I'm not sure how to do any of this exactly, the computer stuff. I came to this site through the recommendation of a friend after telling them I wanted to quit. After 28 years of putting that shit in my mouth I figured it was time, after feeling some heart palpitations I knew it was time. I started in high school, really got going in the Army and have not been a day without Copenhagen since. Was up to a 2 can a day habit. Had been cutting down figuring I could just taper off, but after coming to this site and really thinking about it I realized I needed to just dump the shit once and for all.
Well done Ranger..
Great decision and welcome to the suck. But better than the alternative. It's just a matter of time cope would win the battle and kill you.
You can and will get a new life. One with respect and freedom not being governed by a little can.
Remember... It was all a lie.. You do not need poison to function.. Your brain thinks so.. But it is a lie.
Drinking tons of water, Exercise and spend alot of time here at KTC.
Its a decision... But also a decision to work and spend time quiting.
Learn how to post roll asap. Directions are in the welcome center, read 1-4, also instructions on the June 2015 quit group page. That will be your group.
I'll go to work with you.. I quit with you today.