Author Topic: New guy  (Read 4552 times)

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Offline GlennFtheKodiak

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Re: New guy
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2010, 02:48:00 PM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Twinsfan
Quote from: kb81
Quote from: GlennFtheKodiak
Quote from: kb81
The dip you take June 6th, ie your "last chew" could be the chew that kills you. This is not likely, but a possibility. The more likelihood is you will set a date and that "last chew" will never happen. Want to know how I know this? Because there is a room full of people just like you here (I should say a room full of people who USED to be like you, i.e. ME!). Do NOT pick a date; moreover, do it NOW. Stop being a spineless a-hole and do it. Do it for yourself. Oh, and then post up for day 1. Have a good one.
LOL, kb u funny. i like ur style.

where's this weak bitch at?
He's probably hanging behind a computer screen with his Skoal Berry Blend thinking to himself, "these guys are a bunch of dicheads. Screw 'em, i'm going on"
It's one way how this site weeds out all the people who are on the fence. We can be a-holes BUT we are QUIT A-holes!
I never heard of until this post. WTF? Was I like that? Did I LOVE dip? I just saw a post from some moron that said did is actually good for some of us.

I am so happy I'm quit today. Thank you KTC! Thank you brothers! I am quit today with all of you!
Went to that site a couple of times myself. Crazy shit ! I will just imagine for my own sanity that although I was a doosh I was not a doosh nozzle.

LOL, i went there too a few weeks ago after someone mentioned it. no, the scary thing is, we "loved" dip, but from what i read here over the last year we were all pretty scared each time. those mother fuckers have no fear. worse they fucking rationalize it all the way. Fucking looneys. i would stop short of hoping they die of cancer but that's fucking messed up over there. that one chick is insane.
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Offline Greg5280

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Re: New guy
« Reply #14 on: June 02, 2010, 02:44:00 PM »
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: Twinsfan
Quote from: kb81
Quote from: GlennFtheKodiak
Quote from: kb81
The dip you take June 6th, ie your "last chew" could be the chew that kills you. This is not likely, but a possibility. The more likelihood is you will set a date and that "last chew" will never happen. Want to know how I know this? Because there is a room full of people just like you here (I should say a room full of people who USED to be like you, i.e. ME!). Do NOT pick a date; moreover, do it NOW. Stop being a spineless a-hole and do it. Do it for yourself. Oh, and then post up for day 1. Have a good one.
LOL, kb u funny. i like ur style.

where's this weak bitch at?
He's probably hanging behind a computer screen with his Skoal Berry Blend thinking to himself, "these guys are a bunch of dicheads. Screw 'em, i'm going on"
It's one way how this site weeds out all the people who are on the fence. We can be a-holes BUT we are QUIT A-holes!
I never heard of until this post. WTF? Was I like that? Did I LOVE dip? I just saw a post from some moron that said did is actually good for some of us.

I am so happy I'm quit today. Thank you KTC! Thank you brothers! I am quit today with all of you!
Went to that site a couple of times myself. Crazy shit ! I will just imagine for my own sanity that although I was a doosh I was not a doosh nozzle.


Offline Nolaq

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Re: New guy
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2010, 02:41:00 PM »
Quote from: Twinsfan
Quote from: kb81
Quote from: GlennFtheKodiak
Quote from: kb81
The dip you take June 6th, ie your "last chew" could be the chew that kills you. This is not likely, but a possibility. The more likelihood is you will set a date and that "last chew" will never happen. Want to know how I know this? Because there is a room full of people just like you here (I should say a room full of people who USED to be like you, i.e. ME!). Do NOT pick a date; moreover, do it NOW. Stop being a spineless a-hole and do it. Do it for yourself. Oh, and then post up for day 1. Have a good one.
LOL, kb u funny. i like ur style.

where's this weak bitch at?
He's probably hanging behind a computer screen with his Skoal Berry Blend thinking to himself, "these guys are a bunch of dicheads. Screw 'em, i'm going on"
It's one way how this site weeds out all the people who are on the fence. We can be a-holes BUT we are QUIT A-holes!
I never heard of until this post. WTF? Was I like that? Did I LOVE dip? I just saw a post from some moron that said did is actually good for some of us.

I am so happy I'm quit today. Thank you KTC! Thank you brothers! I am quit today with all of you!
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline Twinsfan

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Re: New guy
« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2010, 02:37:00 PM »
Quote from: kb81
Quote from: GlennFtheKodiak
Quote from: kb81
The dip you take June 6th, ie your "last chew" could be the chew that kills you. This is not likely, but a possibility. The more likelihood is you will set a date and that "last chew" will never happen. Want to know how I know this? Because there is a room full of people just like you here (I should say a room full of people who USED to be like you, i.e. ME!). Do NOT pick a date; moreover, do it NOW. Stop being a spineless a-hole and do it. Do it for yourself. Oh, and then post up for day 1. Have a good one.
LOL, kb u funny. i like ur style.

where's this weak bitch at?
He's probably hanging behind a computer screen with his Skoal Berry Blend thinking to himself, "these guys are a bunch of dicheads. Screw 'em, i'm going on"
It's one way how this site weeds out all the people who are on the fence. We can be a-holes BUT we are QUIT A-holes!
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Offline kb81

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Re: New guy
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2010, 02:36:00 PM »
DIPNOMOR, we are being hard on you right now, because you need to understand all of us are very serious about our quit. We all understand how hard it is to quit and all are here for each other's back. We get those who are VERY weak and have NO backbone, and those are the one's who PICK dates to quit, instead of dumping the can. Those are the ones who post day one and maybe up to day 10, sometimes a bit longer and sometimes a bit shorter. Then those are the ones who disappear. Let me tell you something: it is very frustrating and pisses us all off. Why? Well, it's simple: accountability. I have to rely on you just like you have to rely on me. If you cave, you are telling me and everybody else, "hey, buddy, not only do I not care about my quit, but I don't care about yours either. Better yet, I don't give a damn if your wife and children have to live a day without you because I'm weak and don't give a shit." It hits home, brother. This is why you need to be serious about your quit or get out of here. Understand? I hope you do.
( . )( . )

Offline kb81

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Re: New guy
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2010, 02:21:00 PM »
Quote from: GlennFtheKodiak
Quote from: kb81
The dip you take June 6th, ie your "last chew" could be the chew that kills you. This is not likely, but a possibility. The more likelihood is you will set a date and that "last chew" will never happen. Want to know how I know this? Because there is a room full of people just like you here (I should say a room full of people who USED to be like you, i.e. ME!). Do NOT pick a date; moreover, do it NOW. Stop being a spineless a-hole and do it. Do it for yourself. Oh, and then post up for day 1. Have a good one.
LOL, kb u funny. i like ur style.

where's this weak bitch at?
He's probably hanging behind a computer screen with his Skoal Berry Blend thinking to himself, "these guys are a bunch of dicheads. Screw 'em, i'm going on"
( . )( . )

Offline GlennFtheKodiak

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Re: New guy
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2010, 02:14:00 PM »
Quote from: kb81
The dip you take June 6th, ie your "last chew" could be the chew that kills you. This is not likely, but a possibility. The more likelihood is you will set a date and that "last chew" will never happen. Want to know how I know this? Because there is a room full of people just like you here (I should say a room full of people who USED to be like you, i.e. ME!). Do NOT pick a date; moreover, do it NOW. Stop being a spineless a-hole and do it. Do it for yourself. Oh, and then post up for day 1. Have a good one.
LOL, kb u funny. i like ur style.

where's this weak bitch at?
football rules, soccer drools

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Re: New guy
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2010, 02:11:00 PM »
The dip you take June 6th, ie your "last chew" could be the chew that kills you. This is not likely, but a possibility. The more likelihood is you will set a date and that "last chew" will never happen. Want to know how I know this? Because there is a room full of people just like you here (I should say a room full of people who USED to be like you, i.e. ME!). Do NOT pick a date; moreover, do it NOW. Stop being a spineless a-hole and do it. Do it for yourself. Oh, and then post up for day 1. Have a good one.
( . )( . )

Offline Twinsfan

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Re: New guy
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2010, 02:00:00 PM »
Quote from: jjms62
Hey, dipnomore. Did you already quit? I just came across this site and I'm going to put together a quit plan beginning on Monday, June 7 (give me time to mentally prepare). I need to check this site out a little more to figure out how to join a quit group...
What happens if you run out on June 6? Are you going to run to the store, buy a can and chew the whole thing to meet your "mentally prepared" quit date? Do it now, do it today then get over to Sept. and join your group.

If you quit today, the Nic Bitch will already be out of your system by your "quit date"
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Re: New guy
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2010, 08:50:00 AM »
Yeah, why are you wanting to prepare your quit? Take the dip and/or any other tobacoo and destroy it! Then you have begun your quit. You can wait till Monday, You can wait till new years...or you can quit today. Well anyone who has been quit in here knows it has nothing to do with luck but everything to do with choice. You make the choice to quit. If I had mentally prepared my quit, meaning setting a quit date so far in advance,I would not be here. Tried that to many times...Make today your Quit date! There will always be excuses to put the quit off until another day. Man Up!
Started 1998 Quit 2-9-10
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and on and on and on and on and on...

Offline GlennFtheKodiak

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Re: New guy
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2010, 07:58:00 AM »

QUIT NOW!!!!!!!
football rules, soccer drools

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Re: New guy
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2010, 07:50:00 AM »
Quote from: jjms62
Hey, dipnomore. Did you already quit? I just came across this site and I'm going to put together a quit plan beginning on Monday, June 7 (give me time to mentally prepare). I need to check this site out a little more to figure out how to join a quit group...
whats this mentlely prepare shit? flush the shit to day and start now. now you can hed over to the welcome senter and see how to join a groop. reed lots a stuff here but man one thing otter be cleer. ain't no time like now to quit. waitin til munday is just loadin up on ascuses to cave.

Offline dipnomor

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Re: New guy
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2010, 07:13:00 AM »
Quote from: jjms62
Hey, dipnomore. Did you already quit? I just came across this site and I'm going to put together a quit plan beginning on Monday, June 7 (give me time to mentally prepare). I need to check this site out a little more to figure out how to join a quit group...
My last dip was Saturday night. Had been cold turkey, but then found this site and decided to jump on in here. Somebody that's been quit almost two years told me to get phone numbers and call those when I get tempted.

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Re: New guy
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2010, 12:08:00 AM »
Hey, dipnomore. Did you already quit? I just came across this site and I'm going to put together a quit plan beginning on Monday, June 7 (give me time to mentally prepare). I need to check this site out a little more to figure out how to join a quit group...

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New guy
« on: June 01, 2010, 10:21:00 PM »
Hey...dipnomor here. Long time dipper, multi-time quitter. Found the site. Looks good. I've put name on the list in September and look forward to quitting with you guys.