Been dipping for 23yrs now. A tin used to last me a week and I would think that's not bad. Now a tin only last a day. I can't take the look of disappointment on my daughters faces when I pack a lip. I have always known it was not the smartest thing to do but somehow it made activities more enjoyable. Something tells me I will still be able to fish and golf without it. My quit started on Sunday and tonight at 10 will be 4 days. I feel I have been cheating though because I had surgery in my mouth done on Mondays so the pain right now is making it easier to quit. So I've got 4 days under my belt why not 5. This is a great site by the way. There is a ton of beneficial stuff here and I really appreciate ut
Welcome to freedom brother! Make your promise not to use on roll early, every day. Get some tools ready...seeds, gum, mints, water, whatever it takes to get you through the cravings. They'll come, but they'll go away as long as you have your tools at the ready. Rely on your quit brothers and stay active. We're all in this together.
By the's not the nic that made your activities (fishing/golf)'s simply the activity itself. I used to have the same addict think, but now I have to tell you....playing golf, fishing with my kids is sooooo much more enjoyable now without that poison in my mouth, not to mention I'm setting a much better example for my kids. You've got this....get engaged in your quit group and get it done EDD! Freedom is a great feeling...