Author Topic: the new guy  (Read 1901 times)

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Offline stellers82

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Re: the new guy
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2010, 11:45:00 AM »
Thanks for the advice from all you guys.
Markr. I never looked at it that way before, that helps meet a ton thanks.
Take one day at a time. Caveing is not a option.

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Re: the new guy
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2010, 08:49:00 AM »
Congrats on the 3 week mark. Welcome to the funk it will be after you for awhile but you will learn to control it.
You will have to fight through all this. I to am surrounded by guys at work that dip and smoke and have been through my entire quit. You need to be a leader not a follower here. This is your quit it has to be what you want, own it don't worry about the guys at work. Tell them you are quitting they may not quit with you but they may be a little more aware of loading their lip in front of you too. Encourage them to join you. Don't let that 100 day mark fool you that is nothing more than a milestone in your quit. I am almost to the 1 year mark and still have cravings every now and then. Quit 1 day at a time 1 minute at a time and 1 decision at a time. You are on the right track vent it out in here just remember you have 3 weeks behind you already!
Stay quit you will win this battle.

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Re: the new guy
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2010, 09:14:00 PM »
Stellar - good and bad days will come and go. Sometimes the craves can be as bad as the were in the first few days. Don't let that discourage you, they get to be fewer and farther between and you now have the tools to deal with them. As a guy who just passed a hondo, I can tell you that nothing magic happened. I am chewing the shit out of ranch flavored Jumbo sunflower seeds right now. Difference is, I didn't think about putting in a chew I just needed something for my oral fixation. You got 3 weeks and I am willing to wager my quit that your quit is much better than it was at 2 weeks and that was much better than 1 week. Keep the quit. It gets better.
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Re: the new guy
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2010, 12:29:00 AM »
Quote from: stellers82
Today is day 21 for me. It feals like its getting harder, were I work 80 percent of the people dip there. Today I thought about it for a second, it was intense but I got through it. Overall I cant wait untill my 100 days. 'bang head'
Man, you beat the HARD crave, though, and that's what matters. You promised us you wouldn't cave and you didn't. LOVE that badass shit.

You're farther along than me, but I've read about the later waves and tough craves and I'm bracing for it. It must be frustrating when it seems it's getting harder rather than easier, but all the vets say it won't always be that way, and I believe them.

During the first few days hell and a couple of strong craves in the last couple days, I got the voice telling me to cave out of my head by reminding myself I'm a man of my word and that I promised you guys I wouldn't cave. I may still have been hating life, but I knew I wasn't going to cave. You're obviously fighting through to keep your word while you watch your co-workers do that killer weed. You're tough enough to do this then. Keeping posting roll, and we'll all get to that place we've heard the vets talk about where they laugh at their craves now.

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Re: the new guy
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2010, 10:36:00 PM »
100 days is huge but always remember it's just a place that makes up a part of your forever quit. Just as important is day 21 and what you went through today. By your struggle and ability to overcome your craves, you have GREATLY reinforced your power over nicotine and built upon your credibility and your word. And that is as important as day 100, day 500, day 1,000, day +1.

You are three strong, full weeks into your lifelong freedom. Congratulations!

Offline stellers82

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Re: the new guy
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2010, 09:20:00 PM »
Today is day 21 for me. It feals like its getting harder, were I work 80 percent of the people dip there. Today I thought about it for a second, it was intense but I got through it. Overall I cant wait untill my 100 days. 'bang head'
Take one day at a time. Caveing is not a option.

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Re: the new guy
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2010, 10:35:00 PM »
Quote from: stellers82
whats up guys im new to this hole thing, It looks pretty cool, and useful.
I'll save the gay jokes for later...welcome to the quit. It's damn useful.

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Re: the new guy
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2010, 09:56:00 PM »
Quote from: stellers82
whats up guys im new to this hole thing, It looks pretty cool, and usefull. Im here to stay I have 19 days today. Im takeing one day at a time.
Welcome. Check your (Inbox 1) upper right corner of your screen.

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Re: the new guy
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2010, 09:53:00 PM »
Quote from: stellers82
whats up guys im new to this hole thing, It looks pretty cool, and usefull. Im here to stay I have 19 days today. Im takeing one day at a time.
One day at a time is how we do it. You need to go too June and post roll. Here's how.

Step 1 - Find the last Roll Call
Step 2 - Hit the "Quote" button in the upper right hand corner.
Step 3 - Click your mouse ANYWHERE in The bottom Box
Step 4 - Hit Ctrl and "A" at the Same time so it looks like THIS
Step 5 - Hit Ctrl and "X" at the same time so there is NOTHING in Either Box
Step 6 - Click your mouse in the TOP BOX
Step 7 - Hit Ctrl and "V" at the same time to Past the info into the top box AND ADD YOUR info to the bottom of the list
Step 8 - Hit ADD REPLY below the bottom box
Step 9 - Go back to the 1st unread post, pat yourself on the back, and have a beer cause you will not be dipping today.

READ, READ, READ.... knowledge is power.

Sing out if you need help.

Offline stellers82

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the new guy
« on: March 21, 2010, 09:50:00 PM »
whats up guys im new to this hole thing, It looks pretty cool, and usefull. Im here to stay I have 19 days today. Im takeing one day at a time.
Take one day at a time. Caveing is not a option.