If you are serious about quitting this is the place. I am going to cut and paste a little of what I had posted on a retread here at KTC. To quit, your inner will, fortitude and desire to win is what will get you and keep you quit. I am 531 days quit today and I still get cravings for a dip. Sometimes they are daily for a week sometimes less frequent, but always lurking around the corner. What keeps me quit is my desire and will power to say FU nicotine, I will not ever come back. Obviously stomping the cravings gets easier with time under your belt, but you still have to have a plan to win. Mine is KTC! This is a war that will never end, the key is winning the daily battles to remain free from your addiction. You will never be free from the war because you are an addict, none of us will ever have that pleasure but we did it to ourselves. If you are serious about quitting and staying quit, follow the path here at KTC and its fool proof. Welcome to the asylum.......