Hello everyone! My name is Jordan, I'm 23 years old and I have been addicted to chewing for 8 years now. Well, until today that is!! 'flush' Let's get into that a little bit of how I started, from what I can see that's a little bit how we do this!?
Well, I guess I'll just start the first day I ever had a dip. I was a 15 year old sophomore in High School. I had just got done with baseball practice (what a surprise haha), and my best friend, who was 17 at the time, and I went back to his house. While on the way home, he asked me,"Have you ever tried dipping?" I of course say no. But knowing that my friend had done it, I asked to see it, I can still remember the scent, Grizzly Wintergreen, looked at him looking "cool" because he was dipping and threw one in my mouth. I can still feel the high that I got when I was sitting in his room, and I was hooked.
Then all throughout high school, I would buy chew and hide it from my parents. I did everything I could to get a little dip in without them knowing. Taking my tins, hiding them in my own bathroom under towels, in my room between my bed and my frame. Anywhere I could keep it until I knew I was alone. Not to mention they always found them. Turned 18, and of course it was out of their control and I was buying my own like I had been for the last 3 years.
Fast forward another 5 years to where we are now. I am just sick of this damn bitch controlling my life. I don't even like taking them anymore but I couldn't help it. It was such a habit it almost was natural for me to just throw one in. Then I found this site a couple of days ago and bam, I made the decision for June 1st to be my first day in the quit!! FUCK THIS NICOTINE WHORE!! I DON'T NEED THIS BITCH ANYMORE!!
P.S. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I just signed up today and in doing so I want today to be my first day quit!!
Sorry if it's lengthy! I look forward to taking this crazy shit on with you all and not alone finally!!