Author Topic: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.  (Read 5292 times)

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Offline Dave1903

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #51 on: November 21, 2013, 09:12:00 AM »
Hey rock and roll keep up the good work and together we can beat this nic bitch to death
The nic is a bitch, but it's gone one day at a time.

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #50 on: November 21, 2013, 12:04:00 AM »
Hey rock and roll, welcome to Feb 14. We are here to help you as much as you are here to help us. Because of my work I cannot accept your path of anti-depressants. Man, I wish I could but the FAA frowns on stuff like that. However, if you can take it and it helps you quit, and it contains no Nic. Well Welcome to the freaking club. Post roll, please? get on board and lets help a lot of other people quit this crap.


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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #49 on: November 20, 2013, 11:51:00 PM »
Quote from: jost2brown
Just to help out a bit:

1) Wellbutrin does not contain nicotine as far as I know, and as such is perfectly acceptable here. Different folks have had different experiences with it. They are all over this site. When we say "cold turkey" we mean no nicotine.

2) Posting roll is the foundation of this site. Without it, there is no accountability and no brotherhood. We group new quitters by HOF month, so you are all at roughly the same point in your quit and can share information/experiences. Who knows, you might actually like some of them and decide to get a beer.

3) You can quit your way. No one is saying you cant. Lots of folks use lots of different methods to quit, including (gasp) not on this forum. We tend to think (and the data we have gathered) that our way is better. If you choose to participate here, beyond posting in your intro, you do need to post roll.

4) As for the HOF and milestones, you dont have to buy into or buy them - thats your call. In fact, there are some quitters that would argue too much emphasis is put on the short term goal of the HOF anyway. However, your group and many others on this site do appreciate how precious few attempts at quitting even come close to 100 days and choose to celebrate it. I would ask that you respect that tradition if you choose to stay here.

Feel free to share you story, and be ecstatic about your quit. It is an awesome feeling for sure. While you are at it, stick around and see what we really are all about - not just reading, which is important and recommended, but actively participating in your February HOF group. You may find that there is more support here and your story may help others a whole bunch.

If you have any more questions, feel free to PM me and I will gladly answer what I can.
Great info here. Thanks for the posting mod and admin. Glad to be posting roll with the freedom fighters of '14. Lots of good support here. Couldn't do it without you guys. Getting to be my real "brothers". We can do this! One day at a time. Keep the quit going!

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #48 on: November 20, 2013, 05:03:00 PM »
Just to help out a bit:

1) Wellbutrin does not contain nicotine as far as I know, and as such is perfectly acceptable here. Different folks have had different experiences with it. They are all over this site. When we say "cold turkey" we mean no nicotine.

2) Posting roll is the foundation of this site. Without it, there is no accountability and no brotherhood. We group new quitters by HOF month, so you are all at roughly the same point in your quit and can share information/experiences. Who knows, you might actually like some of them and decide to get a beer.

3) You can quit your way. No one is saying you cant. Lots of folks use lots of different methods to quit, including (gasp) not on this forum. We tend to think (and the data we have gathered) that our way is better. If you choose to participate here, beyond posting in your intro, you do need to post roll.

4) As for the HOF and milestones, you dont have to buy into or buy them - thats your call. In fact, there are some quitters that would argue too much emphasis is put on the short term goal of the HOF anyway. However, your group and many others on this site do appreciate how precious few attempts at quitting even come close to 100 days and choose to celebrate it. I would ask that you respect that tradition if you choose to stay here.

Feel free to share you story, and be ecstatic about your quit. It is an awesome feeling for sure. While you are at it, stick around and see what we really are all about - not just reading, which is important and recommended, but actively participating in your February HOF group. You may find that there is more support here and your story may help others a whole bunch.

If you have any more questions, feel free to PM me and I will gladly answer what I can.
The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your attitude about the problem.  Do you understand?

Draw Fire

If its too much trouble to post roll call, you could always fuck off.

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Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #47 on: November 20, 2013, 04:18:00 PM »
Over 90% of all long term successful quits are cold turkey
According to the American cancer society . Cold turkey is strongly promoted here because it is flat out the most effective method.

You may use a prescribed NRT as directed . However, the logic behind using nicotine to quit using nicotine is flawed. It doesn't work. Changing your delivery method doesn't help you quit!! Your still using the addictive substance. Just as an alcoholic isn't going to quit drinking by switching to lite beer, you are going to struggle longer and harder using NRTs.

NOT ONLY that , but there is not a single study i am aware of that shows nicotine replacement therapy to work for quitting chewing tobacco . Those who quit using NRT are successful in spite of it not because of it.

You SHOULD give a shit what your told about your NRT prescription by these guys . Most Long term Vets on this site have more knowledge than your family doctor when it comes to quitting. I've watched 10,000 quitters roll through here . The names change but the game is always the same.

Quitting dipping IS literally life and death for alot of us, and this program has worked for thousands of us when nothing else has . If your way is superior, why haven't you quit successfully already?

You found a difference between the cultural rules of the site and the perhaps outdated stated rules of the site. Don't get to wrapped up in it . Post roll call, stop putting nic in your body and drink the fucking koolaid. I promise you , this IS the place to help you quit, but if your not truly here for that, you'll be driven out .

If you wish to have more specific questions answered feel free to pm me .

"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #46 on: November 20, 2013, 03:21:00 PM »
RnR, welcome.

Two weeks is impressive, but don't get too confident. Back in 07, I quit for two weeks for a life insurance piss test. I was confident that I was done dipping for good.

Not two hours after I took the piss test I bought a new can.

Does this mean you'll fall into the same week 2 trap? Of course not. But you're still vulnerable. We all are.

I didn't care much for the "in your face" mentality of this site at first. I posted an intro, basically declaring "I'm planning to quit next week, so I'll see you in a few days!" As you can imagine, this did not go over well here. I was goaded into posting a day 1. (Had a not posted a day 1 that day, I likely would have never returned here).

Onward... I thought the whole brotherhood concept was lame at first, given that it's just a bunch of dudes (and a few ladies) posting roll on a computer. But, I posted my day 2, then 3, and so on... and came to realize that the folks in my quit group were going through the exact same shit that I was. I was a ninja dipper (and a ninja quitter as well), so my family, friends and co-workers did not know the extent of what I was going through... but my quit group and supporters did.

This site is a support system and resource that is second to none in my view. Posting roll and seeing the same names day in and day out, watching the quit days accumulate helped immensely.

This site works. Stick around, even if it's only to give the folks here a big middle finger once you hit day 100. Just stay quit.

"Come for the abuse, stay for the lifetime of quit"

If you need anything, hit me up via PM.

Cal - 1342 days quit. Formerly a 19 year dipper, 1.5 cans/day.
Quit Date: 03/20/10
HOF Date: 06/27/10
Comma: 12/13/12

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #45 on: November 20, 2013, 02:04:00 PM »
Quote from: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: RockNRoll
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: RockNRoll
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: RockNRoll
Alright so I have to "post roll call" everyday for the month of February? What is exactly significant of this roll call anyways? Making a promise to myself, and a bunch of guys who've I've never met over the internet? I've already obviously made the promise to myself, and more importantly, to others that actually exist and have an impact on my life, so I don't get it; but whatever, I'll play ball.

I came here for more of a support group. I didn't realize the fraternity type protocol that came along with it. So to be clear, is this a "quit cold turkey or get the fuck out" kind of thing? I could give a shit less what people say about being prescribed a quitting aid, it's been working for me, and that's all I care about; and have no intentions to stop my intake. If that's going to cause a lack of support, fine, I don't really care-an online forum isn't a necessity to quit. I just thought it'd be cool to share my story, as well as hear from others about their experiences, and the different methods people use to quit, what helps, what doesn't, etc.

I don't care about the "hall of fame party" or "milestone chips" as I see them more as meaningless incentives. If it helps motivate others-great. I'm not going to sit here and pretend it means anything to me. Like I said I'm simply here to see others experiences, stories, etc.

Also keep the sarcastic goodwill hunting-esque 'young man has it all figured out' cliches coming, they're entertaining. Seriously, we're talking about quitting chewing tobacco-not the meaning of life.
This is a brotherhood RnR, a brotherhood through which many of us finally found salvation from being a slave to can of poison that was slowly killing all of us. Your initial bravado shows that you obviously came in expecting all of us to bask in the wonder of your two whole weeks quit. You apparently didn't invest any time reading on the site or you would understand why we post roll and what it means to all of us here.

So if your not interested in what we are selling here, then just take yourself right back out the door you came in. 'Finger'
Jesus Christ. Did you read my post? It is very evidently implied that I have taken the time to read over what this site is about. However, I had additional questions regarding practicality, and the prerequisites involved. Rather than read, you pretentiously ramble "if you don't like it, then just take yourself right back out the door you came in". Which isn't an actual existing door, but, a internet browser you are asking me to close. I have to ask, are you from the south?

I'm open to hearing a educated response from you, but I don't know what to call that. Flexing your muscles in front of your 8th grade diploma?
The basic principles of the site are not up for debate or question RnR. You can jump on board or go away, those are the only options here. Scowick already called it however, your just another special butterfly that needs some internet attention. I will move along to someone who is interested in quitting our way.

Perhaps if you think you can reinvent or question our way, maybe you should check out the 7th birthday roll thread here:

Site Roll Call November 20, 2013

I don't think we need your questions or input to improve our quits.
I literally am running out of ideas on ways for you guys to simply answer my questions, and practicality. You tell me me to read the information from the welcome center, I do, and your responses have been in contradiction to everything it reads.

1. From the Mission Statement:

Quote 1:
"We are here to provide a forum where your questions will get answered, where your fears will be dispelled, and your anxiety will be dissipated. We will offer any help that we can. We will help YOU quit the way you need to quit."

Contradiction to quote 1:
-Reading from people's responses, I call bullshit. The way I need to quit, has been nothing but criticized. Not to mention, not one of my questions have been answered-except to refer to the welcome center where the information provided there, contradicts all of your remarks. So you should support me in the way I need to quit, not the way you want me to quit, as mentioned in the mission statement.

Quote 2:
"We realize that there are a variety of ways to be successful quitting chew. We will NOT tell you that one way is better than another, but we will tell you our experience and what has worked for us."

Contradiction from Quote 2:
-Calling bullshit again. I made an introduction and shared my experience of quitting thus far. I have in fact already been told that one way is better than another (cold turkey in specific). In response to my story all it's been is criticism along with incredibly lame puberty jokes; although I understand the "tough love" theory also mentioned in the mission statement-fair enough. I'm seriously more concerned for your likelihood being diagnosed a 'mildly-retarded redneck' than I am for your chances of an oral cancer diagnosis. SORRY TOUGH LOVE. Wait, no...that's slander, not tough love. See the difference?

Quote 3:
"We recognize that people need to be on this journey their own way. We also realize that TOGETHER we will all be more successful".

Contradiction from Quote 3:
-So what if "my way" doesn't consist of posting roll call, or following protocol step by step, but I am still willing to work TOGETHER to help myself and others through their quit? Again, refer to quote 2, which suggests there are many ways to be successful quitting chew.

2. Quit Groups

Quote 1:
"Welcome to Kill the Can (KTC)! We hope that you find this site to be just the solution you were looking for in your journey to find the everlasting quit! One of the most important things you will encounter with this site are the quit groups. Once you have registered you must find your quit group. A quit group is the group of members with whom you will hit your 100 day Hall of Fame mark. So you must figure out in which month your 100th day will fall, and this will be your appropriate month.

Quote 1 Contradiction:
-So wait I MUST find my quit group? I MUST figure out my 100 day quit? This contradicts quote 3 from the Mission Statement, as well as quote 2.

So this is where your directing me for resources? To a poorly written mission statement that is contradicted by it's following processes?

...Yet my questions, and practical uses of this forum still go unanswered. Let's pretend you don't have 47 chromosomes (SORRY TOUGH LOVE) as I re-simplify these questions for you.

1. Cold Turkey is the only way allowed to quit through this forum? According to a few forum members it is (who I suggest re-read the mission statement).

2. I can or cannot actively use and participate in these forums without following the protocol demanded by other forum users? Even though the mission statement says "We realize that there are a variety of ways to be successful quitting chew. We will NOT tell you that one way is better than another"?
'troll' You are now free to go back through your browser door. Do you think you are the first to come here and tell us how you feel, hell no you are not and you wont be the last. If you are doing so well doing it your way you don't need us or this site. We have had enough drama here without you coming here with your whopping two weeks of quit telling us we are rednecks. You are taking time away from quitters helping quitters stay quit. So get with the program or hit the bricks good luck with your quit.
Y'know... You're solidifying your own ignorance. Everyone of your arguments is presented in the fashion of every good naysayer... Out of context. Taken by themselves, each of your points makes sense. Out of context. If you have actually read our site... Sifted through our method and reasoning... And still feel the need to play your silly little game of intellectual one-up... Fail. You didn't get it. You pro'ly won't. Good luck...
I won't be as sophisticated as my brother AJ. As most can attest I don't use foul language but I feel the need to say, "if you don't like it here, get the fuck out". Good luck
As best as I can tell you attracted two types of responses, those offering help and those calling you on trolling. I have seen you piss on one half and shit on the other. I think I will wait till you get out of the bathroom before offering my words of wisdom, because to be honest, I kind of like the way I smell.
I have been Quit for several years and I still wake up every morning and quit one day at a time.  I figure if it worked yesterday, it will work today.  Never ever get complacent in your quit!

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #44 on: November 20, 2013, 02:03:00 PM »
This is what success looks like: index.php?showtopic=9056

This is the essence of this site, bottled into a 1-day roll call. It makes me happy to read each and every post. Each quitter has a unique story; a story worth learning from. Notice the abundance of joy and gratitude expressed in this one roll call. This post makes me proud to be here. I bet it makes others just as proud. If you want to know what this tastes like, post roll each day and be a part of your final quit and something bigger than yourself. This is an action you will not regret.

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #43 on: November 20, 2013, 01:52:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: RockNRoll
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: RockNRoll
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: RockNRoll
Alright so I have to "post roll call" everyday for the month of February? What is exactly significant of this roll call anyways? Making a promise to myself, and a bunch of guys who've I've never met over the internet? I've already obviously made the promise to myself, and more importantly, to others that actually exist and have an impact on my life, so I don't get it; but whatever, I'll play ball.

I came here for more of a support group. I didn't realize the fraternity type protocol that came along with it. So to be clear, is this a "quit cold turkey or get the fuck out" kind of thing? I could give a shit less what people say about being prescribed a quitting aid, it's been working for me, and that's all I care about; and have no intentions to stop my intake. If that's going to cause a lack of support, fine, I don't really care-an online forum isn't a necessity to quit. I just thought it'd be cool to share my story, as well as hear from others about their experiences, and the different methods people use to quit, what helps, what doesn't, etc.

I don't care about the "hall of fame party" or "milestone chips" as I see them more as meaningless incentives. If it helps motivate others-great. I'm not going to sit here and pretend it means anything to me. Like I said I'm simply here to see others experiences, stories, etc.

Also keep the sarcastic goodwill hunting-esque 'young man has it all figured out' cliches coming, they're entertaining. Seriously, we're talking about quitting chewing tobacco-not the meaning of life.
This is a brotherhood RnR, a brotherhood through which many of us finally found salvation from being a slave to can of poison that was slowly killing all of us. Your initial bravado shows that you obviously came in expecting all of us to bask in the wonder of your two whole weeks quit. You apparently didn't invest any time reading on the site or you would understand why we post roll and what it means to all of us here.

So if your not interested in what we are selling here, then just take yourself right back out the door you came in. 'Finger'
Jesus Christ. Did you read my post? It is very evidently implied that I have taken the time to read over what this site is about. However, I had additional questions regarding practicality, and the prerequisites involved. Rather than read, you pretentiously ramble "if you don't like it, then just take yourself right back out the door you came in". Which isn't an actual existing door, but, a internet browser you are asking me to close. I have to ask, are you from the south?

I'm open to hearing a educated response from you, but I don't know what to call that. Flexing your muscles in front of your 8th grade diploma?
The basic principles of the site are not up for debate or question RnR. You can jump on board or go away, those are the only options here. Scowick already called it however, your just another special butterfly that needs some internet attention. I will move along to someone who is interested in quitting our way.

Perhaps if you think you can reinvent or question our way, maybe you should check out the 7th birthday roll thread here:

Site Roll Call November 20, 2013

I don't think we need your questions or input to improve our quits.
I literally am running out of ideas on ways for you guys to simply answer my questions, and practicality. You tell me me to read the information from the welcome center, I do, and your responses have been in contradiction to everything it reads.

1. From the Mission Statement:

Quote 1:
"We are here to provide a forum where your questions will get answered, where your fears will be dispelled, and your anxiety will be dissipated. We will offer any help that we can. We will help YOU quit the way you need to quit."

Contradiction to quote 1:
-Reading from people's responses, I call bullshit. The way I need to quit, has been nothing but criticized. Not to mention, not one of my questions have been answered-except to refer to the welcome center where the information provided there, contradicts all of your remarks. So you should support me in the way I need to quit, not the way you want me to quit, as mentioned in the mission statement.

Quote 2:
"We realize that there are a variety of ways to be successful quitting chew. We will NOT tell you that one way is better than another, but we will tell you our experience and what has worked for us."

Contradiction from Quote 2:
-Calling bullshit again. I made an introduction and shared my experience of quitting thus far. I have in fact already been told that one way is better than another (cold turkey in specific). In response to my story all it's been is criticism along with incredibly lame puberty jokes; although I understand the "tough love" theory also mentioned in the mission statement-fair enough. I'm seriously more concerned for your likelihood being diagnosed a 'mildly-retarded redneck' than I am for your chances of an oral cancer diagnosis. SORRY TOUGH LOVE. Wait, no...that's slander, not tough love. See the difference?

Quote 3:
"We recognize that people need to be on this journey their own way. We also realize that TOGETHER we will all be more successful".

Contradiction from Quote 3:
-So what if "my way" doesn't consist of posting roll call, or following protocol step by step, but I am still willing to work TOGETHER to help myself and others through their quit? Again, refer to quote 2, which suggests there are many ways to be successful quitting chew.

2. Quit Groups

Quote 1:
"Welcome to Kill the Can (KTC)! We hope that you find this site to be just the solution you were looking for in your journey to find the everlasting quit! One of the most important things you will encounter with this site are the quit groups. Once you have registered you must find your quit group. A quit group is the group of members with whom you will hit your 100 day Hall of Fame mark. So you must figure out in which month your 100th day will fall, and this will be your appropriate month.

Quote 1 Contradiction:
-So wait I MUST find my quit group? I MUST figure out my 100 day quit? This contradicts quote 3 from the Mission Statement, as well as quote 2.

So this is where your directing me for resources? To a poorly written mission statement that is contradicted by it's following processes?

...Yet my questions, and practical uses of this forum still go unanswered. Let's pretend you don't have 47 chromosomes (SORRY TOUGH LOVE) as I re-simplify these questions for you.

1. Cold Turkey is the only way allowed to quit through this forum? According to a few forum members it is (who I suggest re-read the mission statement).

2. I can or cannot actively use and participate in these forums without following the protocol demanded by other forum users? Even though the mission statement says "We realize that there are a variety of ways to be successful quitting chew. We will NOT tell you that one way is better than another"?
'troll' You are now free to go back through your browser door. Do you think you are the first to come here and tell us how you feel, hell no you are not and you wont be the last. If you are doing so well doing it your way you don't need us or this site. We have had enough drama here without you coming here with your whopping two weeks of quit telling us we are rednecks. You are taking time away from quitters helping quitters stay quit. So get with the program or hit the bricks good luck with your quit.
Y'know... You're solidifying your own ignorance. Everyone of your arguments is presented in the fashion of every good naysayer... Out of context. Taken by themselves, each of your points makes sense. Out of context. If you have actually read our site... Sifted through our method and reasoning... And still feel the need to play your silly little game of intellectual one-up... Fail. You didn't get it. You pro'ly won't. Good luck...
RnR, a part of me just wants to ignore your clear attempt at garnering as much attention as possible, but your words have really struck a nerve, so I feel compelled to speak up. The reason people are so offended by your posts is that this site has literally saved our lives. You can poo-poo it any way you like. You can parse the mission statement and attempt to point out what you perceive to be contradictions like some gunner in his first year of law school. But we revere what this site has done and can do for nicotine addicts like each and every one of us... you included. I am six days away from reaching the Hall of Fame (in other words, I've gone 94 days without a trace of nicotine entering my system). I can honestly say that I could have never done it without this site, and the level of accountability that this site's members hold you to.

Here is how (and why) this site works. You can either play ball, or if you think it's not for you, go on your merry way. But stop sitting with your balls on the fence.

1. Figure out the day you quit, and the day you will be 100 days quit. What ever month day 100 falls in will be your quit group. If you are truly 2 weeks quit, I believe you'll hit 100 days in February 2014, so you'll be in the February 2014 pre-HOF group.

2. Go to that quit group's page and post roll. You do this by writing your name and the number days quit you are on that day. By posting roll, you are making a promise and a commitment to the rest of your quit group that you won't use nicotine that day. Today I posted "quittinglawyer - day 94" in my November 2013 quit group. That's my promise not to use nicotine today.

3. We quit "one day at a time" or "ODAAT." This means that you don't worry about quitting forever. You just worry about quitting today. By posting roll in the morning, you are just promising to stay quit for one day. Seems easy, right? For me, the hardest part was wrapping my head around the concept of never having a dip again. It took a while for me to understand that I don't have to worry about "never" having a dip again. I just have to worry about not having a dip TODAY. Pretty soon, a whole bunch of "todays" add up, and before you know it, you have been quit for months or even years.

4. Make connections with fellow quitters through your quit group, personal messages, or chat. These are the guys that will hold you accountable if you fail to post roll. These are the guys that will be there when you're drunk and staring at a can of chew you just bought and thinking about putting that poison back into your mouth after being "quit" for more than a month. Exchange phone numbers with these guys so when you're in that position, you have someone to reach out to.

That's really it. It may sound silly that something so simple (post roll every day, promise not to use nicotine, repeat) could actually work, but believe me, and the thousands of others who have used this site, it works. Just the thought of having to explain to my quit group why I threw everything away has kept me from caving a number of time. In the first couple weeks of my quit, it was probably the only thing that kept me from caving.

If the welcome center doesn't clearly spell this out, well, sorry about that. If this doesn't sound like something you need, then maybe you don't. If that's the case, please just go. Don't post another incendiary rant just to push buttons. Just go, because this site means too much to too many people.

But.... (and I hope this is the case), you decide this site may have something to offer, then change your mindset and attitude, go post roll, and continue on the journey of changing your life.


One mildly retarded redneck flexing his muscles in front of his 8th grade diploma (and law degree)

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #42 on: November 20, 2013, 01:42:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: RockNRoll
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: RockNRoll
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: RockNRoll
Alright so I have to "post roll call" everyday for the month of February? What is exactly significant of this roll call anyways? Making a promise to myself, and a bunch of guys who've I've never met over the internet? I've already obviously made the promise to myself, and more importantly, to others that actually exist and have an impact on my life, so I don't get it; but whatever, I'll play ball.

I came here for more of a support group. I didn't realize the fraternity type protocol that came along with it. So to be clear, is this a "quit cold turkey or get the fuck out" kind of thing? I could give a shit less what people say about being prescribed a quitting aid, it's been working for me, and that's all I care about; and have no intentions to stop my intake. If that's going to cause a lack of support, fine, I don't really care-an online forum isn't a necessity to quit. I just thought it'd be cool to share my story, as well as hear from others about their experiences, and the different methods people use to quit, what helps, what doesn't, etc.

I don't care about the "hall of fame party" or "milestone chips" as I see them more as meaningless incentives. If it helps motivate others-great. I'm not going to sit here and pretend it means anything to me. Like I said I'm simply here to see others experiences, stories, etc.

Also keep the sarcastic goodwill hunting-esque 'young man has it all figured out' cliches coming, they're entertaining. Seriously, we're talking about quitting chewing tobacco-not the meaning of life.
This is a brotherhood RnR, a brotherhood through which many of us finally found salvation from being a slave to can of poison that was slowly killing all of us. Your initial bravado shows that you obviously came in expecting all of us to bask in the wonder of your two whole weeks quit. You apparently didn't invest any time reading on the site or you would understand why we post roll and what it means to all of us here.

So if your not interested in what we are selling here, then just take yourself right back out the door you came in. 'Finger'
Jesus Christ. Did you read my post? It is very evidently implied that I have taken the time to read over what this site is about. However, I had additional questions regarding practicality, and the prerequisites involved. Rather than read, you pretentiously ramble "if you don't like it, then just take yourself right back out the door you came in". Which isn't an actual existing door, but, a internet browser you are asking me to close. I have to ask, are you from the south?

I'm open to hearing a educated response from you, but I don't know what to call that. Flexing your muscles in front of your 8th grade diploma?
The basic principles of the site are not up for debate or question RnR. You can jump on board or go away, those are the only options here. Scowick already called it however, your just another special butterfly that needs some internet attention. I will move along to someone who is interested in quitting our way.

Perhaps if you think you can reinvent or question our way, maybe you should check out the 7th birthday roll thread here:

Site Roll Call November 20, 2013

I don't think we need your questions or input to improve our quits.
I literally am running out of ideas on ways for you guys to simply answer my questions, and practicality. You tell me me to read the information from the welcome center, I do, and your responses have been in contradiction to everything it reads.

1. From the Mission Statement:

Quote 1:
"We are here to provide a forum where your questions will get answered, where your fears will be dispelled, and your anxiety will be dissipated. We will offer any help that we can. We will help YOU quit the way you need to quit."

Contradiction to quote 1:
-Reading from people's responses, I call bullshit. The way I need to quit, has been nothing but criticized. Not to mention, not one of my questions have been answered-except to refer to the welcome center where the information provided there, contradicts all of your remarks. So you should support me in the way I need to quit, not the way you want me to quit, as mentioned in the mission statement.

Quote 2:
"We realize that there are a variety of ways to be successful quitting chew. We will NOT tell you that one way is better than another, but we will tell you our experience and what has worked for us."

Contradiction from Quote 2:
-Calling bullshit again. I made an introduction and shared my experience of quitting thus far. I have in fact already been told that one way is better than another (cold turkey in specific). In response to my story all it's been is criticism along with incredibly lame puberty jokes; although I understand the "tough love" theory also mentioned in the mission statement-fair enough. I'm seriously more concerned for your likelihood being diagnosed a 'mildly-retarded redneck' than I am for your chances of an oral cancer diagnosis. SORRY TOUGH LOVE. Wait, no...that's slander, not tough love. See the difference?

Quote 3:
"We recognize that people need to be on this journey their own way. We also realize that TOGETHER we will all be more successful".

Contradiction from Quote 3:
-So what if "my way" doesn't consist of posting roll call, or following protocol step by step, but I am still willing to work TOGETHER to help myself and others through their quit? Again, refer to quote 2, which suggests there are many ways to be successful quitting chew.

2. Quit Groups

Quote 1:
"Welcome to Kill the Can (KTC)! We hope that you find this site to be just the solution you were looking for in your journey to find the everlasting quit! One of the most important things you will encounter with this site are the quit groups. Once you have registered you must find your quit group. A quit group is the group of members with whom you will hit your 100 day Hall of Fame mark. So you must figure out in which month your 100th day will fall, and this will be your appropriate month.

Quote 1 Contradiction:
-So wait I MUST find my quit group? I MUST figure out my 100 day quit? This contradicts quote 3 from the Mission Statement, as well as quote 2.

So this is where your directing me for resources? To a poorly written mission statement that is contradicted by it's following processes?

...Yet my questions, and practical uses of this forum still go unanswered. Let's pretend you don't have 47 chromosomes (SORRY TOUGH LOVE) as I re-simplify these questions for you.

1. Cold Turkey is the only way allowed to quit through this forum? According to a few forum members it is (who I suggest re-read the mission statement).

2. I can or cannot actively use and participate in these forums without following the protocol demanded by other forum users? Even though the mission statement says "We realize that there are a variety of ways to be successful quitting chew. We will NOT tell you that one way is better than another"?
'troll' You are now free to go back through your browser door. Do you think you are the first to come here and tell us how you feel, hell no you are not and you wont be the last. If you are doing so well doing it your way you don't need us or this site. We have had enough drama here without you coming here with your whopping two weeks of quit telling us we are rednecks. You are taking time away from quitters helping quitters stay quit. So get with the program or hit the bricks good luck with your quit.
Y'know... You're solidifying your own ignorance. Everyone of your arguments is presented in the fashion of every good naysayer... Out of context. Taken by themselves, each of your points makes sense. Out of context. If you have actually read our site... Sifted through our method and reasoning... And still feel the need to play your silly little game of intellectual one-up... Fail. You didn't get it. You pro'ly won't. Good luck...
I won't be as sophisticated as my brother AJ. As most can attest I don't use foul language but I feel the need to say, "if you don't like it here, get the fuck out". Good luck

Offline AppleJack

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #41 on: November 20, 2013, 12:54:00 PM »
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: RockNRoll
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: RockNRoll
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: RockNRoll
Alright so I have to "post roll call" everyday for the month of February? What is exactly significant of this roll call anyways? Making a promise to myself, and a bunch of guys who've I've never met over the internet? I've already obviously made the promise to myself, and more importantly, to others that actually exist and have an impact on my life, so I don't get it; but whatever, I'll play ball.

I came here for more of a support group. I didn't realize the fraternity type protocol that came along with it. So to be clear, is this a "quit cold turkey or get the fuck out" kind of thing? I could give a shit less what people say about being prescribed a quitting aid, it's been working for me, and that's all I care about; and have no intentions to stop my intake. If that's going to cause a lack of support, fine, I don't really care-an online forum isn't a necessity to quit. I just thought it'd be cool to share my story, as well as hear from others about their experiences, and the different methods people use to quit, what helps, what doesn't, etc.

I don't care about the "hall of fame party" or "milestone chips" as I see them more as meaningless incentives. If it helps motivate others-great. I'm not going to sit here and pretend it means anything to me. Like I said I'm simply here to see others experiences, stories, etc.

Also keep the sarcastic goodwill hunting-esque 'young man has it all figured out' cliches coming, they're entertaining. Seriously, we're talking about quitting chewing tobacco-not the meaning of life.
This is a brotherhood RnR, a brotherhood through which many of us finally found salvation from being a slave to can of poison that was slowly killing all of us. Your initial bravado shows that you obviously came in expecting all of us to bask in the wonder of your two whole weeks quit. You apparently didn't invest any time reading on the site or you would understand why we post roll and what it means to all of us here.

So if your not interested in what we are selling here, then just take yourself right back out the door you came in. 'Finger'
Jesus Christ. Did you read my post? It is very evidently implied that I have taken the time to read over what this site is about. However, I had additional questions regarding practicality, and the prerequisites involved. Rather than read, you pretentiously ramble "if you don't like it, then just take yourself right back out the door you came in". Which isn't an actual existing door, but, a internet browser you are asking me to close. I have to ask, are you from the south?

I'm open to hearing a educated response from you, but I don't know what to call that. Flexing your muscles in front of your 8th grade diploma?
The basic principles of the site are not up for debate or question RnR. You can jump on board or go away, those are the only options here. Scowick already called it however, your just another special butterfly that needs some internet attention. I will move along to someone who is interested in quitting our way.

Perhaps if you think you can reinvent or question our way, maybe you should check out the 7th birthday roll thread here:

Site Roll Call November 20, 2013

I don't think we need your questions or input to improve our quits.
I literally am running out of ideas on ways for you guys to simply answer my questions, and practicality. You tell me me to read the information from the welcome center, I do, and your responses have been in contradiction to everything it reads.

1. From the Mission Statement:

Quote 1:
"We are here to provide a forum where your questions will get answered, where your fears will be dispelled, and your anxiety will be dissipated. We will offer any help that we can. We will help YOU quit the way you need to quit."

Contradiction to quote 1:
-Reading from people's responses, I call bullshit. The way I need to quit, has been nothing but criticized. Not to mention, not one of my questions have been answered-except to refer to the welcome center where the information provided there, contradicts all of your remarks. So you should support me in the way I need to quit, not the way you want me to quit, as mentioned in the mission statement.

Quote 2:
"We realize that there are a variety of ways to be successful quitting chew. We will NOT tell you that one way is better than another, but we will tell you our experience and what has worked for us."

Contradiction from Quote 2:
-Calling bullshit again. I made an introduction and shared my experience of quitting thus far. I have in fact already been told that one way is better than another (cold turkey in specific). In response to my story all it's been is criticism along with incredibly lame puberty jokes; although I understand the "tough love" theory also mentioned in the mission statement-fair enough. I'm seriously more concerned for your likelihood being diagnosed a 'mildly-retarded redneck' than I am for your chances of an oral cancer diagnosis. SORRY TOUGH LOVE. Wait, no...that's slander, not tough love. See the difference?

Quote 3:
"We recognize that people need to be on this journey their own way. We also realize that TOGETHER we will all be more successful".

Contradiction from Quote 3:
-So what if "my way" doesn't consist of posting roll call, or following protocol step by step, but I am still willing to work TOGETHER to help myself and others through their quit? Again, refer to quote 2, which suggests there are many ways to be successful quitting chew.

2. Quit Groups

Quote 1:
"Welcome to Kill the Can (KTC)! We hope that you find this site to be just the solution you were looking for in your journey to find the everlasting quit! One of the most important things you will encounter with this site are the quit groups. Once you have registered you must find your quit group. A quit group is the group of members with whom you will hit your 100 day Hall of Fame mark. So you must figure out in which month your 100th day will fall, and this will be your appropriate month.

Quote 1 Contradiction:
-So wait I MUST find my quit group? I MUST figure out my 100 day quit? This contradicts quote 3 from the Mission Statement, as well as quote 2.

So this is where your directing me for resources? To a poorly written mission statement that is contradicted by it's following processes?

...Yet my questions, and practical uses of this forum still go unanswered. Let's pretend you don't have 47 chromosomes (SORRY TOUGH LOVE) as I re-simplify these questions for you.

1. Cold Turkey is the only way allowed to quit through this forum? According to a few forum members it is (who I suggest re-read the mission statement).

2. I can or cannot actively use and participate in these forums without following the protocol demanded by other forum users? Even though the mission statement says "We realize that there are a variety of ways to be successful quitting chew. We will NOT tell you that one way is better than another"?
'troll' You are now free to go back through your browser door. Do you think you are the first to come here and tell us how you feel, hell no you are not and you wont be the last. If you are doing so well doing it your way you don't need us or this site. We have had enough drama here without you coming here with your whopping two weeks of quit telling us we are rednecks. You are taking time away from quitters helping quitters stay quit. So get with the program or hit the bricks good luck with your quit.

Y'know... You're solidifying your own ignorance. Everyone of your arguments is presented in the fashion of every good naysayer... Out of context. Taken by themselves, each of your points makes sense. Out of context. If you have actually read our site... Sifted through our method and reasoning... And still feel the need to play your silly little game of intellectual one-up... Fail. You didn't get it. You pro'ly won't. Good luck...
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline CaliforniaSlim

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #40 on: November 20, 2013, 12:16:00 PM »
Here is how I see it:
1) I can offer my insight, whatever it is worth, to 20 people who are ready to quit the KTC way, or
2) I can play silly semantic games with you.

I choose option 1.

Good luck, I am out.

Offline traumagnet

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #39 on: November 20, 2013, 12:16:00 PM »
Quote from: RockNRoll
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: RockNRoll
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: RockNRoll
Alright so I have to "post roll call" everyday for the month of February? What is exactly significant of this roll call anyways? Making a promise to myself, and a bunch of guys who've I've never met over the internet? I've already obviously made the promise to myself, and more importantly, to others that actually exist and have an impact on my life, so I don't get it; but whatever, I'll play ball.

I came here for more of a support group. I didn't realize the fraternity type protocol that came along with it. So to be clear, is this a "quit cold turkey or get the fuck out" kind of thing? I could give a shit less what people say about being prescribed a quitting aid, it's been working for me, and that's all I care about; and have no intentions to stop my intake. If that's going to cause a lack of support, fine, I don't really care-an online forum isn't a necessity to quit. I just thought it'd be cool to share my story, as well as hear from others about their experiences, and the different methods people use to quit, what helps, what doesn't, etc.

I don't care about the "hall of fame party" or "milestone chips" as I see them more as meaningless incentives. If it helps motivate others-great. I'm not going to sit here and pretend it means anything to me. Like I said I'm simply here to see others experiences, stories, etc.

Also keep the sarcastic goodwill hunting-esque 'young man has it all figured out' cliches coming, they're entertaining. Seriously, we're talking about quitting chewing tobacco-not the meaning of life.
This is a brotherhood RnR, a brotherhood through which many of us finally found salvation from being a slave to can of poison that was slowly killing all of us. Your initial bravado shows that you obviously came in expecting all of us to bask in the wonder of your two whole weeks quit. You apparently didn't invest any time reading on the site or you would understand why we post roll and what it means to all of us here.

So if your not interested in what we are selling here, then just take yourself right back out the door you came in. 'Finger'
Jesus Christ. Did you read my post? It is very evidently implied that I have taken the time to read over what this site is about. However, I had additional questions regarding practicality, and the prerequisites involved. Rather than read, you pretentiously ramble "if you don't like it, then just take yourself right back out the door you came in". Which isn't an actual existing door, but, a internet browser you are asking me to close. I have to ask, are you from the south?

I'm open to hearing a educated response from you, but I don't know what to call that. Flexing your muscles in front of your 8th grade diploma?
The basic principles of the site are not up for debate or question RnR. You can jump on board or go away, those are the only options here. Scowick already called it however, your just another special butterfly that needs some internet attention. I will move along to someone who is interested in quitting our way.

Perhaps if you think you can reinvent or question our way, maybe you should check out the 7th birthday roll thread here:

Site Roll Call November 20, 2013

I don't think we need your questions or input to improve our quits.
I literally am running out of ideas on ways for you guys to simply answer my questions, and practicality. You tell me me to read the information from the welcome center, I do, and your responses have been in contradiction to everything it reads.

1. From the Mission Statement:

Quote 1:
"We are here to provide a forum where your questions will get answered, where your fears will be dispelled, and your anxiety will be dissipated. We will offer any help that we can. We will help YOU quit the way you need to quit."

Contradiction to quote 1:
-Reading from people's responses, I call bullshit. The way I need to quit, has been nothing but criticized. Not to mention, not one of my questions have been answered-except to refer to the welcome center where the information provided there, contradicts all of your remarks. So you should support me in the way I need to quit, not the way you want me to quit, as mentioned in the mission statement.

Quote 2:
"We realize that there are a variety of ways to be successful quitting chew. We will NOT tell you that one way is better than another, but we will tell you our experience and what has worked for us."

Contradiction from Quote 2:
-Calling bullshit again. I made an introduction and shared my experience of quitting thus far. I have in fact already been told that one way is better than another (cold turkey in specific). In response to my story all it's been is criticism along with incredibly lame puberty jokes; although I understand the "tough love" theory also mentioned in the mission statement-fair enough. I'm seriously more concerned for your likelihood being diagnosed a 'mildly-retarded redneck' than I am for your chances of an oral cancer diagnosis. SORRY TOUGH LOVE. Wait, no...that's slander, not tough love. See the difference?

Quote 3:
"We recognize that people need to be on this journey their own way. We also realize that TOGETHER we will all be more successful".

Contradiction from Quote 3:
-So what if "my way" doesn't consist of posting roll call, or following protocol step by step, but I am still willing to work TOGETHER to help myself and others through their quit? Again, refer to quote 2, which suggests there are many ways to be successful quitting chew.

2. Quit Groups

Quote 1:
"Welcome to Kill the Can (KTC)! We hope that you find this site to be just the solution you were looking for in your journey to find the everlasting quit! One of the most important things you will encounter with this site are the quit groups. Once you have registered you must find your quit group. A quit group is the group of members with whom you will hit your 100 day Hall of Fame mark. So you must figure out in which month your 100th day will fall, and this will be your appropriate month.

Quote 1 Contradiction:
-So wait I MUST find my quit group? I MUST figure out my 100 day quit? This contradicts quote 3 from the Mission Statement, as well as quote 2.

So this is where your directing me for resources? To a poorly written mission statement that is contradicted by it's following processes?

...Yet my questions, and practical uses of this forum still go unanswered. Let's pretend you don't have 47 chromosomes (SORRY TOUGH LOVE) as I re-simplify these questions for you.

1. Cold Turkey is the only way allowed to quit through this forum? According to a few forum members it is (who I suggest re-read the mission statement).

2. I can or cannot actively use and participate in these forums without following the protocol demanded by other forum users? Even though the mission statement says "We realize that there are a variety of ways to be successful quitting chew. We will NOT tell you that one way is better than another"?
'troll' You are now free to go back through your browser door. Do you think you are the first to come here and tell us how you feel, hell no you are not and you wont be the last. If you are doing so well doing it your way you don't need us or this site. We have had enough drama here without you coming here with your whopping two weeks of quit telling us we are rednecks. You are taking time away from quitters helping quitters stay quit. So get with the program or hit the bricks good luck with your quit.
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline RockNRoll

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #38 on: November 20, 2013, 11:41:00 AM »
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: RockNRoll
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: RockNRoll
Alright so I have to "post roll call" everyday for the month of February? What is exactly significant of this roll call anyways? Making a promise to myself, and a bunch of guys who've I've never met over the internet? I've already obviously made the promise to myself, and more importantly, to others that actually exist and have an impact on my life, so I don't get it; but whatever, I'll play ball.

I came here for more of a support group. I didn't realize the fraternity type protocol that came along with it. So to be clear, is this a "quit cold turkey or get the fuck out" kind of thing? I could give a shit less what people say about being prescribed a quitting aid, it's been working for me, and that's all I care about; and have no intentions to stop my intake. If that's going to cause a lack of support, fine, I don't really care-an online forum isn't a necessity to quit. I just thought it'd be cool to share my story, as well as hear from others about their experiences, and the different methods people use to quit, what helps, what doesn't, etc.

I don't care about the "hall of fame party" or "milestone chips" as I see them more as meaningless incentives. If it helps motivate others-great. I'm not going to sit here and pretend it means anything to me. Like I said I'm simply here to see others experiences, stories, etc.

Also keep the sarcastic goodwill hunting-esque 'young man has it all figured out' cliches coming, they're entertaining. Seriously, we're talking about quitting chewing tobacco-not the meaning of life.
This is a brotherhood RnR, a brotherhood through which many of us finally found salvation from being a slave to can of poison that was slowly killing all of us. Your initial bravado shows that you obviously came in expecting all of us to bask in the wonder of your two whole weeks quit. You apparently didn't invest any time reading on the site or you would understand why we post roll and what it means to all of us here.

So if your not interested in what we are selling here, then just take yourself right back out the door you came in. 'Finger'
Jesus Christ. Did you read my post? It is very evidently implied that I have taken the time to read over what this site is about. However, I had additional questions regarding practicality, and the prerequisites involved. Rather than read, you pretentiously ramble "if you don't like it, then just take yourself right back out the door you came in". Which isn't an actual existing door, but, a internet browser you are asking me to close. I have to ask, are you from the south?

I'm open to hearing a educated response from you, but I don't know what to call that. Flexing your muscles in front of your 8th grade diploma?
The basic principles of the site are not up for debate or question RnR. You can jump on board or go away, those are the only options here. Scowick already called it however, your just another special butterfly that needs some internet attention. I will move along to someone who is interested in quitting our way.

Perhaps if you think you can reinvent or question our way, maybe you should check out the 7th birthday roll thread here:

Site Roll Call November 20, 2013

I don't think we need your questions or input to improve our quits.
I literally am running out of ideas on ways for you guys to simply answer my questions, and practicality. You tell me me to read the information from the welcome center, I do, and your responses have been in contradiction to everything it reads.

1. From the Mission Statement:

Quote 1:
"We are here to provide a forum where your questions will get answered, where your fears will be dispelled, and your anxiety will be dissipated. We will offer any help that we can. We will help YOU quit the way you need to quit."

Contradiction to quote 1:
-Reading from people's responses, I call bullshit. The way I need to quit, has been nothing but criticized. Not to mention, not one of my questions have been answered-except to refer to the welcome center where the information provided there, contradicts all of your remarks. So you should support me in the way I need to quit, not the way you want me to quit, as mentioned in the mission statement.

Quote 2:
"We realize that there are a variety of ways to be successful quitting chew. We will NOT tell you that one way is better than another, but we will tell you our experience and what has worked for us."

Contradiction from Quote 2:
-Calling bullshit again. I made an introduction and shared my experience of quitting thus far. I have in fact already been told that one way is better than another (cold turkey in specific). In response to my story all it's been is criticism along with incredibly lame puberty jokes; although I understand the "tough love" theory also mentioned in the mission statement-fair enough. I'm seriously more concerned for your likelihood being diagnosed a 'mildly-retarded redneck' than I am for your chances of an oral cancer diagnosis. SORRY TOUGH LOVE. Wait, no...that's slander, not tough love. See the difference?

Quote 3:
"We recognize that people need to be on this journey their own way. We also realize that TOGETHER we will all be more successful".

Contradiction from Quote 3:
-So what if "my way" doesn't consist of posting roll call, or following protocol step by step, but I am still willing to work TOGETHER to help myself and others through their quit? Again, refer to quote 2, which suggests there are many ways to be successful quitting chew.

2. Quit Groups

Quote 1:
"Welcome to Kill the Can (KTC)! We hope that you find this site to be just the solution you were looking for in your journey to find the everlasting quit! One of the most important things you will encounter with this site are the quit groups. Once you have registered you must find your quit group. A quit group is the group of members with whom you will hit your 100 day Hall of Fame mark. So you must figure out in which month your 100th day will fall, and this will be your appropriate month.

Quote 1 Contradiction:
-So wait I MUST find my quit group? I MUST figure out my 100 day quit? This contradicts quote 3 from the Mission Statement, as well as quote 2.

So this is where your directing me for resources? To a poorly written mission statement that is contradicted by it's following processes?

...Yet my questions, and practical uses of this forum still go unanswered. Let's pretend you don't have 47 chromosomes (SORRY TOUGH LOVE) as I re-simplify these questions for you.

1. Cold Turkey is the only way allowed to quit through this forum? According to a few forum members it is (who I suggest re-read the mission statement).

2. I can or cannot actively use and participate in these forums without following the protocol demanded by other forum users? Even though the mission statement says "We realize that there are a variety of ways to be successful quitting chew. We will NOT tell you that one way is better than another"?

Offline Kubiak

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Re: Two weeks Chew Free..and it was a breeze.
« Reply #37 on: November 20, 2013, 10:21:00 AM »
I think he's looking for a participation trophy.... oh here you go, I found one... 'clap'