Author Topic: Quitting for real this time  (Read 2480 times)

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Re: Quitting for real this time
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2015, 09:32:00 AM »
Where y'at, diamonddave? Are you quit? My guess is no, but we won't know, unless you learn how to build a web of accountability.... next step is yours. Sack up and post roll.

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Re: Quitting for real this time
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2015, 03:02:00 PM »
Quote from: Old
diamonddave. Welcome. Don't be offended by Kodismack's tough love. You'll get a lot of that around here from the old timers that have been to hell and back. He's in your corner. And he's absolutely right. There's no such thing as a Quit based on weening. You either get on board and flush every last can in the house down the toilet, or you go away and come back when you're serious about quitting.

Don't get me wrong, we're all proud of you for recognizing the problem and trying to do something about it. Most of us wish we were that smart at 21. But we're all here to tell you from experience that unless you embrace the Quit, once and for all, it won't last. And once you quit, every single person in this community will stand with you. Everyone will work hard to make sure you don't falter and you'll have personal teammates to rely on.

As for the gum pain, that means things are getting worse for you. Gum pain, occasional cough, etc, are the early warnings that you've already done some damage. The faster you quit, the faster you start repairing that damage and adding years back onto your life. You're lucky you found this site. Don't fuck it up and ignore the warnings.

BTW, when I was 21, I felt pretty invincible. Best shape of my life, on multiple college sports teams, etc. I convinced myself that I had plenty of time to quit and that unless I experienced some really bad health problems, then I was probably okay. Unfortunately, the truth is that tobacco has already started causing damage to your body and you are not okay. I suggest you read the postings and web pages on health problems. As my doctor said, "You need to accept the fact that you are going to get sick if you chew tobacco. It's not IF, it's WHEN." Dude, I can't stress enough how bad this is for you. There are wonderful people on this site who are currently going thru chemo to beat cancer. It's heartbreaking, but most of all, they want guys like you and me to get the message.

So, if you're ready to join the rest of us dumb asses who let the Nic Bitch take hold of us, then here's what you need to do.

This site won't cost you a penny, but it is not free. The cost is as follows:

1. Every damn day (EDD) you add your name to the roll call in your Quit Group and commit to me and your other teammates that you will be Nic free that day. Every day. As soon as you get up. Guys here say "WUPP". Wake up, piss and post. To join your Quit Group - September 2015 go to topic/11155274/. Read the instructions on how to post roll call and watch the video. It's not complicated but you don't want to screw it up because you could delete someone else's entry that day.

2. Commit to be clean every day and DO IT.

3. Repeat 1 and 2 every day.

Next steps. I hope you'll join us. If you do, explore this site as follows and you'll quickly get a sense of the community around here.

A. Use this Introduction page as a diary and post your successes and challenges. I promise you that people in the community will flock to support you. I've been amazed at the level of outreach.

B. Also post in the Quit Group page. And most importantly, click on the names of other people in your group, like me and MWBest, and exchange cell numbers. We text and call each other to be strong. That is CRITICAL. Quitting is so much easier (not that it's ever easy) when you're part of a team and you've got support.

C. Check your Inbox (upper right corner link) for messages from people who have your back thru this process

D. Read up on the Symptoms that you are about to face over the next 100 days. Ya, that's right, this ain't no weekend solution. You need to be committed.

E. Click on LIVE CHAT, sign up and share your challenges or just shoot the shit. Chat is a great place to go if you can't reach a teammate by phone and you need some help fighting the cravings.

That's it dude. The rest is up to you. I hope to see you in our September group, but it has to be you making the commitment... we can only promise you to be there if you show up.
^^^^^^ What he said, internalize it and own it. Every word. You got this, bud.

Offline Old Dog New Tricks

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Re: Quitting for real this time
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2015, 02:10:00 PM »
diamonddave. Welcome. Don't be offended by Kodismack's tough love. You'll get a lot of that around here from the old timers that have been to hell and back. He's in your corner. And he's absolutely right. There's no such thing as a Quit based on weening. You either get on board and flush every last can in the house down the toilet, or you go away and come back when you're serious about quitting.

Don't get me wrong, we're all proud of you for recognizing the problem and trying to do something about it. Most of us wish we were that smart at 21. But we're all here to tell you from experience that unless you embrace the Quit, once and for all, it won't last. And once you quit, every single person in this community will stand with you. Everyone will work hard to make sure you don't falter and you'll have personal teammates to rely on.

As for the gum pain, that means things are getting worse for you. Gum pain, occasional cough, etc, are the early warnings that you've already done some damage. The faster you quit, the faster you start repairing that damage and adding years back onto your life. You're lucky you found this site. Don't fuck it up and ignore the warnings.

BTW, when I was 21, I felt pretty invincible. Best shape of my life, on multiple college sports teams, etc. I convinced myself that I had plenty of time to quit and that unless I experienced some really bad health problems, then I was probably okay. Unfortunately, the truth is that tobacco has already started causing damage to your body and you are not okay. I suggest you read the postings and web pages on health problems. As my doctor said, "You need to accept the fact that you are going to get sick if you chew tobacco. It's not IF, it's WHEN." Dude, I can't stress enough how bad this is for you. There are wonderful people on this site who are currently going thru chemo to beat cancer. It's heartbreaking, but most of all, they want guys like you and me to get the message.

So, if you're ready to join the rest of us dumb asses who let the Nic Bitch take hold of us, then here's what you need to do.

This site won't cost you a penny, but it is not free. The cost is as follows:

1. Every damn day (EDD) you add your name to the roll call in your Quit Group and commit to me and your other teammates that you will be Nic free that day. Every day. As soon as you get up. Guys here say "WUPP". Wake up, piss and post. To join your Quit Group - September 2015 go to topic/11155274/. Read the instructions on how to post roll call and watch the video. It's not complicated but you don't want to screw it up because you could delete someone else's entry that day.

2. Commit to be clean every day and DO IT.

3. Repeat 1 and 2 every day.

Next steps. I hope you'll join us. If you do, explore this site as follows and you'll quickly get a sense of the community around here.

A. Use this Introduction page as a diary and post your successes and challenges. I promise you that people in the community will flock to support you. I've been amazed at the level of outreach.

B. Also post in the Quit Group page. And most importantly, click on the names of other people in your group, like me and MWBest, and exchange cell numbers. We text and call each other to be strong. That is CRITICAL. Quitting is so much easier (not that it's ever easy) when you're part of a team and you've got support.

C. Check your Inbox (upper right corner link) for messages from people who have your back thru this process

D. Read up on the Symptoms that you are about to face over the next 100 days. Ya, that's right, this ain't no weekend solution. You need to be committed.

E. Click on LIVE CHAT, sign up and share your challenges or just shoot the shit. Chat is a great place to go if you can't reach a teammate by phone and you need some help fighting the cravings.

That's it dude. The rest is up to you. I hope to see you in our September group, but it has to be you making the commitment... we can only promise you to be there if you show up.

Offline Kodismack

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Re: Quitting for real this time
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2015, 12:42:00 PM »
Quote from: diamonddave
Quote from: mwbest

Welcome, You are doing the right thing to quit now while you are young. Keep going. Get involved in this site. You don't want to be me and be going through this at 46 when you are married with kids.

Thanks man.

Just out of curiosity, what prompted you?

And did you ever get the gum pain thing? Kinda want to find someone else who's gone through that so I'm not going insane.
Take your head out of your ass. Yes, there is pain eventually which is why I quit. Trust me and the rest of the crowd, there is nothing good by dipping. Hit me up bro.

Offline diamonddave

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Re: Quitting for real this time
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2015, 12:11:00 PM »
Quote from: mwbest

Welcome, You are doing the right thing to quit now while you are young. Keep going. Get involved in this site. You don't want to be me and be going through this at 46 when you are married with kids.

Thanks man.

Just out of curiosity, what prompted you?

And did you ever get the gum pain thing? Kinda want to find someone else who's gone through that so I'm not going insane.

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Re: Quitting for real this time
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2015, 11:54:00 AM »

Welcome, You are doing the right thing to quit now while you are young. Keep going. Get involved in this site. You don't want to be me and be going through this at 46 when you are married with kids.


Offline Mjollnir

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Re: Quitting for real this time
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2015, 11:44:00 AM »
Quote from: diamonddave
Hey everyone.

So I've been dipping and chewing since I was 16, now 21.

Over the years I've left without a problem, only to pick it back up a month later at a party late at night. I started to hit it pretty hard after I had spinal surgery and was pretty much unable to do much. Picked it up even more when I worked construction last summer. I was going through almost 2 cans a day at one point.

Over the last few months I've been weening off of it. Went from 12 pouches at once, to 10, 8, and then finally 5.

The week or so my gums have been killing me when I'd chew. I'd pull through for that momentary buzz. 5 hours later I'd be packing another.

The last 24 hours have really been driving it for me though. I'm dropping close to $9 a day for all of 45 minutes of feeling perky. I'm a college student and that money really isn't available to me that often, and I go and drop it on dip.

I just finished my last can ever. I'm done. I just drove to the store for a breakfast burrito and coffee, and when I pulled into the parking lot, I came across this site when I was googling, "gums hurt after I use chew," only to find out that it's because I'm doing it so much that my gums can't heal. How fucked is that? I'm paying money that I bust my ass for, to just wreck my gums.

It also doesn't help that I'm a closet hypochondriac and over this whole time I was convinced I had the C-word probably 10 times, just to keep going along thinking, "fuck it." When in all reality my jaw hurts because I'm putting off on getting my wisdom teeth taken out even though they're crushing my molars and growing in crooked.

Sorry for the rambling, so anyways, here I am. 40 minutes free of the can.

Offline diamonddave

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Quitting for real this time
« on: May 30, 2015, 11:35:00 AM »
Hey everyone.

So I've been dipping and chewing since I was 16, now 21.

Over the years I've left without a problem, only to pick it back up a month later at a party late at night. I started to hit it pretty hard after I had spinal surgery and was pretty much unable to do much. Picked it up even more when I worked construction last summer. I was going through almost 2 cans a day at one point.

Over the last few months I've been weening off of it. Went from 12 pouches at once, to 10, 8, and then finally 5.

The week or so my gums have been killing me when I'd chew. I'd pull through for that momentary buzz. 5 hours later I'd be packing another.

The last 24 hours have really been driving it for me though. I'm dropping close to $9 a day for all of 45 minutes of feeling perky. I'm a college student and that money really isn't available to me that often, and I go and drop it on dip.

I just finished my last can ever. I'm done. I just drove to the store for a breakfast burrito and coffee, and when I pulled into the parking lot, I came across this site when I was googling, "gums hurt after I use chew," only to find out that it's because I'm doing it so much that my gums can't heal. How fucked is that? I'm paying money that I bust my ass for, to just wreck my gums.

It also doesn't help that I'm a closet hypochondriac and over this whole time I was convinced I had the C-word probably 10 times, just to keep going along thinking, "fuck it." When in all reality my jaw hurts because I'm putting off on getting my wisdom teeth taken out even though they're crushing my molars and growing in crooked.

Sorry for the rambling, so anyways, here I am. 40 minutes free of the can.