Author Topic: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.  (Read 5769 times)

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #36 on: November 20, 2013, 10:16:00 AM »
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: RockNRoll
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: RockNRoll
Alright so I have to "post roll call" everyday for the month of February? What is exactly significant of this roll call anyways? Making a promise to myself, and a bunch of guys who've I've never met over the internet? I've already obviously made the promise to myself, and more importantly, to others that actually exist and have an impact on my life, so I don't get it; but whatever, I'll play ball.

I came here for more of a support group. I didn't realize the fraternity type protocol that came along with it. So to be clear, is this a "quit cold turkey or get the fuck out" kind of thing? I could give a shit less what people say about being prescribed a quitting aid, it's been working for me, and that's all I care about; and have no intentions to stop my intake. If that's going to cause a lack of support, fine, I don't really care-an online forum isn't a necessity to quit. I just thought it'd be cool to share my story, as well as hear from others about their experiences, and the different methods people use to quit, what helps, what doesn't, etc.

I don't care about the "hall of fame party" or "milestone chips" as I see them more as meaningless incentives. If it helps motivate others-great. I'm not going to sit here and pretend it means anything to me. Like I said I'm simply here to see others experiences, stories, etc.

Also keep the sarcastic goodwill hunting-esque 'young man has it all figured out' cliches coming, they're entertaining. Seriously, we're talking about quitting chewing tobacco-not the meaning of life.
This is a brotherhood RnR, a brotherhood through which many of us finally found salvation from being a slave to can of poison that was slowly killing all of us. Your initial bravado shows that you obviously came in expecting all of us to bask in the wonder of your two whole weeks quit. You apparently didn't invest any time reading on the site or you would understand why we post roll and what it means to all of us here.

So if your not interested in what we are selling here, then just take yourself right back out the door you came in. 'Finger'
Jesus Christ. Did you read my post? It is very evidently implied that I have taken the time to read over what this site is about. However, I had additional questions regarding practicality, and the prerequisites involved. Rather than read, you pretentiously ramble "if you don't like it, then just take yourself right back out the door you came in". Which isn't an actual existing door, but, a internet browser you are asking me to close. I have to ask, are you from the south?

I'm open to hearing a educated response from you, but I don't know what to call that. Flexing your muscles in front of your 8th grade diploma?
The basic principles of the site are not up for debate or question RnR. You can jump on board or go away, those are the only options here. Scowick already called it however, your just another special butterfly that needs some internet attention. I will move along to someone who is interested in quitting our way.

Perhaps if you think you can reinvent or question our way, maybe you should check out the 7th birthday roll thread here:

Site Roll Call November 20, 2013

I don't think we need your questions or input to improve our quits.
Ever think that someone in February just might be a neighbor?? Holy shit we aren't some random internet wierdos. I have already met 6 people that post on this site and I have posting for 169 days. Crazy what happens when you stop yelling and look around.

Offline Jlud007

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #35 on: November 20, 2013, 09:49:00 AM »
Quote from: RockNRoll
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: RockNRoll
Alright so I have to "post roll call" everyday for the month of February? What is exactly significant of this roll call anyways? Making a promise to myself, and a bunch of guys who've I've never met over the internet? I've already obviously made the promise to myself, and more importantly, to others that actually exist and have an impact on my life, so I don't get it; but whatever, I'll play ball.

I came here for more of a support group. I didn't realize the fraternity type protocol that came along with it. So to be clear, is this a "quit cold turkey or get the fuck out" kind of thing? I could give a shit less what people say about being prescribed a quitting aid, it's been working for me, and that's all I care about; and have no intentions to stop my intake. If that's going to cause a lack of support, fine, I don't really care-an online forum isn't a necessity to quit. I just thought it'd be cool to share my story, as well as hear from others about their experiences, and the different methods people use to quit, what helps, what doesn't, etc.

I don't care about the "hall of fame party" or "milestone chips" as I see them more as meaningless incentives. If it helps motivate others-great. I'm not going to sit here and pretend it means anything to me. Like I said I'm simply here to see others experiences, stories, etc.

Also keep the sarcastic goodwill hunting-esque 'young man has it all figured out' cliches coming, they're entertaining. Seriously, we're talking about quitting chewing tobacco-not the meaning of life.
This is a brotherhood RnR, a brotherhood through which many of us finally found salvation from being a slave to can of poison that was slowly killing all of us. Your initial bravado shows that you obviously came in expecting all of us to bask in the wonder of your two whole weeks quit. You apparently didn't invest any time reading on the site or you would understand why we post roll and what it means to all of us here.

So if your not interested in what we are selling here, then just take yourself right back out the door you came in. 'Finger'
Jesus Christ. Did you read my post? It is very evidently implied that I have taken the time to read over what this site is about. However, I had additional questions regarding practicality, and the prerequisites involved. Rather than read, you pretentiously ramble "if you don't like it, then just take yourself right back out the door you came in". Which isn't an actual existing door, but, a internet browser you are asking me to close. I have to ask, are you from the south?

I'm open to hearing a educated response from you, but I don't know what to call that. Flexing your muscles in front of your 8th grade diploma?
The basic principles of the site are not up for debate or question RnR. You can jump on board or go away, those are the only options here. Scowick already called it however, your just another special butterfly that needs some internet attention. I will move along to someone who is interested in quitting our way.

Perhaps if you think you can reinvent or question our way, maybe you should check out the 7th birthday roll thread here:

Site Roll Call November 20, 2013

I don't think we need your questions or input to improve our quits.

Offline RockNRoll

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #34 on: November 20, 2013, 09:37:00 AM »
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: RockNRoll
Alright so I have to "post roll call" everyday for the month of February? What is exactly significant of this roll call anyways? Making a promise to myself, and a bunch of guys who've I've never met over the internet? I've already obviously made the promise to myself, and more importantly, to others that actually exist and have an impact on my life, so I don't get it; but whatever, I'll play ball.

I came here for more of a support group. I didn't realize the fraternity type protocol that came along with it. So to be clear, is this a "quit cold turkey or get the fuck out" kind of thing? I could give a shit less what people say about being prescribed a quitting aid, it's been working for me, and that's all I care about; and have no intentions to stop my intake. If that's going to cause a lack of support, fine, I don't really care-an online forum isn't a necessity to quit. I just thought it'd be cool to share my story, as well as hear from others about their experiences, and the different methods people use to quit, what helps, what doesn't, etc.

I don't care about the "hall of fame party" or "milestone chips" as I see them more as meaningless incentives. If it helps motivate others-great. I'm not going to sit here and pretend it means anything to me. Like I said I'm simply here to see others experiences, stories, etc.

Also keep the sarcastic goodwill hunting-esque 'young man has it all figured out' cliches coming, they're entertaining. Seriously, we're talking about quitting chewing tobacco-not the meaning of life.
This is a brotherhood RnR, a brotherhood through which many of us finally found salvation from being a slave to can of poison that was slowly killing all of us. Your initial bravado shows that you obviously came in expecting all of us to bask in the wonder of your two whole weeks quit. You apparently didn't invest any time reading on the site or you would understand why we post roll and what it means to all of us here.

So if your not interested in what we are selling here, then just take yourself right back out the door you came in. 'Finger'
Jesus Christ. Did you read my post? It is very evidently implied that I have taken the time to read over what this site is about. However, I had additional questions regarding practicality, and the prerequisites involved. Rather than read, you pretentiously ramble "if you don't like it, then just take yourself right back out the door you came in". Which isn't an actual existing door, but, a internet browser you are asking me to close. I have to ask, are you from the south?

I'm open to hearing a educated response from you, but I don't know what to call that. Flexing your muscles in front of your 8th grade diploma?

Offline Derk40

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #33 on: November 20, 2013, 09:26:00 AM »
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: RockNRoll
Alright so I have to "post roll call" everyday for the month of February? What is exactly significant of this roll call anyways? Making a promise to myself, and a bunch of guys who've I've never met over the internet? I've already obviously made the promise to myself, and more importantly, to others that actually exist and have an impact on my life, so I don't get it; but whatever, I'll play ball.

I came here for more of a support group. I didn't realize the fraternity type protocol that came along with it. So to be clear, is this a "quit cold turkey or get the fuck out" kind of thing? I could give a shit less what people say about being prescribed a quitting aid, it's been working for me, and that's all I care about; and have no intentions to stop my intake. If that's going to cause a lack of support, fine, I don't really care-an online forum isn't a necessity to quit. I just thought it'd be cool to share my story, as well as hear from others about their experiences, and the different methods people use to quit, what helps, what doesn't, etc.

I don't care about the "hall of fame party" or "milestone chips" as I see them more as meaningless incentives. If it helps motivate others-great. I'm not going to sit here and pretend it means anything to me. Like I said I'm simply here to see others experiences, stories, etc.

Also keep the sarcastic goodwill hunting-esque 'young man has it all figured out' cliches coming, they're entertaining. Seriously, we're talking about quitting chewing tobacco-not the meaning of life.
This is a brotherhood RnR, a brotherhood through which many of us finally found salvation from being a slave to can of poison that was slowly killing all of us. Your initial bravado shows that you obviously came in expecting all of us to bask in the wonder of your two whole weeks quit. You apparently didn't invest any time reading on the site or you would understand why we post roll and what it means to all of us here.

So if your not interested in what we are selling here, then just take yourself right back out the door you came in. 'Finger'
Why don't you go to the welcome center and read about the site. We aren't here to spoon feed you or beg you to post roll. It is your decision to make. From the looks of your latest post you got this all figured out so maybe this place just isn't for you.
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

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Offline Jlud007

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #32 on: November 20, 2013, 09:00:00 AM »
Quote from: RockNRoll
Alright so I have to "post roll call" everyday for the month of February? What is exactly significant of this roll call anyways? Making a promise to myself, and a bunch of guys who've I've never met over the internet? I've already obviously made the promise to myself, and more importantly, to others that actually exist and have an impact on my life, so I don't get it; but whatever, I'll play ball.

I came here for more of a support group. I didn't realize the fraternity type protocol that came along with it. So to be clear, is this a "quit cold turkey or get the fuck out" kind of thing? I could give a shit less what people say about being prescribed a quitting aid, it's been working for me, and that's all I care about; and have no intentions to stop my intake. If that's going to cause a lack of support, fine, I don't really care-an online forum isn't a necessity to quit. I just thought it'd be cool to share my story, as well as hear from others about their experiences, and the different methods people use to quit, what helps, what doesn't, etc.

I don't care about the "hall of fame party" or "milestone chips" as I see them more as meaningless incentives. If it helps motivate others-great. I'm not going to sit here and pretend it means anything to me. Like I said I'm simply here to see others experiences, stories, etc.

Also keep the sarcastic goodwill hunting-esque 'young man has it all figured out' cliches coming, they're entertaining. Seriously, we're talking about quitting chewing tobacco-not the meaning of life.
This is a brotherhood RnR, a brotherhood through which many of us finally found salvation from being a slave to can of poison that was slowly killing all of us. Your initial bravado shows that you obviously came in expecting all of us to bask in the wonder of your two whole weeks quit. You apparently didn't invest any time reading on the site or you would understand why we post roll and what it means to all of us here.

So if your not interested in what we are selling here, then just take yourself right back out the door you came in. 'Finger'

Offline RockNRoll

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #31 on: November 20, 2013, 08:40:00 AM »
Alright so I have to "post roll call" everyday for the month of February? What is exactly significant of this roll call anyways? Making a promise to myself, and a bunch of guys who've I've never met over the internet? I've already obviously made the promise to myself, and more importantly, to others that actually exist and have an impact on my life, so I don't get it; but whatever, I'll play ball.

I came here for more of a support group. I didn't realize the fraternity type protocol that came along with it. So to be clear, is this a "quit cold turkey or get the fuck out" kind of thing? I could give a shit less what people say about being prescribed a quitting aid, it's been working for me, and that's all I care about; and have no intentions to stop my intake. If that's going to cause a lack of support, fine, I don't really care-an online forum isn't a necessity to quit. I just thought it'd be cool to share my story, as well as hear from others about their experiences, and the different methods people use to quit, what helps, what doesn't, etc.

I don't care about the "hall of fame party" or "milestone chips" as I see them more as meaningless incentives. If it helps motivate others-great. I'm not going to sit here and pretend it means anything to me. Like I said I'm simply here to see others experiences, stories, etc.

Also keep the sarcastic goodwill hunting-esque 'young man has it all figured out' cliches coming, they're entertaining. Seriously, we're talking about quitting chewing tobacco-not the meaning of life.

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #30 on: November 19, 2013, 02:54:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: wmcatty
Another day with no sign of the pharmacological wonder boy. Guess his doctor prescribed some magical elixer negating the need to post roll as well.  Twenty five years old and smarter, wiser and more experienced than the rest.  Come back and let us show you how its done when the nuts finally drop buttercup.

Funny but so true.
Gotta dollar that says he is a rep for GlaxoSmithKline _
Wha... I... I'm... So shocked!
'cry' such a promising start
He doesn't know he's an addict....yet. This site can save his life....if the boy ever mans up and grows a pair.
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #29 on: November 19, 2013, 02:20:00 PM »
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: wmcatty
Another day with no sign of the pharmacological wonder boy. Guess his doctor prescribed some magical elixer negating the need to post roll as well.  Twenty five years old and smarter, wiser and more experienced than the rest.  Come back and let us show you how its done when the nuts finally drop buttercup.

Funny but so true.
Gotta dollar that says he is a rep for GlaxoSmithKline _
Wha... I... I'm... So shocked!
'cry' such a promising start

Offline traumagnet

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #28 on: November 19, 2013, 02:16:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: wmcatty
Another day with no sign of the pharmacological wonder boy. Guess his doctor prescribed some magical elixer negating the need to post roll as well.  Twenty five years old and smarter, wiser and more experienced than the rest.  Come back and let us show you how its done when the nuts finally drop buttercup.

Funny but so true.
Gotta dollar that says he is a rep for GlaxoSmithKline _
Wha... I... I'm... So shocked!
'cry' such a promising start
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline AppleJack

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #27 on: November 19, 2013, 02:13:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: wmcatty
Another day with no sign of the pharmacological wonder boy. Guess his doctor prescribed some magical elixer negating the need to post roll as well.  Twenty five years old and smarter, wiser and more experienced than the rest.  Come back and let us show you how its done when the nuts finally drop buttercup.

Funny but so true.
Gotta dollar that says he is a rep for GlaxoSmithKline _

Wha... I... I'm... So shocked!
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #26 on: November 19, 2013, 02:10:00 PM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: wmcatty
Another day with no sign of the pharmacological wonder boy. Guess his doctor prescribed some magical elixer negating the need to post roll as well.  Twenty five years old and smarter, wiser and more experienced than the rest.  Come back and let us show you how its done when the nuts finally drop buttercup.

Funny but so true.
Gotta dollar that says he is a rep for GlaxoSmithKline _
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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #25 on: November 19, 2013, 02:03:00 PM »
Quote from: wmcatty
Another day with no sign of the pharmacological wonder boy. Guess his doctor prescribed some magical elixer negating the need to post roll as well. Twenty five years old and smarter, wiser and more experienced than the rest. Come back and let us show you how its done when the nuts finally drop buttercup.

Funny but so true.
Quit And Be Free

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #24 on: November 19, 2013, 01:56:00 PM »
Another day with no sign of the pharmacological wonder boy. Guess his doctor prescribed some magical elixer negating the need to post roll as well. Twenty five years old and smarter, wiser and more experienced than the rest. Come back and let us show you how its done when the nuts finally drop buttercup.
"Life's tough......It's even tougher if you're stupid."
-John Wayne

Offline traumagnet

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #23 on: November 18, 2013, 11:19:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: CaliforniaSlim
Hey there RnR,
Maybe don't be so quick to get defensive.  Folks here are trying to point out how your post came across.  I believe you that it wasn't meant that way, but to those of us who have fought through the trenches the KTC way, it came across rather dismissive of the KTC way and full of bravado.  That doesn't mean we don't want you here, nor that we don't care. It means we will call it as we see it.
It isn't like we never heard of Welbutrin.  Many of us are well aware of how it works, what it does, so back off.  Nobody gives a shit if someone uses it to ease the anxiety or depression that can hit pretty hard. Though, as a pre-quit, chantix style thing.....  I guess if your doc says its oK and it doesn't contain nicotine, I will defer to your doctor.

The upshot of all this is... if you don't join in the KTC fun, post roll, and get involved, when a craving finally does come, and it will (trust me on this) you will be standing alone in a field with no tools.
That, my friend, is where each of us stood when we failed at quitting by ourselves.  Go post roll, join us here and get the accountability happening and the quit juices flowing.
You can do this.
For me, you have to post roll before you start telling people to F off. Great story and I'm glad your 2 weeks quit. So it has been a breeze... Great. Believe me, it won't always be that way. The anxiety meds can only do so much. It come down to WILL. How bad do you want to be quit. I can tell you us quitters on KTC want it bad and you want us in your corner. Now, post roll and prove you are a quitter.
Didn't see a roll post. Also dude it doesn't look very favorable for pre HOF tellin folks FO. I totally disagree with your response to Pinched he is a bad ass here and let me tell you when your crave comes which it will you will want him on your side. In fact everyone that has posted in your thread is a hard core quitter you will want all of them in the face of a crave. So just relax post some roll read read read listen and learn. Read some HOF speeches read some Legends speeches. You ever need support anyone of us that have posted in your thread will be there for need numbers ask and its yours.
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline Derk40

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #22 on: November 18, 2013, 08:45:00 PM »
Quote from: CaliforniaSlim
Hey there RnR,
Maybe don't be so quick to get defensive. Folks here are trying to point out how your post came across. I believe you that it wasn't meant that way, but to those of us who have fought through the trenches the KTC way, it came across rather dismissive of the KTC way and full of bravado. That doesn't mean we don't want you here, nor that we don't care. It means we will call it as we see it.
It isn't like we never heard of Welbutrin. Many of us are well aware of how it works, what it does, so back off. Nobody gives a shit if someone uses it to ease the anxiety or depression that can hit pretty hard. Though, as a pre-quit, chantix style thing..... I guess if your doc says its oK and it doesn't contain nicotine, I will defer to your doctor.

The upshot of all this is... if you don't join in the KTC fun, post roll, and get involved, when a craving finally does come, and it will (trust me on this) you will be standing alone in a field with no tools.
That, my friend, is where each of us stood when we failed at quitting by ourselves. Go post roll, join us here and get the accountability happening and the quit juices flowing.
You can do this.
For me, you have to post roll before you start telling people to F off. Great story and I'm glad your 2 weeks quit. So it has been a breeze... Great. Believe me, it won't always be that way. The anxiety meds can only do so much. It come down to WILL. How bad do you want to be quit. I can tell you us quitters on KTC want it bad and you want us in your corner. Now, post roll and prove you are a quitter.
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

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