Author Topic: Just an intro and a hello  (Read 1527 times)

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Offline Kodiak198

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Re: Just an intro and a hello
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2016, 01:09:00 PM »
Thanks, all. I figure that quitting now would be good since I am so old and losing my mind, I will 1. forget where I put my tobacco, or 2. forget that I was dipping to begin with. Glad I could help you out there Stranger with that age thing. It has made my day to know that I have lifted a burden from a fellow quitter 'no'

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Re: Just an intro and a hello
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2016, 10:50:00 PM »
It's great to have you here Kodiak and it is good to see that you found your quit group. B)B

It's also great to have another quitter here who is older than me! ;)

Having seen the light myself and getting through "the suck" I know that you can do this. If I can you can. Get here right after you wake up in the morning and post your promise. Then remember about your promise during the day and don't be a liar. Read as much as you can here - there is so much great stuff to read. Swap digits with others in your group and keep those people accountable. The best way to quit is to actively quit.

I quit with you today!

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Re: Just an intro and a hello
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2016, 10:18:00 PM »
Quote from: Dagranger
I packed Kodiak for 27 years. I don't look back with any nostalgia. Neither should you. Good luck with your quit. It's hard grueling work. But so rewarding. You can do this.
X100 what worktowin and Dagranger wrote. You can do this. Life is so sweet without nicotine. I dipped for 24 years and 2 cans a day at the end. I did it and you can too if you want it bad enough.

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Re: Just an intro and a hello
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2016, 10:11:00 PM »
I packed Kodiak for 27 years. I don't look back with any nostalgia. Neither should you. Good luck with your quit. It's hard grueling work. But so rewarding. You can do this.

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Re: Just an intro and a hello
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2016, 09:03:00 PM »
Kodiak is a horrible friend. And a formidable enemy. You are in the right place.

30 years is a long time. You are gonna have some tough times. One day at a time you will heal. And the reward of not having to manage this addiction, which is all consuming, is impossible to describe. It really is.

Post every day. Know your enemy. Did you know that a can of Kodiak has the nicotine of 3 packs of cigarettes. Remember that when the going gets tough. If some weak ass like me can do this, I know you can. If I can help pm me. This is probably a top 3 best decision in your life.

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Re: Just an intro and a hello
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2016, 03:55:00 PM »
Glad to have you here Kodiak. I quit with you today bro. I am new here as well. Trying to get involved as time permits throughout the day. Let me kno9w if I can be of service.


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Re: Just an intro and a hello
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2016, 03:19:00 PM »
Damn, I thought I was old :) Listen bro, quitting at any age is the right thing to do.

5 days on your own is bad ass. You need to get the full service KTC experience by posting roll call every morning. You will be in AUGUST 2016 quit group, it can be found here. topic/11604982/11/

August 2016 is when you hit the Hall of Fame 100 days quit, which is a nice milestone, but not the end of the line.

Get your old ass over there and post roll call. This place works on ... well look above 12:o'clock:

I chewed for 20+ years and I'm on day 254. Quit hundreds of times. Even made it past a couple years before. But i always found my way back.

Posting your daily promise to your quit group brothers (and some sisters) is the key foundation to this. You can do it. I did and Im old too :)

Offline Kodiak198

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Just an intro and a hello
« on: April 26, 2016, 03:02:00 PM »
Hi all, decided 4-20-16 that after 30 so years it is time to quit. Turning 60 this year and realizing I want to hang around a bit longer. Wasn't sure about putting anything out there so if I fail I would be the only one to know, but, that was the first excuse I had to overcome to quit for good. I think at this point, I am fighting the "habits" more than the addiction. After meals, going outside for honey-do chores, playing with the dogs, etc etc etc. Oh well, took me 30 years to get here, can't expect to get over it in 6 days.