I've been at this by myself since 4/27. 2 can a week addict since I was 14 (31 year addiction). The last time I tried to quit was 10 years ago and it was a dismal failure. 4 or 5 months on nicotine gum got me nowhere except backinto the can. When I started thinking about quitting again I read everything I could about about quitting so I could plan. I knew cold turkey had to be the only way out. So far it has gone well - the craves haven't been too bad after the first 3 or 4 days. My main problem is sleep....I'm exhausted at the end of the day but am wide awake after 5 hours sleep no matter how hard I push myself all day. Craves have been a little more "nagging" the last couple days, which brought me here. I was worried that I've been doing this long enough that the "new has worn off" and my mind (the addicted part) is trying to play games with me to entice me back into the can. I thought maybe reading about those brand new quitters....what a bitch it is to those first few days, would make me remember how hard fought these 2 plus weeks were. I never want to have to start that quit again. I didn't come here to write a book honestly. Was just saying hi.
Gonna need to do more than say Hi.....
Let's quit thinking about it and let's put our quit into action.
We do that here by not thinking but by learning all we can and by posting roll every morning.
Directions are on the main page.
topic/11112756/Congrats on a great decision to quit.
Really hard to do it alone.
Just quit today. Then repeat just today.
Control now.... You can't control yesterday or tomorrow.
I quit with you today.
Rawls 180