Day 229
Feeling great. I still have a mini thoughts of the romance of dip. But with the time between quitting and just plain quit (acceptance that it is off the table of options)it is easier to step back, and see the habit is nasty, that as alluring as the memory,the smell would be putrid, the taste would be sickening, the horrific thought of breaking your word to many many Quitters Is just not worth it.
Having had some rough life days, with my poor reactions to stress, my unkindness, not having the piece of mind to not over react and be angry, I needed a change (otherwise known as growth) to keep the important people in my life, in my life.
I ran across the wim hof method, it is partially a breathing method and a cold water therapy. The science behind it is fascinating. What it does to your body is amazing. I really wish I would have known about this earlier in my quit, it has been a game changer for me personally. I am more calm, I can think clearer, and have a better grasp on my inner voice. I really enjoy it and can say I have felt happy.
I have been doing this for about 4 weeks now, just doing the basics, soon to get the 10 week course and I am going to take a class....5 hours away. Yes 5 hours and I want to drive there and back in one day.
Check it out, if you have auto immune issues really check it out.
Wim hofGreat pod cast from
Joe roganGreat stuff.....really.....worth your time, basics are free online, check it out!
Breathe motherfucker