Author Topic: Read: What to Expect Day by Day  (Read 4336 times)

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Re: Read: What to Expect Day by Day
« Reply #22 on: September 08, 2011, 02:03:00 PM »
Quote from: TexasHeat
The Decision.

It is 1:58 on September 8, 2011.  I have tried backing down my intake and I am failing.  I am writing this right now with a lip in and am patting myself on the back for giving this the old college try.  At this point in time, me writing this log is just a bunch of words with no meaning nor substance (except the one in my lip). 

To prepare,  I threw in a chew the moment I woke up.  I usually throw in a chew right after my morning cup of coffee.  Sometime's I throw in a chew before my cup of coffee because let's get real here, the chew is actually what "wakes" me up and get's me prepped to "deal" with my day. 

Mental Note:  That is an awful way to start a day.  You should never look at a day as something you have to "deal" with.  When I wake up, I want to stretch, turn on Sportscenter, and get prepped to make that day my B!tc7.

My target goal is to get those real quitters on the KTC to accept me for what I am:  a weakass punk that isn't trying to quit.  This means adjusting my intake time periods and frequency.  My Goal for tomorrow is to not throw in a chew before 2:00pm and after 8:00pm.  Also, to only allow 3 maximum. I will fail, but it's about trying, right?


Blah blah blah  Words blah.  I love to chew.  blah blah

Spiritual Notes: 

Everyone has a part of themselves they love.  This part of you is the rich soil that allows your "inner self" to grow.  I love the cancer that I am fertilizing in my lip right now.
Fixed your post.

You ready to come aboard yet?
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline Jtricher

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Re: Read: What to Expect Day by Day
« Reply #21 on: September 07, 2011, 02:28:00 PM »
Texasheat - Let me be clear. As in crystal clear. There is only one way to quit. One way and only one way. It is called.......... COLD TURKEY. That is right. If you really want to quit, then flush your shit now and post roll and quit one day at a time. If so, I will support you 100%. If not, then fuck you. You are wasting my time. Am I not clear? Let me expand. The notion of gradual cessation is how the Bitch lies to you. It does not work. Trust me. Before KTC, I tried this method numerous times only to FAIL. How so? OK, I had a rule that said no lip before 2PM, then only one an hour until bed. After a week, bump up an hour. Worked for two weeks. Then one fine morning, I received some very stressful bad news and lo and behold, threw in a lip. So much for my plan, which effectively ended that day. Again. NIC LIES. She tells you that cessation works because she knows, unlike you, that her claws are still in you. It soothes you to "quit" this way, because you put off the physical discomfort of nicotine cessation. Shit hits the fan? You'll be putting in a fat one before you can say WTF. So let me conclude. ONLY ONE WAY TO QUIT Amigo, and that is cold turkey.
I chose Freedom on May 26, 2011, at 9:16 PM CST. My Introduction
I entered the HOF on September 2, 2011, at 7:08 AM CST. My HOF Speech

Offline whacko

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Re: Read: What to Expect Day by Day
« Reply #20 on: September 07, 2011, 01:21:00 PM »
By now you have probably read all the ass kicking responses to your original post.....and you may be a little pissed at them for posting it. But let me tell you something......they are a group of guys that have some good insight into what you are going through and they are actually trying to help you!

I have to be honest here and let you know your original post had my interested.....then when I read post two about typing with a friggin lip in I wanted to punch my computer screen! You posted to a bunch of guys that are addicted to dip that you are enjoying a friggin fattie! What were you thinking man?!?!?!?

All I can tell you is that these guys will not bust your balls anymore once you post roll! Just post it and be honest that you flushed the cans and they.....and I....will congratulate you! We've all been through the "cut back" though process to quitting and know where you are at.......we are just calling you out on it becuase you need to hear it! There is no such thing as quitting with nic in your system at all.....even the gum or that patch! I know a guy who went from dipping to gum and now instead of a $30 a week addiction to skoal he has a $50 a week addiction to nicorette!!!!

Just quit! And post roll!
EX ninja dipper!
Felt good to come clean on August 12, 2011

Offline DennyX

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Re: Read: What to Expect Day by Day
« Reply #19 on: September 07, 2011, 10:19:00 AM »
Hey - right now you have a decision to make. You're probably on track for your "3 a day" BS, looking forward to 2pm, body already in mild withdrawls. Here's an idea: you are going to have almost a 12 hour jump on the 3 day withdrawl window, how 'bout you roll with it?

In other words: 1) you're full of crap until you flush it. No, I didn't say throw it in the trash can, flush it. 2) quit romanticizing your addiction. Everyone here reads right through your post to the TRUE author: your addiction. 3) ditto Soul below, holler when your nuts drop, we'll be quit with you, but until then, 4) you're funny, thinking you can BS a room full of BS'ers.


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Re: Read: What to Expect Day by Day
« Reply #18 on: September 07, 2011, 10:15:00 AM »
As someone who has been on the quit a shade over a week, I must say it's a little insulting for you to begin chronicling your quit before you've posted up (and with a fucking lipper in tapping away). I'm going through some fucked up shit right now and the bitch is out of my system. To echo the vets in here, shut the fuck up until you post roll. If you ever post roll, that is. I will be right along side you quit for quit, if you commit WHOLLY.
Your mind is a lying, cheating, stealing whore. Your body is a saint. Now, who are YOU going to listen to?

Offline Phil4

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Re: Read: What to Expect Day by Day
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2011, 09:24:00 AM »
Quote from: TexasHeat
Everyone has a part of themselves they love. This part of you is the rich soil that allows your "inner self" to grow. The voice of addiction removes you from the once familiar ground where you planted your crops, and has hidden the fertile land through self-deceit. In order to find the place where your strong crops once grew, you must realize and unmask the years of deception you have created. This all starts by realizing the root of your self-deception.
Somebody's been watching too much Oprah. This ain't rocket surgery, Texas. While you're searching your "inner self", take a look around in there for your balls. If you want a fulfilling and self-enriching journey to chronicle, then do this the KTC way - - cold turkey. That is a story that we would love to read. I don't think many will be interested in reading about the half-assed way you're going about it right now.

Toss out all the nic, rise and proclaim yourself quit, and go post roll with December. I quit with you!
Quit 07/14/11
HOF 10/21/11
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Re: Read: What to Expect Day by Day
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2011, 09:01:00 AM »
The Decision.

It is 11:45 on September 6, 2011.  I have tried quitting before and have failed.  I am writing this right now with a lip in and am preparing my body for my quit.  At this point in time, me writing this log is just a bunch of words with no meaning nor substance (except the one in my lip). 
and your failing now before you evin start with your fatty in.
My target goal is to lower my overall nicotine consumption to a controllable amount.  This means adjusting my intake time periods and frequency.  My Goal for tomorrow is to not throw in a chew before 2:00pm and after 8:00pm.  Also, to only allow 3 maximum.
so your really not wantin to quit. you just want to cut back. lemme tell ya creem puff. i wood go all day with 3 dips. dip number 1 - brekfist to lunch. dip number 2 - lunch to dinner. dip number 3 - dinner to bed time. so your 3 dip shit don't inpress me none at all.

look man dont waste these fine quiterers time feelin your self up. eether quit or find some other site to rite your bull shit on.

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Re: Read: What to Expect Day by Day
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2011, 08:59:00 AM »
Agreed. This is bullshit. I said I wanted to read about you QUITTING, not about REDUCING.

If you're not QUIT, shut the fuck up.
"Stupid is as stupid does"

Quit nicotine 9/1/09

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Re: Read: What to Expect Day by Day
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2011, 08:40:00 AM »
This is bullshit.

Look TexasHoot. You might be on the "journey" to find your true self but as long as you plan to ingest nicotine, you are consciously killing yourself. Suicide my friend. You're not quit. You haven't done anything yet.

When your nuts drop, let me know. I'll support you day and night. Otherwise, this is noise. No journey. No awakening. You're lying to yourself.

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Re: Read: What to Expect Day by Day
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2011, 08:25:00 AM »
No need to get all philosophical about this process and there's no need to make another "inner self"-killing half-assed attempt via the no-dip-'till-2pm routine. You already know that won't work. Right? Be honest. You know it, and we know it.

Save your creative writing project for English101. Until you stop putting nicotine in your body I don't really care to read your insight or experience on being a half-assed quitter. With that approach I can tell you right now what the result will be, and more than likely, it's already occurred. You get up, have the coffee, get jonesin' for a dip, run down to the C-store and cave while telling yourself that you made it to 8am. And, hey, that was better than the 5am dip yesterday so that must be evidence of progress...BULLSHIT!

You have heard from several people who know about quitting and they have all said the same thing, "Cold Turkey" is the way to go.

Any other "method" is a temporary activity. We are not interested in your little anti-dip project.

We DO, however, want to help you quit.

Man up or not. Your choice.
Quit Date Jun 5, 2011; HOF Sep 12, 2011; 1,000 days Feb 28, 2014

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Re: Read: What to Expect Day by Day
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2011, 07:54:00 AM »
Cold turkey is THE only way to go. I learned the hard way (as did everyone of us who stay quit).

That second post is pseudo-philosophical bullshit.

Quit now and for today only.

Toninght go to bed, get up and repeat.

Do everday for the rest of you life.

Doesn't get much easier than that.

Welcome to the quit.
Quit Dip: August 12, 2011
Quit Cigs: October 1, 2009

veni, vici, cessavi

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Re: Read: What to Expect Day by Day
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2011, 07:21:00 AM »
Quote from: LLCope

That whole second post is your addiction talking! You are trying to justify how you will hold on to the addiction a little longer. Man Up and throw that shit away. Then post roll and make your promise not to use. WE QUIT and that is all we do around here. We don't pray, we don't try, we don't hope, we don't rely on the inner self (whatever the hell that is)---WE QUIT!!!! That simply means we don't stick the cancerous turd in our mouth and we don't use nicotine in any form.

Are you ready to QUIT?--Then DO IT!

waiting for you to post roll.....
they all speak the truth TexasHeat. There is only one way to kick nic to the curb. COLD TURKEY!! You are probably thinking about how hard its gonna be to quit cold turkey on a baseball team full of dippers right. Well, I'm a college baseball coach and it's a challenge but I chew a lot of gum and seeds. But above all I can tell myself that unlike all those other guys on the field with a pinch that I ain't nics bitch! Post roll, drop that shit cold turkey and be accountable to your new team a day at a time! Good luck and scream if you need anything.

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Re: Read: What to Expect Day by Day
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2011, 06:49:00 AM »

That whole second post is your addiction talking! You are trying to justify how you will hold on to the addiction a little longer. Man Up and throw that shit away. Then post roll and make your promise not to use. WE QUIT and that is all we do around here. We don't pray, we don't try, we don't hope, we don't rely on the inner self (whatever the hell that is)---WE QUIT!!!! That simply means we don't stick the cancerous turd in our mouth and we don't use nicotine in any form.

Are you ready to QUIT?--Then DO IT!

waiting for you to post roll.....
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can do without" HD Thoreau

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Re: Read: What to Expect Day by Day
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2011, 05:25:00 AM »
Quote from: Bowman
Quote from: TexasHeat
The Decision.

It is 11:45 on September 6, 2011.  I have tried quitting before and have failed.  I am writing this right now with a lip in and am preparing my body for my quit.  At this point in time, me writing this log is just a bunch of words with no meaning nor substance (except the one in my lip). 

To prepare, tomorrow I am going to not throw in a chew until 2:00 pm.  I usually will throw in a chew right after my morning cup of coffee.  Sometime's I throw in a chew before my cup of coffee because let's get real here, the chew is actually what "wakes" me up and get's me prepped to "deal" with my day. 

Mental Note:  That is an awful way to start a day.  You should never look at a day as something you have to "deal" with.  When I wake up, I want to stretch, turn on Sportscenter, and get prepped to make that day my B!tc7.

My target goal is to lower my overall nicotine consumption to a controllable amount.  This means adjusting my intake time periods and frequency.  My Goal for tomorrow is to not throw in a chew before 2:00pm and after 8:00pm.  Also, to only allow 3 maximum.


I wake up at 5-6am and need to get adjusted to allowing my body to operate with lower than normal nicotine levels.  I understand that small strong steps are better than unbalanced steps.  It is important to learn how to wake up, adapt, and initiate my day without my dip "crutch."  I must establish a firm dip-less foundation to my day in order for the next reduction steps can be implemented.  

Spiritual Notes: 

Everyone has a part of themselves they love.  This part of you is the rich soil that allows your "inner self" to grow.  The voice of addiction removes you from the once familiar ground where you planted your crops, and has hidden the fertile land through self-deceit.  In order to find the place where your strong crops once grew, you must realize and unmask the years of deception you have created. This all starts by realizing the root of your self-deception.
I've got a better idea. How about you throw all of your tobacco in the garbage right now and go post roll in December.

Do you really want to quit? Then quit. Right now. None of this "I need to ween myself off by only having three a day" junk. That's addict talk. And in case you were unaware, you are addicted to nicotine.

Cold turkey is the only way to go. Whoever said that you have to "ween off" nicotine knows nothing about nicotine cessation and probably never used/quit themselves. Three days without nicotine is all it takes to get the nicotine out of your system. Continuing to use is only prolonging the physical withdrawal that you will go through.

Embrace how crappy you will feel for these three days. Bask in the suck. Just make sure to remember these three days, and remember that as long as you stay quit, you will never have to go through these three days again!

So here's a PROVEN plan that works:

1.) Throw all of your tobacco in the garbage, down the toilet, whatever.
2.) Go post roll for today in December (Click on the salmon-colored Welcome Center link in the upper left hand corner of your screen to read how to do this).
3.) Keep your promise not to use nicotine for today.
4.) Do it again tomorrow.

Sound simple? You bet it is. But it works.

The ball's in your court.
Words of truth Texas, this is the only way to go! Been proven! Cold turkey and one day at a time!!

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Re: Read: What to Expect Day by Day
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2011, 02:44:00 AM »
Quote from: TexasHeat
The Decision.

It is 11:45 on September 6, 2011. I have tried quitting before and have failed. I am writing this right now with a lip in and am preparing my body for my quit. At this point in time, me writing this log is just a bunch of words with no meaning nor substance (except the one in my lip).

To prepare, tomorrow I am going to not throw in a chew until 2:00 pm. I usually will throw in a chew right after my morning cup of coffee. Sometime's I throw in a chew before my cup of coffee because let's get real here, the chew is actually what "wakes" me up and get's me prepped to "deal" with my day.

Mental Note: That is an awful way to start a day. You should never look at a day as something you have to "deal" with. When I wake up, I want to stretch, turn on Sportscenter, and get prepped to make that day my B!tc7.

My target goal is to lower my overall nicotine consumption to a controllable amount. This means adjusting my intake time periods and frequency. My Goal for tomorrow is to not throw in a chew before 2:00pm and after 8:00pm. Also, to only allow 3 maximum.


I wake up at 5-6am and need to get adjusted to allowing my body to operate with lower than normal nicotine levels. I understand that small strong steps are better than unbalanced steps. It is important to learn how to wake up, adapt, and initiate my day without my dip "crutch." I must establish a firm dip-less foundation to my day in order for the next reduction steps can be implemented.

Spiritual Notes:

Everyone has a part of themselves they love. This part of you is the rich soil that allows your "inner self" to grow. The voice of addiction removes you from the once familiar ground where you planted your crops, and has hidden the fertile land through self-deceit. In order to find the place where your strong crops once grew, you must realize and unmask the years of deception you have created. This all starts by realizing the root of your self-deception.
I am sorry Texasheat, but your quit won't work unless you go cold turkey. Every one of us has been through the taper-down to quit routine and it fails every time. You have to quit cold turkey. It is not as bad as you think, take it from a 20 year kodiak chewer who previously couldn't imagine enjoying life without chew. Don't think long term, just go one day at a time and in a short while you will find that life goes on much better (truly) without chwe.