Welcome! Timeless gave some great advice, brother! Quit for yourself. Don't think you were being selfish before by dipping. Be selfish NOW. example: I'm gonna start being selfish because I want to see my grandkids. I'm gonna be selfish and quit even though I'll probably be an asshole to my family the next few weeks and spend 90% of the time raging and apologizing.
Be careful of the the "I was selfish" argument. The nic bitch will be using it against you before long. Example: "come on Scott!! Don't you want to feel ________(relaxed, confident, awake, less edgy, like part of the group, etc) at the next big business meeting? I'll help you focus on your work, and you do want the kiddies to go to college, right? What's a little tobacco if it will help get the raise and pay for Susie's braces?" BE SELFISH! Think the nic bitch won't be there when you have a fight with the Misses? ("see Steve, you're doing this all for her and she doesn't even appreciate it. Why fight it?) BE SELFISH! Little Johnny tells you he's skipping trade school, buying a can of silver spray paint and a tin cup, and hitting the streets as a living statue. What will the nic bitch be whispering in your ear then? It's about you and why YOU want to take off the nicotine leash. Your family will benefit, don't you worry about that. BE SELFISH!
BTW: glad to be quit with you, congrats on over a month clean. could you imagine that two month ago?