Author Topic: Ready to go.  (Read 2424 times)

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Offline Grizzly25

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Re: Ready to go.
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2012, 12:51:00 PM »
Hello .....Hello......hello.......


Looks like another :scowick: has decided to leave our wonderful quit playground.... :rustaf:
"Remember you are either getting better or getting worse, nobody stays the same!" Woody Hayes

"Winning! That's all we do around here brotha! Failure is not an option, remove it as an option and the possibilities are endless...." Bruce317 5-18-2012

"...We'll be heroes or ghosts...But we won't be turned around." Wastepanel 6-15-2012




Quit Date: 2-6-2012
HOF Date: 5-16-2012
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Offline Scowick65

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Re: Ready to go.
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2012, 01:38:00 PM »
Quote from: Notdeadyet
Quote from: Want2Quit
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: smarterthanthis85
I think my name says it all.  I am smarter than this.   There are a lot of people on this site that are smart enough to figure out that paying thousands/year for a habit that will cost you thousands (if not millions) in the future doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.  I’ve lied to myself about my habit for years.  I won’t lay out all the lies because I’m sure you are all familiar with them.   Now I know that there is something that I can’t lie to myself about and that is that this habit is approaching its ten year anniversary.  What a magical number (not really).  Sure, like most of you, I’ve been a long-time stopper.  Sometimes it’s a week, sometimes 2 weeks.  My last time I made it almost 50 days but decided it would be “fun” to get a fruity can for a road trip.  BIG MISTAKE!!!  It’s been 7 months almost to the date since I made this mistake and the habit has come back with a vengeance.  So I’m here to become a quitter for good and start enjoying those little things in life I’ve been missing out on like spending quality time with my family and not having to come up with an excuse to take a drive alone or having the confidence to go explore a public area without cutting it short or looking for a corner to sneak one.  I can’t even begin to list all the little things that this habit has robbed me of but no more, I’m quitting for good.  I’ve watched this site for a long time but never became engaged.  Well now I’m here, committed and ready to take advantage of a free resource that will literally save my life.  I’ll stay engaged and any advice that you quitters have is much appreciated. 


If your serious which you sound somewhat serious make sure you goto the welcome center and read about roll call and what to expect....

Secondly you say you have been lurking.....well you know this is a nicotene free site right?

If you using the gum or a patch or any other type of "quit aid" you need to throw it out or flush it and realize we Quit Like Fuck here!

We burn the life boats, cut the ropes to the bridges! We post our promise and stick to it not if's and's or but's about it!

Cold turkey is the only way! You will have a few of the first few days were everything sucks we say embrace the suck that serves as motivation to not go back!

I will check on you to see how serious you are, actually you can PM me if you want some numbers to give you reminders on Quiting Like Fuck!
I'm with Grizz you sound like your probably ready. I still have some doubt but you are new to this shit load of fun called QUIT!
The one thing that just keeps jumping out at me is the use of the word HABIT! Dipping or using smokeless tabbacco is not a habit, (chewing your fingernails is a fucking habit) THIS IS AN ADDICTION!!
Jump in and be the 1st one to post in October 2012 what a Honor to be the 1st in your group.
I agree, be the guy that's first in the group and actually stay quit, that's a great honor to hold.
Smarter, you have a drug addiction, not a bad habit. Your drug is nicotine. Any form will keep you hooked. Please understand what it means to be a drug addict. No more dip, not one, not ever. Fight it one day at a time and make staying quit the number one priority in your life. Before you know it you will be a free man.

-NDY 300 days of freedom one day at a time
The day I admitted I was addicted to nicotine was the day I controlled nicotine instead of nicotine controlling me. It does not make quitting easy, it just means I call the shots.

Admit you are an addict, quit 1 day at a time and reclaim your freedom. This place has all the resources you need.

Offline Notdeadyet

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Re: Ready to go.
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2012, 08:53:00 AM »
Quote from: Want2Quit
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: smarterthanthis85
I think my name says it all.  I am smarter than this.   There are a lot of people on this site that are smart enough to figure out that paying thousands/year for a habit that will cost you thousands (if not millions) in the future doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.  I’ve lied to myself about my habit for years.  I won’t lay out all the lies because I’m sure you are all familiar with them.   Now I know that there is something that I can’t lie to myself about and that is that this habit is approaching its ten year anniversary.  What a magical number (not really).  Sure, like most of you, I’ve been a long-time stopper.  Sometimes it’s a week, sometimes 2 weeks.  My last time I made it almost 50 days but decided it would be “fun” to get a fruity can for a road trip.  BIG MISTAKE!!!  It’s been 7 months almost to the date since I made this mistake and the habit has come back with a vengeance.  So I’m here to become a quitter for good and start enjoying those little things in life I’ve been missing out on like spending quality time with my family and not having to come up with an excuse to take a drive alone or having the confidence to go explore a public area without cutting it short or looking for a corner to sneak one.  I can’t even begin to list all the little things that this habit has robbed me of but no more, I’m quitting for good.  I’ve watched this site for a long time but never became engaged.  Well now I’m here, committed and ready to take advantage of a free resource that will literally save my life.  I’ll stay engaged and any advice that you quitters have is much appreciated. 


If your serious which you sound somewhat serious make sure you goto the welcome center and read about roll call and what to expect....

Secondly you say you have been lurking.....well you know this is a nicotene free site right?

If you using the gum or a patch or any other type of "quit aid" you need to throw it out or flush it and realize we Quit Like Fuck here!

We burn the life boats, cut the ropes to the bridges! We post our promise and stick to it not if's and's or but's about it!

Cold turkey is the only way! You will have a few of the first few days were everything sucks we say embrace the suck that serves as motivation to not go back!

I will check on you to see how serious you are, actually you can PM me if you want some numbers to give you reminders on Quiting Like Fuck!
I'm with Grizz you sound like your probably ready. I still have some doubt but you are new to this shit load of fun called QUIT!
The one thing that just keeps jumping out at me is the use of the word HABIT! Dipping or using smokeless tabbacco is not a habit, (chewing your fingernails is a fucking habit) THIS IS AN ADDICTION!!
Jump in and be the 1st one to post in October 2012 what a Honor to be the 1st in your group.
I agree, be the guy that's first in the group and actually stay quit, that's a great honor to hold.
Smarter, you have a drug addiction, not a bad habit. Your drug is nicotine. Any form will keep you hooked. Please understand what it means to be a drug addict. No more dip, not one, not ever. Fight it one day at a time and make staying quit the number one priority in your life. Before you know it you will be a free man.

-NDY 300 days of freedom one day at a time
38 yr slave
Dumbass No More 8/31/2011

Anyone can stop, but can you quit? A "Stopper" versus a "Quitter"

Dumbass No More - A Quitter's Tale Of Ending Stupid Behavior

Offline Want2Quit

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Re: Ready to go.
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2012, 07:58:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: smarterthanthis85
I think my name says it all.  I am smarter than this.   There are a lot of people on this site that are smart enough to figure out that paying thousands/year for a habit that will cost you thousands (if not millions) in the future doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.  I’ve lied to myself about my habit for years.  I won’t lay out all the lies because I’m sure you are all familiar with them.   Now I know that there is something that I can’t lie to myself about and that is that this habit is approaching its ten year anniversary.  What a magical number (not really).  Sure, like most of you, I’ve been a long-time stopper.  Sometimes it’s a week, sometimes 2 weeks.  My last time I made it almost 50 days but decided it would be “fun” to get a fruity can for a road trip.  BIG MISTAKE!!!  It’s been 7 months almost to the date since I made this mistake and the habit has come back with a vengeance.  So I’m here to become a quitter for good and start enjoying those little things in life I’ve been missing out on like spending quality time with my family and not having to come up with an excuse to take a drive alone or having the confidence to go explore a public area without cutting it short or looking for a corner to sneak one.  I can’t even begin to list all the little things that this habit has robbed me of but no more, I’m quitting for good.  I’ve watched this site for a long time but never became engaged.  Well now I’m here, committed and ready to take advantage of a free resource that will literally save my life.  I’ll stay engaged and any advice that you quitters have is much appreciated. 


If your serious which you sound somewhat serious make sure you goto the welcome center and read about roll call and what to expect....

Secondly you say you have been lurking.....well you know this is a nicotene free site right?

If you using the gum or a patch or any other type of "quit aid" you need to throw it out or flush it and realize we Quit Like Fuck here!

We burn the life boats, cut the ropes to the bridges! We post our promise and stick to it not if's and's or but's about it!

Cold turkey is the only way! You will have a few of the first few days were everything sucks we say embrace the suck that serves as motivation to not go back!

I will check on you to see how serious you are, actually you can PM me if you want some numbers to give you reminders on Quiting Like Fuck!
I'm with Grizz you sound like your probably ready. I still have some doubt but you are new to this shit load of fun called QUIT!
The one thing that just keeps jumping out at me is the use of the word HABIT! Dipping or using smokeless tabbacco is not a habit, (chewing your fingernails is a fucking habit) THIS IS AN ADDICTION!!
Jump in and be the 1st one to post in October 2012 what a Honor to be the 1st in your group.
I agree, be the guy that's first in the group and actually stay quit, that's a great honor to hold.
I joined KTC and QUIT nic on 5/10/12.
Coach Steve coddles me.

Offline Wt57

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Re: Ready to go.
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2012, 02:35:00 AM »
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: smarterthanthis85
I think my name says it all.  I am smarter than this.  There are a lot of people on this site that are smart enough to figure out that paying thousands/year for a habit that will cost you thousands (if not millions) in the future doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.  I’ve lied to myself about my habit for years.  I won’t lay out all the lies because I’m sure you are all familiar with them.  Now I know that there is something that I can’t lie to myself about and that is that this habit is approaching its ten year anniversary.  What a magical number (not really).  Sure, like most of you, I’ve been a long-time stopper.  Sometimes it’s a week, sometimes 2 weeks.  My last time I made it almost 50 days but decided it would be “fun” to get a fruity can for a road trip.  BIG MISTAKE!!!  It’s been 7 months almost to the date since I made this mistake and the habit has come back with a vengeance.  So I’m here to become a quitter for good and start enjoying those little things in life I’ve been missing out on like spending quality time with my family and not having to come up with an excuse to take a drive alone or having the confidence to go explore a public area without cutting it short or looking for a corner to sneak one.  I can’t even begin to list all the little things that this habit has robbed me of but no more, I’m quitting for good.  I’ve watched this site for a long time but never became engaged.  Well now I’m here, committed and ready to take advantage of a free resource that will literally save my life.  I’ll stay engaged and any advice that you quitters have is much appreciated. 


If your serious which you sound somewhat serious make sure you goto the welcome center and read about roll call and what to expect....

Secondly you say you have been lurking.....well you know this is a nicotene free site right?

If you using the gum or a patch or any other type of "quit aid" you need to throw it out or flush it and realize we Quit Like Fuck here!

We burn the life boats, cut the ropes to the bridges! We post our promise and stick to it not if's and's or but's about it!

Cold turkey is the only way! You will have a few of the first few days were everything sucks we say embrace the suck that serves as motivation to not go back!

I will check on you to see how serious you are, actually you can PM me if you want some numbers to give you reminders on Quiting Like Fuck!
I'm with Grizz you sound like your probably ready. I still have some doubt but you are new to this shit load of fun called QUIT!
The one thing that just keeps jumping out at me is the use of the word HABIT! Dipping or using smokeless tabbacco is not a habit, (chewing your fingernails is a fucking habit) THIS IS AN ADDICTION!!
Jump in and be the 1st one to post in October 2012 what a Honor to be the 1st in your group.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline Grizzly25

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Re: Ready to go.
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2012, 01:08:00 AM »
Quote from: smarterthanthis85
I think my name says it all. I am smarter than this. There are a lot of people on this site that are smart enough to figure out that paying thousands/year for a habit that will cost you thousands (if not millions) in the future doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. I’ve lied to myself about my habit for years. I won’t lay out all the lies because I’m sure you are all familiar with them. Now I know that there is something that I can’t lie to myself about and that is that this habit is approaching its ten year anniversary. What a magical number (not really). Sure, like most of you, I’ve been a long-time stopper. Sometimes it’s a week, sometimes 2 weeks. My last time I made it almost 50 days but decided it would be “fun” to get a fruity can for a road trip. BIG MISTAKE!!! It’s been 7 months almost to the date since I made this mistake and the habit has come back with a vengeance. So I’m here to become a quitter for good and start enjoying those little things in life I’ve been missing out on like spending quality time with my family and not having to come up with an excuse to take a drive alone or having the confidence to go explore a public area without cutting it short or looking for a corner to sneak one. I can’t even begin to list all the little things that this habit has robbed me of but no more, I’m quitting for good. I’ve watched this site for a long time but never became engaged. Well now I’m here, committed and ready to take advantage of a free resource that will literally save my life. I’ll stay engaged and any advice that you quitters have is much appreciated.


If your serious which you sound somewhat serious make sure you goto the welcome center and read about roll call and what to expect....

Secondly you say you have been lurking.....well you know this is a nicotene free site right?

If you using the gum or a patch or any other type of "quit aid" you need to throw it out or flush it and realize we Quit Like Fuck here!

We burn the life boats, cut the ropes to the bridges! We post our promise and stick to it not if's and's or but's about it!

Cold turkey is the only way! You will have a few of the first few days were everything sucks we say embrace the suck that serves as motivation to not go back!

I will check on you to see how serious you are, actually you can PM me if you want some numbers to give you reminders on Quiting Like Fuck!
"Remember you are either getting better or getting worse, nobody stays the same!" Woody Hayes

"Winning! That's all we do around here brotha! Failure is not an option, remove it as an option and the possibilities are endless...." Bruce317 5-18-2012

"...We'll be heroes or ghosts...But we won't be turned around." Wastepanel 6-15-2012




Quit Date: 2-6-2012
HOF Date: 5-16-2012
HOF Speech

Offline smarterthanthis85

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Ready to go.
« on: June 25, 2012, 12:56:00 AM »
I think my name says it all. I am smarter than this. There are a lot of people on this site that are smart enough to figure out that paying thousands/year for a habit that will cost you thousands (if not millions) in the future doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. I’ve lied to myself about my habit for years. I won’t lay out all the lies because I’m sure you are all familiar with them. Now I know that there is something that I can’t lie to myself about and that is that this habit is approaching its ten year anniversary. What a magical number (not really). Sure, like most of you, I’ve been a long-time stopper. Sometimes it’s a week, sometimes 2 weeks. My last time I made it almost 50 days but decided it would be “fun” to get a fruity can for a road trip. BIG MISTAKE!!! It’s been 7 months almost to the date since I made this mistake and the habit has come back with a vengeance. So I’m here to become a quitter for good and start enjoying those little things in life I’ve been missing out on like spending quality time with my family and not having to come up with an excuse to take a drive alone or having the confidence to go explore a public area without cutting it short or looking for a corner to sneak one. I can’t even begin to list all the little things that this habit has robbed me of but no more, I’m quitting for good. I’ve watched this site for a long time but never became engaged. Well now I’m here, committed and ready to take advantage of a free resource that will literally save my life. I’ll stay engaged and any advice that you quitters have is much appreciated.
