right way. I jumped into the wrong forum....I went to the live chat for those that HAD QUIT. I didn't realize that, I was just looking for help. There were a couple of guys that apparently notice that I was sincere and PM'd me. I got a # there that has provided the support and directed me through this site. Guys, support from those who know what you are dealing with is priceless. Thanks KTC.
Nice job papa bear! Day 7 is great, just keep it one day at a time.
I too am 45, and dipped for almost 30 years. Today is day 118 for me, my quit started in January. I can tell you that after many failed attempts in those 30 years, KTC has made a huge difference for me.
I recommend you get involved with the site. Join the August 2013 quit group, as thats when you'll hit 100 days, so thats your group. Read this site and learn about posting roll - and then post roll every single day. This is your promise to your group to stay nicotine free for that 1 day, all day. Also use the chat room which you've already found, its a great place to meet other quitters going thru the same things you are.
I will PM you my number, use it anytime you need a little support.
And I quit with you today!