Author Topic: New Quitter, On Day 7  (Read 2080 times)

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Offline tarpon17

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Re: New Quitter, On Day 7
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2014, 09:12:00 AM »
where you at bed? rise and shine quitter!!!

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: New Quitter, On Day 7
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2014, 09:00:00 AM »
Bedwards, look at my join date, and then look at my quit date. I joined the site, posted roll, and then complained on how foggy I was while wearing a patch. Let's just say the reception was cold at best. 30 days later I removed the patch and joined for real. Allow me my opinion on my method:

It was stupid as hell. Not only did I lose the respect of people on this site that you will indeed come to rely on, I went through withdrawals (The SUCK) not once, but twice! I was scared to quit, and showed it by not listening to the advice of people who have quit. Don't be me, stand up for yourself and show us a day 1 quit 100% nicotine free.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: New Quitter, On Day 7
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2014, 09:09:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: traumagnet
So as stated you are having awful side effects from reducing your nicotine usage...Hmmm why on earth would you want to do the slow Band-Aid pull...toss all the nicotine and nicotine replacements out and in 72 hours the physical addiction is over not 6-___insert number there days later. 3 days the physical withdrawal is over then all you got is psychological effects...that's where we come in. We cant do it for you but we can be there to help you every step of the way.

Get on the board post roll(this is the cornerstone of this site) give your word to yourself then to us that you will not use for today only...wake up tomorrow repeat. We quit for today only and we quit for ourselves. If we have extra in the tank we pay it forward and back to help others quit and others to stay quit.

Get numbers if you need one PM me I will give you mine.
QLF quit like fuck
You post roll yet? Looked in Oct 2014 quit group and did not see your name? Did you flush all your NIC in the toilet as suggested earlier?

If you have not done so... Do it now and get in there and post a day 1. This would be your first day without NIC. Let's do this!!!
Damn. I would love to write something clever but the quit Sherpas already wrote it. I will say, I am truly glad you found us. I want to give you the attention you deserve. How can I help?

Offline Derk40

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Re: New Quitter, On Day 7
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2014, 07:39:00 PM »
Quote from: traumagnet
So as stated you are having awful side effects from reducing your nicotine usage...Hmmm why on earth would you want to do the slow Band-Aid pull...toss all the nicotine and nicotine replacements out and in 72 hours the physical addiction is over not 6-___insert number there days later. 3 days the physical withdrawal is over then all you got is psychological effects...that's where we come in. We cant do it for you but we can be there to help you every step of the way.

Get on the board post roll(this is the cornerstone of this site) give your word to yourself then to us that you will not use for today only...wake up tomorrow repeat. We quit for today only and we quit for ourselves. If we have extra in the tank we pay it forward and back to help others quit and others to stay quit.

Get numbers if you need one PM me I will give you mine.
QLF quit like fuck
You post roll yet? Looked in Oct 2014 quit group and did not see your name? Did you flush all your NIC in the toilet as suggested earlier?

If you have not done so... Do it now and get in there and post a day 1. This would be your first day without NIC. Let's do this!!!
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

HOF Speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: New Quitter, On Day 7
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2014, 11:48:00 AM »
So as stated you are having awful side effects from reducing your nicotine usage...Hmmm why on earth would you want to do the slow Band-Aid pull...toss all the nicotine and nicotine replacements out and in 72 hours the physical addiction is over not 6-___insert number there days later. 3 days the physical withdrawal is over then all you got is psychological effects...that's where we come in. We cant do it for you but we can be there to help you every step of the way.

Get on the board post roll(this is the cornerstone of this site) give your word to yourself then to us that you will not use for today only...wake up tomorrow repeat. We quit for today only and we quit for ourselves. If we have extra in the tank we pay it forward and back to help others quit and others to stay quit.

Get numbers if you need one PM me I will give you mine.
QLF quit like fuck
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

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Re: New Quitter, On Day 7
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2014, 10:29:00 AM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: bedwards
Hello to all the fellow quitters out there. I am on day 7 of my quit, and this time it isn't as easy as my one other attempt to quit. I started dipping 8 years ago, 2006, at 19-20 years old. During the first year I was intermittent in use ; maybe a can a month. Years 2-8, I gradually escalated up to a can per day habit. The choice product for me was Cope. Pouches.

I have tried to quit, legitimately, once before and lasted a few months (2-3). This time I am quitting for good! Unlike the last attempt to quit, this go round is accompained by serious withdrawal. I am overly anxious and have fits of anxiety, have restless evening and trouble sleeping/staying asleep, my mouth is quite dry causing my water consumption to skyrocket, my throat is tight, I have experienced some dizzy spells, and I have nausea that comes and goes. None of these symptoms were experienced with my last attempt to quit. Finding this site has put some of my worries to rest, but with this anxiety my mind races to often dark places.

The first 6 days of this quit attempt, were brought on by a conscious decision that I simply didn't want to use tobacco anymore. Some external motivation, to quit, was spurred on by the one I'm dating. For those 6 days, I did use a nicotine substitute (NicodermCQ step 1 patch). I know this site condones the "cold turkey" method, but I wanted to step down without dipping. Today is the beginning of day 7 for me, and the first day of my quit that will be completely void of nicotine. Judging by the symptoms that I have already experienced, to say I am a little worried about the remainder of my quit would be an understatement. Any suggestions for curbing the nausea and dizziness?

I am 100% committed to removing tobacco from my life, and will tough out any symptoms that should arise. I have found a substitute for the oral fixation, TeaZa pouches, and plan to use them sparingly; for only the most sever of urges. This is a wonderful resource to have discovered, and a great community for support. I am most grateful that I discovered this community, and wish all the fellow quitters out there the best of luck.
Everyone of has has been in your shoes. You are not alone.

First things first. Throw every patch, every mint, every cig, every everything that has nicotine in the toilet. Then flush. Don't read anything else until that is done.

Nicotine is wicked addictive. As much so as heroin. Did you know that a can of cope has about the same amount of nicotine as 3 packs of smokes? How many 3 pack a day smokers do you know? You are a big time addict. That's ok though... We are too. Whatever symptom you have, someone reading this intro has had. And fought through it.

Using nicotine is a choice. You don't physically need it for survival. So here, we choose one day at a time to post our promise to ourselves and everyone here that for today we will not use nicotine. We can't change yesterday, we don't worry about tomorrow, but we own today. You can do anything for a day. Getting your name on the quit group roll call is the price if admission here. If you are a man with integrity, you can do this. Hardest and best thing most if us have ever done.

My number is in your pm box. Use it if I can help. You are not alone. And you can do this.

Worktowin - day 553 free of nicotine
Welcome to quit. Read everything on KTC and go all in!
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

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Re: New Quitter, On Day 7
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2014, 08:58:00 AM »
Quote from: bedwards
Hello to all the fellow quitters out there. I am on day 7 of my quit, and this time it isn't as easy as my one other attempt to quit. I started dipping 8 years ago, 2006, at 19-20 years old. During the first year I was intermittent in use ; maybe a can a month. Years 2-8, I gradually escalated up to a can per day habit. The choice product for me was Cope. Pouches.

I have tried to quit, legitimately, once before and lasted a few months (2-3). This time I am quitting for good! Unlike the last attempt to quit, this go round is accompained by serious withdrawal. I am overly anxious and have fits of anxiety, have restless evening and trouble sleeping/staying asleep, my mouth is quite dry causing my water consumption to skyrocket, my throat is tight, I have experienced some dizzy spells, and I have nausea that comes and goes. None of these symptoms were experienced with my last attempt to quit. Finding this site has put some of my worries to rest, but with this anxiety my mind races to often dark places.

The first 6 days of this quit attempt, were brought on by a conscious decision that I simply didn't want to use tobacco anymore. Some external motivation, to quit, was spurred on by the one I'm dating. For those 6 days, I did use a nicotine substitute (NicodermCQ step 1 patch). I know this site condones the "cold turkey" method, but I wanted to step down without dipping. Today is the beginning of day 7 for me, and the first day of my quit that will be completely void of nicotine. Judging by the symptoms that I have already experienced, to say I am a little worried about the remainder of my quit would be an understatement. Any suggestions for curbing the nausea and dizziness?

I am 100% committed to removing tobacco from my life, and will tough out any symptoms that should arise. I have found a substitute for the oral fixation, TeaZa pouches, and plan to use them sparingly; for only the most sever of urges. This is a wonderful resource to have discovered, and a great community for support. I am most grateful that I discovered this community, and wish all the fellow quitters out there the best of luck.
Everyone of has has been in your shoes. You are not alone.

First things first. Throw every patch, every mint, every cig, every everything that has nicotine in the toilet. Then flush. Don't read anything else until that is done.

Nicotine is wicked addictive. As much so as heroin. Did you know that a can of cope has about the same amount of nicotine as 3 packs of smokes? How many 3 pack a day smokers do you know? You are a big time addict. That's ok though... We are too. Whatever symptom you have, someone reading this intro has had. And fought through it.

Using nicotine is a choice. You don't physically need it for survival. So here, we choose one day at a time to post our promise to ourselves and everyone here that for today we will not use nicotine. We can't change yesterday, we don't worry about tomorrow, but we own today. You can do anything for a day. Getting your name on the quit group roll call is the price if admission here. If you are a man with integrity, you can do this. Hardest and best thing most if us have ever done.

My number is in your pm box. Use it if I can help. You are not alone. And you can do this.

Worktowin - day 553 free of nicotine

Offline cbird65

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Re: New Quitter, On Day 7
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2014, 08:40:00 AM »
Quote from: bedwards
Hello to all the fellow quitters out there. I am on day 7 of my quit, and this time it isn't as easy as my one other attempt to quit. I started dipping 8 years ago, 2006, at 19-20 years old. During the first year I was intermittent in use ; maybe a can a month. Years 2-8, I gradually escalated up to a can per day habit. The choice product for me was Cope. Pouches.

I have tried to quit, legitimately, once before and lasted a few months (2-3). This time I am quitting for good! Unlike the last attempt to quit, this go round is accompained by serious withdrawal. I am overly anxious and have fits of anxiety, have restless evening and trouble sleeping/staying asleep, my mouth is quite dry causing my water consumption to skyrocket, my throat is tight, I have experienced some dizzy spells, and I have nausea that comes and goes. None of these symptoms were experienced with my last attempt to quit. Finding this site has put some of my worries to rest, but with this anxiety my mind races to often dark places.

The first 6 days of this quit attempt, were brought on by a conscious decision that I simply didn't want to use tobacco anymore. Some external motivation, to quit, was spurred on by the one I'm dating. For those 6 days, I did use a nicotine substitute (NicodermCQ step 1 patch). I know this site condones the "cold turkey" method, but I wanted to step down without dipping. Today is the beginning of day 7 for me, and the first day of my quit that will be completely void of nicotine. Judging by the symptoms that I have already experienced, to say I am a little worried about the remainder of my quit would be an understatement. Any suggestions for curbing the nausea and dizziness?

I am 100% committed to removing tobacco from my life, and will tough out any symptoms that should arise. I have found a substitute for the oral fixation, TeaZa pouches, and plan to use them sparingly; for only the most sever of urges. This is a wonderful resource to have discovered, and a great community for support. I am most grateful that I discovered this community, and wish all the fellow quitters out there the best of luck.
This site can help you kick your nicotine addiction (not a habit) to the curb. We don't use words like try or hope as they are just another excuse for our addictive brains to tell us another lie. There are no short cuts, but here are some links that will help you navigate this site.
This a NO NICOTINE site. End of discussion. Are you quit or just stopping?
Best thing to do is get familiar with this site and start building your quit defense.
Highly recommend you go here: Welcome Center, Getting Acclimated, What to Expect   Top Ten List

Your quit Decision MUST be 100% about you. Anything short of that sets you up for failure by allowing your addict brain to blame a given situation as reason for you to go back to the can. Quitting out of fear, based on a medical issue, will fade as soon as the doctor or dentist gives you a clean bill of health.

Why I Post Roll Call written by one rediculously serious bad assed quitter who I have had the please of meeting and running with!
Post Roll every day or communicate with someone and have them post via text, email or call. Get as many number of your group as you can and use them frequently. Keep in touch with your quit brothers. Send them a PM, text or call every few days just to keep an open line of communication. Give them your email address. Make it IMPOSSIBLE for you to go a day without several people contacting you all day if you don't post roll.
You want another layer of accountability? Come post in my room every morning after you post roll in yours April 2012
Believe Me

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New Quitter, On Day 7
« on: June 29, 2014, 08:34:00 AM »
Hello to all the fellow quitters out there. I am on day 7 of my quit, and this time it isn't as easy as my one other attempt to quit. I started dipping 8 years ago, 2006, at 19-20 years old. During the first year I was intermittent in use ; maybe a can a month. Years 2-8, I gradually escalated up to a can per day habit. The choice product for me was Cope. Pouches.

I have tried to quit, legitimately, once before and lasted a few months (2-3). This time I am quitting for good! Unlike the last attempt to quit, this go round is accompained by serious withdrawal. I am overly anxious and have fits of anxiety, have restless evening and trouble sleeping/staying asleep, my mouth is quite dry causing my water consumption to skyrocket, my throat is tight, I have experienced some dizzy spells, and I have nausea that comes and goes. None of these symptoms were experienced with my last attempt to quit. Finding this site has put some of my worries to rest, but with this anxiety my mind races to often dark places.

The first 6 days of this quit attempt, were brought on by a conscious decision that I simply didn't want to use tobacco anymore. Some external motivation, to quit, was spurred on by the one I'm dating. For those 6 days, I did use a nicotine substitute (NicodermCQ step 1 patch). I know this site condones the "cold turkey" method, but I wanted to step down without dipping. Today is the beginning of day 7 for me, and the first day of my quit that will be completely void of nicotine. Judging by the symptoms that I have already experienced, to say I am a little worried about the remainder of my quit would be an understatement. Any suggestions for curbing the nausea and dizziness?

I am 100% committed to removing tobacco from my life, and will tough out any symptoms that should arise. I have found a substitute for the oral fixation, TeaZa pouches, and plan to use them sparingly; for only the most sever of urges. This is a wonderful resource to have discovered, and a great community for support. I am most grateful that I discovered this community, and wish all the fellow quitters out there the best of luck.