Hello to all the fellow quitters out there. I am on day 7 of my quit, and this time it isn't as easy as my one other attempt to quit. I started dipping 8 years ago, 2006, at 19-20 years old. During the first year I was intermittent in use ; maybe a can a month. Years 2-8, I gradually escalated up to a can per day habit. The choice product for me was Cope. Pouches.
I have tried to quit, legitimately, once before and lasted a few months (2-3). This time I am quitting for good! Unlike the last attempt to quit, this go round is accompained by serious withdrawal. I am overly anxious and have fits of anxiety, have restless evening and trouble sleeping/staying asleep, my mouth is quite dry causing my water consumption to skyrocket, my throat is tight, I have experienced some dizzy spells, and I have nausea that comes and goes. None of these symptoms were experienced with my last attempt to quit. Finding this site has put some of my worries to rest, but with this anxiety my mind races to often dark places.
The first 6 days of this quit attempt, were brought on by a conscious decision that I simply didn't want to use tobacco anymore. Some external motivation, to quit, was spurred on by the one I'm dating. For those 6 days, I did use a nicotine substitute (NicodermCQ step 1 patch). I know this site condones the "cold turkey" method, but I wanted to step down without dipping. Today is the beginning of day 7 for me, and the first day of my quit that will be completely void of nicotine. Judging by the symptoms that I have already experienced, to say I am a little worried about the remainder of my quit would be an understatement. Any suggestions for curbing the nausea and dizziness?
I am 100% committed to removing tobacco from my life, and will tough out any symptoms that should arise. I have found a substitute for the oral fixation, TeaZa pouches, and plan to use them sparingly; for only the most sever of urges. This is a wonderful resource to have discovered, and a great community for support. I am most grateful that I discovered this community, and wish all the fellow quitters out there the best of luck.