DIPNOMOR, we are being hard on you right now, because you need to understand all of us are very serious about our quit. We all understand how hard it is to quit and all are here for each other's back. We get those who are VERY weak and have NO backbone, and those are the one's who PICK dates to quit, instead of dumping the can. Those are the ones who post day one and maybe up to day 10, sometimes a bit longer and sometimes a bit shorter. Then those are the ones who disappear. Let me tell you something: it is very frustrating and pisses us all off. Why? Well, it's simple: accountability. I have to rely on you just like you have to rely on me. If you cave, you are telling me and everybody else, "hey, buddy, not only do I not care about my quit, but I don't care about yours either. Better yet, I don't give a damn if your wife and children have to live a day without you because I'm weak and don't give a shit." It hits home, brother. This is why you need to be serious about your quit or get out of here. Understand? I hope you do.