Alright so I have to "post roll call" everyday for the month of February? What is exactly significant of this roll call anyways? Making a promise to myself, and a bunch of guys who've I've never met over the internet? I've already obviously made the promise to myself, and more importantly, to others that actually exist and have an impact on my life, so I don't get it; but whatever, I'll play ball.
I came here for more of a support group. I didn't realize the fraternity type protocol that came along with it. So to be clear, is this a "quit cold turkey or get the fuck out" kind of thing? I could give a shit less what people say about being prescribed a quitting aid, it's been working for me, and that's all I care about; and have no intentions to stop my intake. If that's going to cause a lack of support, fine, I don't really care-an online forum isn't a necessity to quit. I just thought it'd be cool to share my story, as well as hear from others about their experiences, and the different methods people use to quit, what helps, what doesn't, etc.
I don't care about the "hall of fame party" or "milestone chips" as I see them more as meaningless incentives. If it helps motivate others-great. I'm not going to sit here and pretend it means anything to me. Like I said I'm simply here to see others experiences, stories, etc.
Also keep the sarcastic goodwill hunting-esque 'young man has it all figured out' cliches coming, they're entertaining. Seriously, we're talking about quitting chewing tobacco-not the meaning of life.