Alright so I have to "post roll call" everyday for the month of February? What is exactly significant of this roll call anyways? Making a promise to myself, and a bunch of guys who've I've never met over the internet? I've already obviously made the promise to myself, and more importantly, to others that actually exist and have an impact on my life, so I don't get it; but whatever, I'll play ball.
I came here for more of a support group. I didn't realize the fraternity type protocol that came along with it. So to be clear, is this a "quit cold turkey or get the fuck out" kind of thing? I could give a shit less what people say about being prescribed a quitting aid, it's been working for me, and that's all I care about; and have no intentions to stop my intake. If that's going to cause a lack of support, fine, I don't really care-an online forum isn't a necessity to quit. I just thought it'd be cool to share my story, as well as hear from others about their experiences, and the different methods people use to quit, what helps, what doesn't, etc.
I don't care about the "hall of fame party" or "milestone chips" as I see them more as meaningless incentives. If it helps motivate others-great. I'm not going to sit here and pretend it means anything to me. Like I said I'm simply here to see others experiences, stories, etc.
Also keep the sarcastic goodwill hunting-esque 'young man has it all figured out' cliches coming, they're entertaining. Seriously, we're talking about quitting chewing tobacco-not the meaning of life.
This is a brotherhood RnR, a brotherhood through which many of us finally found salvation from being a slave to can of poison that was slowly killing all of us. Your initial bravado shows that you obviously came in expecting all of us to bask in the wonder of your two whole weeks quit. You apparently didn't invest any time reading on the site or you would understand why we post roll and what it means to all of us here.
So if your not interested in what we are selling here, then just take yourself right back out the door you came in. 'Finger'
Jesus Christ. Did you read my post? It is very evidently implied that I have taken the time to read over what this site is about. However, I had additional questions regarding practicality, and the prerequisites involved. Rather than read, you pretentiously ramble "if you don't like it, then just take yourself right back out the door you came in". Which isn't an actual existing door, but, a internet browser you are asking me to close. I have to ask, are you from the south?
I'm open to hearing a educated response from you, but I don't know what to call that. Flexing your muscles in front of your 8th grade diploma?
The basic principles of the site are not up for debate or question RnR. You can jump on board or go away, those are the only options here. Scowick already called it however, your just another special butterfly that needs some internet attention. I will move along to someone who is interested in quitting our way.
Perhaps if you think you can reinvent or question our way, maybe you should check out the 7th birthday roll thread here:
Site Roll Call November 20, 2013
I don't think we need your questions or input to improve our quits.
I literally am running out of ideas on ways for you guys to simply answer my questions, and practicality. You tell me me to read the information from the welcome center, I do, and your responses have been in contradiction to everything it reads.
1. From the Mission Statement:
Quote 1:
"We are here to provide a forum where your questions will get answered, where your fears will be dispelled, and your anxiety will be dissipated. We will offer any help that we can. We will help YOU quit the way you need to quit."
Contradiction to quote 1:
-Reading from people's responses, I call bullshit. The way I need to quit, has been nothing but criticized. Not to mention, not one of my questions have been answered-except to refer to the welcome center where the information provided there, contradicts all of your remarks. So you should support me in the way I need to quit, not the way you want me to quit, as mentioned in the mission statement.
Quote 2:
"We realize that there are a variety of ways to be successful quitting chew. We will NOT tell you that one way is better than another, but we will tell you our experience and what has worked for us."
Contradiction from Quote 2:
-Calling bullshit again. I made an introduction and shared my experience of quitting thus far. I have in fact already been told that one way is better than another (cold turkey in specific). In response to my story all it's been is criticism along with incredibly lame puberty jokes; although I understand the "tough love" theory also mentioned in the mission statement-fair enough. I'm seriously more concerned for your likelihood being diagnosed a 'mildly-retarded redneck' than I am for your chances of an oral cancer diagnosis. SORRY TOUGH LOVE. Wait, no...that's slander, not tough love. See the difference?
Quote 3:
"We recognize that people need to be on this journey their own way. We also realize that TOGETHER we will all be more successful".
Contradiction from Quote 3:
-So what if "my way" doesn't consist of posting roll call, or following protocol step by step, but I am still willing to work TOGETHER to help myself and others through their quit? Again, refer to quote 2, which suggests there are many ways to be successful quitting chew.
2. Quit Groups
Quote 1:
"Welcome to Kill the Can (KTC)! We hope that you find this site to be just the solution you were looking for in your journey to find the everlasting quit! One of the most important things you will encounter with this site are the quit groups. Once you have registered you must find your quit group. A quit group is the group of members with whom you will hit your 100 day Hall of Fame mark. So you must figure out in which month your 100th day will fall, and this will be your appropriate month.
Quote 1 Contradiction:
-So wait I MUST find my quit group? I MUST figure out my 100 day quit? This contradicts quote 3 from the Mission Statement, as well as quote 2.
So this is where your directing me for resources? To a poorly written mission statement that is contradicted by it's following processes?
...Yet my questions, and practical uses of this forum still go unanswered. Let's pretend you don't have 47 chromosomes (SORRY TOUGH LOVE) as I re-simplify these questions for you.
1. Cold Turkey is the only way allowed to quit through this forum? According to a few forum members it is (who I suggest re-read the mission statement).
2. I can or cannot actively use and participate in these forums without following the protocol demanded by other forum users? Even though the mission statement says "We realize that there are a variety of ways to be successful quitting chew. We will NOT tell you that one way is better than another"?