Author Topic: Too Much To Live For  (Read 5213 times)

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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #32 on: June 10, 2014, 03:16:00 PM »
Wow, MAJOR bad craving after lunch today. Day 10, and it's worse than the rest for some reason. I'm chewing gum and it's helping. It's not a "911" exactly, I'm not caving. But wow, haven't had a craving like this since about day 2.

This happen to anyone else?
"Too much to live for"

Ego Non Vinci

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Offline RobFulton1

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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #31 on: June 09, 2014, 08:10:00 PM »
Day 9

I've spent a good portion of this day chasing my 3 year old around the house :) First time I've had her (she lives with her mama, we're divorced) since I've quit.

I cannot express to you guys how awesome it feels to not have to be stopping and hiding outside for a few minutes every couple of hours, leaving her at the tv so I can go dip. To not be doing that is absolutely incredible :)

THAT is what I mean when I say "TMTLF" - one of many things :)
"Too much to live for"

Ego Non Vinci

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Offline RobFulton1

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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #30 on: June 09, 2014, 07:01:00 PM »
That last one should have gone in my quit group. Lol. Sorry about that.
"Too much to live for"

Ego Non Vinci

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Offline RobFulton1

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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #29 on: June 09, 2014, 05:42:00 PM »
A couple of us have been in a text group with Doan. We've been talking here in the last few minutes. He says he might not have access to a PC tonight, but will try to reply when he can.

Just passing the word along..
"Too much to live for"

Ego Non Vinci

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Offline RobFulton1

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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #28 on: June 09, 2014, 12:47:00 PM »
Been a busy few days! I went back on the road with my job, which was always a "dip" time. I carried a can of Smokey Mountain and managed to get through without failing :) thanks for the texts and checking in.

I got home last night, and went for another run this morning. It's the second week of "Couch to 5K" for me (haven't missed a run yet! Which is like a miracle for me), so the running chunks got longer - running for 90 seconds instead of 60, walking for 2 minutes instead of 90 seconds - but it didn't feel as tough starting out this week as it did last week.

Exercise really helps with the cravings - Couch to 5K is something easy to start with. Give it a shot.
"Too much to live for"

Ego Non Vinci

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Offline RobFulton1

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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #27 on: June 06, 2014, 01:42:00 AM »
Coming into Day 6 - today (day 5) was pretty good, with a couple if rough moments - long drives. It's been so long since I made a long drive without a dip. I sort of have a headache now, partially because I don't think my brain knows how to handle a long trip like that with no nic.

Other than that, it was a good day. Just had a tough moment, but didn't lose control thankfully. :)

Day 6 ahead! TMTLF guys - just take a look around. Way too much :)

"Too much to live for"

Ego Non Vinci

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Offline RobFulton1

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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #26 on: June 05, 2014, 01:48:00 AM »
No joke, bro. I wake up and quit every morning. I worry about this day. The future will get here when it does, a day at a time. So I worry about my present quit a day at a time. I'm keeping candy and gum close at hand, and have sort of stashed it in places where I used to stash dip - that way if I'm craving, I've got something to do to keep me from caving.

We've got this, bros. Day 5 for me now!

"Too much to live for"

Ego Non Vinci

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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #25 on: June 04, 2014, 06:30:00 PM »
Quote from: RobFulton1
Day 4 has been so much easier than the last 3. I'm grateful for that.

Spitstickler, you're right, I'm a little sore today too. But its a good sore. Not a "withdraw, and everything hurts" sore. :) Glad I could maybe be a little inspiration. It works for me. Today wasn't a run day, so I hit the exercise bike earlier for 30 mins. I'm pleasantly surprised at my focus on this stuff after the last few days.

I appreciate all the kind words and words of wisdom. Helps keep me going.

Proud to quit with all of you guys today.

Quit on man! Everyday is another notch in your belt, and trust me take this thing one day at a time. 100 days is way too daunting. All you have to do today, is quit today. PM for support if you need it.
James 1:2-8

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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #24 on: June 04, 2014, 06:22:00 PM »
Day 4 has been so much easier than the last 3. I'm grateful for that.

Spitstickler, you're right, I'm a little sore today too. But its a good sore. Not a "withdraw, and everything hurts" sore. :) Glad I could maybe be a little inspiration. It works for me. Today wasn't a run day, so I hit the exercise bike earlier for 30 mins. I'm pleasantly surprised at my focus on this stuff after the last few days.

I appreciate all the kind words and words of wisdom. Helps keep me going.

Proud to quit with all of you guys today.

"Too much to live for"

Ego Non Vinci

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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #23 on: June 04, 2014, 03:46:00 PM »
String is right. Keep adding the plus ones. At first they pass slowly then all of a sudden you are wondering where the time went. Keep winning, there is no going back. You must win every battle but it gets easier and easier. Also, remember that the bitch comes in all shapes and forms. Right now she is brow beating you for ignoring her. Before long she will want to celebrate with you. Be careful, she is tricky

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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #22 on: June 04, 2014, 01:56:00 PM »
Quote from: spitstickler
Rob, Not only am I quitting with you today, I just finished the first exercise on couch to 5k. I'm going to be a hurting unit tomorrow, but I won't be thinking about dip that's for sure.
It gets better...... Something I heard a lot in my early quit from veterans. They were right!!! Just keep adding to your quit 1 day at a time and amazing things will happen !!! Your healing has just begun
Quitting every damn day since October 21, 2013

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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #21 on: June 04, 2014, 01:15:00 PM »
Rob, Not only am I quitting with you today, I just finished the first exercise on couch to 5k. I'm going to be a hurting unit tomorrow, but I won't be thinking about dip that's for sure.

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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #20 on: June 04, 2014, 10:56:00 AM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
I quit with you today Rob. You made it to Day 4, and it will progressively get better in terms of cravings and fog. Keeping posting those +1's brother!
That was a great post Rob. Getting rid of this bitch that had us by the throats for so long opens up our minds and hearts for improvements in other areas. Its a beautiful thing, this quitting! You got this. ODAAT Brother! It continues to get so much better.

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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #19 on: June 04, 2014, 08:44:00 AM »
I quit with you today Rob. You made it to Day 4, and it will progressively get better in terms of cravings and fog. Keeping posting those +1's brother!
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline RobFulton1

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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #18 on: June 04, 2014, 08:30:00 AM »
Day 4 :)

The fog feels like it has lifted pretty much. Still have the mental cravings - I get the feeling those will stick around for a while. I'm chewing a piece of gum right now.

Did the first "Couch to 5K" workout last night. Something about taking that craving you feel and then choosing to go pound the pavement for a while. Gave me some focus. That first workout put some stuff into perspective too. after your warm up, you run for 60 seconds and walk for 90 seconds. I'm not a runner. But when I would get part way through the minute of running, and it would all start to hurt, and I would want to stop, I'd tell myself "You've pushed through 3 days of the Fog. You can push through a few more seconds of this." And I was able to. :)

I know it's not going to be easy, any of it. But I'm trying to divert my energy to something positive that I used to use for shoving that stuff in my mouth.
Been texting a few brothers from here, posting roll, and trying to stay engaged. I'm telling you, that accountability and brotherhood here, that works. It's SUCH a big help to know there are tons of other people doing this at the same time (3 or 4 others in my group who quit on exactly the same day, and quite a few others who are only one or two days off of me), and that there are lots of others who have been there who are willing to reach out and send a text and check on ya. This stuff is working, brothers.

Like I say every time, I've got TMTLF. Talked to my little girl on the phone last night - huge reminder that I've got WAY too much.

Continually QLF. Every Damn Day.

I quit with you all today.
"Too much to live for"

Ego Non Vinci

Quit Date: June 1, 2014