Author Topic: Randall's Quit  (Read 4354 times)

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Offline beast42a

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Re: Randall's Quit
« Reply #13 on: April 23, 2015, 06:24:00 PM »
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: Randall
Randall's Update:

Raider asked that I be sure to mention the bad parts of the quit in these updates as well. Here goes.

I am now 43 days quit and two weeks more successful than I have ever been in choking the nic bitch. I would like to say it has been getting progressively easier since my last update(around day 20), but truth be told, I had a nearly catastrophic setback around day 30ish. I won't single anyone out, but I had a really hard time accepting a couple quitters coming into our June group and riding us all weekend over some stuff that they knew next to nothing about within our group. I got pretty worked up and defensive when they wouldnt leave. I became pretty disenfranchised when I realized it is acceptable and even encouraged on KTC for quitters with more days under their belt to harass relatively new quitters still struggling in their quits pretty bad I viewed these antics as messing with some guys quits which could leave to caves. I did not see the benefit in it for myself and others in my group. I did understand how the harassment benefitted the few guys who were bored with their quit and needed some entertainment. However, the principle of possibly losing several active, newer devoted quitters, for the sake of a couple guys entertaining themselves and releasing their boredom prior to reaching the HOF was not something I could wrap my head around.

Thanks to extra effort of a couple of my Goon brothers and several vets genuinely invested the best for KTC, quit groups, and individual quitters I was refocused on the big picture and the reason we are all here. We are here for the quit. The promise and accountability which together = success. Disagreement with a couple individuals and even a principle of the site was was no reason to try it on my own and leave my June brothers with one less guy there in the trenches with them day in and day out. I swallowed my pride and walked back in with tail tucked between legs. While my hiatus in contemplating leaving was not even 48 hours, that time seemed like an eternity and was not easy. I learned the importance of using the tools that are useful for me (which there a plenty of), and to leave the rest.

I want to personally thank Raider, Cando, and Haws for their extra efforts in getting my head straight and reminding me what is most important. Without these guys I would be gone and possibly romanticizing with Nicci. Also, thanks to Dano and Deerhunter for checking in during my hiatus.
Proud of YOU Today.
Well done Randy.....Keep Quitting
Despite all my Rage, I'm still just a rat in a cage.
KTC is a Team Sport....There will be no Individual Events today
This is the dumbest fucking thing I've read here in a long, long time. - Nolaq


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Re: Randall's Quit
« Reply #12 on: April 23, 2015, 10:31:00 AM »
Quote from: Randall
Randall's Update:

Raider asked that I be sure to mention the bad parts of the quit in these updates as well. Here goes.

I am now 43 days quit and two weeks more successful than I have ever been in choking the nic bitch. I would like to say it has been getting progressively easier since my last update(around day 20), but truth be told, I had a nearly catastrophic setback around day 30ish. I won't single anyone out, but I had a really hard time accepting a couple quitters coming into our June group and riding us all weekend over some stuff that they knew next to nothing about within our group. I got pretty worked up and defensive when they wouldnt leave. I became pretty disenfranchised when I realized it is acceptable and even encouraged on KTC for quitters with more days under their belt to harass relatively new quitters still struggling in their quits pretty bad I viewed these antics as messing with some guys quits which could leave to caves. I did not see the benefit in it for myself and others in my group. I did understand how the harassment benefitted the few guys who were bored with their quit and needed some entertainment. However, the principle of possibly losing several active, newer devoted quitters, for the sake of a couple guys entertaining themselves and releasing their boredom prior to reaching the HOF was not something I could wrap my head around.

Thanks to extra effort of a couple of my Goon brothers and several vets genuinely invested the best for KTC, quit groups, and individual quitters I was refocused on the big picture and the reason we are all here. We are here for the quit. The promise and accountability which together = success. Disagreement with a couple individuals and even a principle of the site was was no reason to try it on my own and leave my June brothers with one less guy there in the trenches with them day in and day out. I swallowed my pride and walked back in with tail tucked between legs. While my hiatus in contemplating leaving was not even 48 hours, that time seemed like an eternity and was not easy. I learned the importance of using the tools that are useful for me (which there a plenty of), and to leave the rest.

I want to personally thank Raider, Cando, and Haws for their extra efforts in getting my head straight and reminding me what is most important. Without these guys I would be gone and possibly romanticizing with Nicci. Also, thanks to Dano and Deerhunter for checking in during my hiatus.
Proud of YOU Today.
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

Offline randall

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Re: Randall's Quit
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2015, 03:13:00 AM »
Randall's Update:

Raider asked that I be sure to mention the bad parts of the quit in these updates as well. Here goes.

I am now 43 days quit and two weeks more successful than I have ever been in choking the nic bitch. I would like to say it has been getting progressively easier since my last update(around day 20), but truth be told, I had a nearly catastrophic setback around day 30ish. I won't single anyone out, but I had a really hard time accepting a couple quitters coming into our June group and riding us all weekend over some stuff that they knew next to nothing about within our group. I got pretty worked up and defensive when they wouldnt leave. I became pretty disenfranchised when I realized it is acceptable and even encouraged on KTC for quitters with more days under their belt to harass relatively new quitters still struggling in their quits pretty bad I viewed these antics as messing with some guys quits which could leave to caves. I did not see the benefit in it for myself and others in my group. I did understand how the harassment benefitted the few guys who were bored with their quit and needed some entertainment. However, the principle of possibly losing several active, newer devoted quitters, for the sake of a couple guys entertaining themselves and releasing their boredom prior to reaching the HOF was not something I could wrap my head around.

Thanks to extra effort of a couple of my Goon brothers and several vets genuinely invested the best for KTC, quit groups, and individual quitters I was refocused on the big picture and the reason we are all here. We are here for the quit. The promise and accountability which together = success. Disagreement with a couple individuals and even a principle of the site was was no reason to try it on my own and leave my June brothers with one less guy there in the trenches with them day in and day out. I swallowed my pride and walked back in with tail tucked between legs. While my hiatus in contemplating leaving was not even 48 hours, that time seemed like an eternity and was not easy. I learned the importance of using the tools that are useful for me (which there a plenty of), and to leave the rest.

I want to personally thank Raider, Cando, and Haws for their extra efforts in getting my head straight and reminding me what is most important. Without these guys I would be gone and possibly romanticizing with Nicci. Also, thanks to Dano and Deerhunter for checking in during my hiatus.

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Re: Randall's Quit
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2015, 01:20:00 AM »
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: Randall
Randall's Update

Well, I am approaching 20 days now. There have been some rough days since 3/12. It is no joke that quitters have to wake up every day ready to go to war. Nic is a worthy adversary but she doesn't fight fair. She pops her ugly head in, scrambles your brain for you and moves on to the next quitter. Some days she sticks to you like glue all day.

I am thankful to all the bad ass quitters who schooled me on how things work around here, supported me through the fog, and who continue to quit with me one day at a time every day. I am proud to be a June Goon.

If I had any advice for the July quitters, it would be to use the tools on this site every day. Make relationships with some veterans. They are glad to help. Buckle down for the fog. You will make it. Use live quit chat regularly. I can't express enough how pivotal the guys on quit chat were through the first two and a half weeks of my quit!

Heck yes Randall if you continue to believe in yourself and use what you have learned you will defeat the nic bitch! Damn proud of you and proud to be quit with you today my friend!
Keep updating your intro. It's a great tool to look back on when you are struggling. Be sure to post all the bad crap too so you remember why you came here.

Stay Clean

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Re: Randall's Quit
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2015, 08:33:00 PM »
Quote from: Randall
Randall's Update

Well, I am approaching 20 days now. There have been some rough days since 3/12. It is no joke that quitters have to wake up every day ready to go to war. Nic is a worthy adversary but she doesn't fight fair. She pops her ugly head in, scrambles your brain for you and moves on to the next quitter. Some days she sticks to you like glue all day.

I am thankful to all the bad ass quitters who schooled me on how things work around here, supported me through the fog, and who continue to quit with me one day at a time every day. I am proud to be a June Goon.

If I had any advice for the July quitters, it would be to use the tools on this site every day. Make relationships with some veterans. They are glad to help. Buckle down for the fog. You will make it. Use live quit chat regularly. I can't express enough how pivotal the guys on quit chat were through the first two and a half weeks of my quit!

Heck yes Randall if you continue to believe in yourself and use what you have learned you will defeat the nic bitch! Damn proud of you and proud to be quit with you today my friend!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

Offline randall

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Re: Randall's Quit
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2015, 08:00:00 PM »
Randall's Update

Well, I am approaching 20 days now. There have been some rough days since 3/12. It is no joke that quitters have to wake up every day ready to go to war. Nic is a worthy adversary but she doesn't fight fair. She pops her ugly head in, scrambles your brain for you and moves on to the next quitter. Some days she sticks to you like glue all day.

I am thankful to all the bad ass quitters who schooled me on how things work around here, supported me through the fog, and who continue to quit with me one day at a time every day. I am proud to be a June Goon.

If I had any advice for the July quitters, it would be to use the tools on this site every day. Make relationships with some veterans. They are glad to help. Buckle down for the fog. You will make it. Use live quit chat regularly. I can't express enough how pivotal the guys on quit chat were through the first two and a half weeks of my quit!


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Re: Randall's Quit
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2015, 05:31:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: Randall
My name is Randall. I have been chewing for about eight years. I have tried several times to quit on my own. It is VERY HARD! This is the first time I am leaning on an online community devoted to getting quit. Today is day 1 of my quit. I am optimistic in the moment, but know from past attempted quits, the rage and fog is coming. LET'S DO THIS!
You're here now... It's a new game.

KTC is big league. We don't play at quitting... We just, by God, do it.

You've never quit before... You just stopped. For a li'l bit.
Now that you're here, we don't accept anything less than full on beast mode quit.
You don't get to "try" here. You don't "hope" to quit here... You DO.
It's pretty damn simple.

Get involved with your quit group and stay involved. It works and it's proven.
Welcome to freedom.
Hey there's the deal^^^^do it success!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

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Re: Randall's Quit
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2015, 02:44:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: Randall
My name is Randall. I have been chewing for about eight years. I have tried several times to quit on my own. It is VERY HARD! This is the first time I am leaning on an online community devoted to getting quit. Today is day 1 of my quit. I am optimistic in the moment, but know from past attempted quits, the rage and fog is coming. LET'S DO THIS!
You're here now... It's a new game.

KTC is big league. We don't play at quitting... We just, by God, do it.

You've never quit before... You just stopped. For a li'l bit.
Now that you're here, we don't accept anything less than full on beast mode quit.
You don't get to "try" here. You don't "hope" to quit here... You DO.
It's pretty damn simple.

Get involved with your quit group and stay involved. It works and it's proven.
Welcome to freedom.
Randall, you don't have the support of just an online community here. We are REAL people. Heck, you even got my phone number, now plug it in. Think beyond online. Think of calling me or another quitter when shit gets crazy. Think of throwing yourself out there to help other quitters. Proud to be quit with you today.

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Re: Randall's Quit
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2015, 08:11:00 PM »
Quote from: Randall
My name is Randall. I have been chewing for about eight years. I have tried several times to quit on my own. It is VERY HARD! This is the first time I am leaning on an online community devoted to getting quit. Today is day 1 of my quit. I am optimistic in the moment, but know from past attempted quits, the rage and fog is coming. LET'S DO THIS!
You're here now... It's a new game.

KTC is big league. We don't play at quitting... We just, by God, do it.

You've never quit before... You just stopped. For a li'l bit.
Now that you're here, we don't accept anything less than full on beast mode quit.
You don't get to "try" here. You don't "hope" to quit here... You DO.
It's pretty damn simple.

Get involved with your quit group and stay involved. It works and it's proven.
Welcome to freedom.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

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Re: Randall's Quit
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2015, 07:52:00 PM »
Welcome to the community. Read, read, read. Get your head on straight. Nicotine is now off the table period.

Get numbers, get fake, mints, seeds whatever to get thru the first part of the suck.

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Re: Randall's Quit
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2015, 07:39:00 PM »
Welcome! Glad you're here! Listen to the advice of some of these Bad Ass Quitters and let's kick this thing together!

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Re: Randall's Quit
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2015, 07:24:00 PM »
Quote from: Randall
My name is Randall. I have been chewing for about eight years. I have tried several times to quit on my own. It is VERY HARD! This is the first time I am leaning on an online community devoted to getting quit. Today is day 1 of my quit. I am optimistic in the moment, but know from past attempted quits, the rage and fog is coming. LET'S DO THIS!
Randall - I'm proud that you are quitting. No, it's not easy. Days 2-4 were the toughest for me. But it does get better - I promise! I quit a few times before and found that you really have to want this. I'm only on day 17 but found through this site that we quit one day at a time. Get through the fog. Laugh about it!! Have a talk with yourself. Chew a lot of gum. I'm with you on this. Let's get through today and tomorrow will be a new day. Keep posting - I found the most gratifying thing I do every morning is posting. What a sense of accomplishment! Today I quit with you!!

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Randall's Quit
« on: March 13, 2015, 06:39:00 PM »
My name is Randall. I have been chewing for about eight years. I have tried several times to quit on my own. It is VERY HARD! This is the first time I am leaning on an online community devoted to getting quit. Today is day 1 of my quit. I am optimistic in the moment, but know from past attempted quits, the rage and fog is coming. LET'S DO THIS!