I've only been dipping for about 4 years. I started dipping in order to stop smoking. I'm in the Air Force and used to joke that I can't run without lungs, but I could run without a jaw. That was a horrible joke and I didn't really know what I was saying. I've been telling myself for years that I need to quit nicotine and even stopped for a couple of months a couple of times. But I always went back, usually when something stressful came up, or I got bored. I tried quitting for my wife, for my kids, for my job, and even just to prove to myself that I could. As you all know, those were not the right reasons. I'm a bit pessimistic, so when I saw the pictures of mouth and throat cancer on this site, I immediately felt like I had cancer or would get it if I did another dip. I threw out my can and resolved to quit. That lasted about 2 hours before I went and bought another can. However, that was the last can I bought. I tapered back over the course of a few days and then at 8:45 pm on May 9th, I spit out my last dip and haven't taken another one since. It has been hard, I feel like I always have to have something in my mouth, so I'm eating a lot of sunflower seeds, jerky, nuts, gum, and hard candy. I've been a bit of an asshole to my wife and kids, but when I made the decision to quit, I sat them down and talked to them. I showed them the What to Expect portion of this website, I told them I would try my hardest not to be too mean, but that I wanted to quit dipping and that meant I had to go through the withdrawal.
I'm on day 4 today. I know that things will get harder, I've stopped for months before but always started again. I'll remain vigilant and never give in to the "only one dip won't hurt" I know where that leads. I'll try to remember to post roll call everyday (if I can figure it out). Thanks in advance for all the support. I am a Quitter!