hey everyone.
so i got something different than golden eagle, it was some type of herbal snuff. anyway, i tried it and hated it and it was an even better feeling when i got into my car, it smelled like dip ( it was snuff and i'm used to pouches so it got everywhere) and it made me feel sick. So i'm glad that happened.
i'm doing better daily, some days it is really hard and i really want a dip but most of the time i have handled it well without freaking out on anyone. i found that gum, seeds and a ton of water helps.
oh and just a note on why i post to infrequently. my parents have no idea that i ever chewed so I can't get on this site on any computer they use ( so that leaves me with one computer at home) and then at school this site is blocked. So really the only time i can get on here is pretty late right before I go to bed. I apologize if you think i'm not dedicated or if I have been rude to the members of this forum, but it's really just because I don't want anyone, especially my parents, to find out I chewed. thanks for the support guys. tomorrow is my one week mark.