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Re: Introduction
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2015, 11:32:00 PM »
Don't take your anger out on your family. Come in here and take it out on us. Otherwise seems like you're on the right path. What helped me was sunflower seeds and this site...I haven't looked back.

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2015, 05:23:00 PM »
Amen to all of the above. Post roll everyday and live free. You can do this!!!

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2015, 05:02:00 PM »
Quote from: canless2014
Congratulations brother on your decision. I know how you feel about stopping for a couple months and then giving back in -- I can tell you that you do have to readjust your mindset, which you already seem to be doing. You don't get any more "attempts". This is the only time you will Quit. Get on roll everyday. Sometimes it can be a pain in the ass and hard to figure out, but that's how you show your dedication. We both know that "promising ourselves we're done" never seems to work out in the long run. So post roll everyday, get to know some guys in your quit group, so that they can come kick your ass if you drift away from KTC.

This is your fucking life, here. Nothing is more important. See you on roll tomorrow, to quit One Day At A Time.
Only 4 years turned into almost 40 for me! Be the man get this done and pray you will never look back! Death by oral cancer is horrific! It's never too early but damn sure can be too late! Stay quit my brother! Damn proud to be quit with you today!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2015, 09:30:00 AM »
Congratulations brother on your decision. I know how you feel about stopping for a couple months and then giving back in -- I can tell you that you do have to readjust your mindset, which you already seem to be doing. You don't get any more "attempts". This is the only time you will Quit. Get on roll everyday. Sometimes it can be a pain in the ass and hard to figure out, but that's how you show your dedication. We both know that "promising ourselves we're done" never seems to work out in the long run. So post roll everyday, get to know some guys in your quit group, so that they can come kick your ass if you drift away from KTC.

This is your fucking life, here. Nothing is more important. See you on roll tomorrow, to quit One Day At A Time.
"Post roll. Post more if you want to. That's the beauty of the place: We ask you post roll. We ask you to be honest. That's all. No more. No less. Be there for your brothers and ask for help when you need it." - Wastepanel 10/6/14

"What would you do to save your own life? If you were fighting cancer today would you suffer through Chemo, surgeries, try new a therapy? change your diet, go to church? What intolerable hell would you endure to simply live. When you have thought long and hard about that, think on this. Why not apply that attitude to your quit. Suffer through the temporary discomfort of withdrawal to achieve your freedom from a slow painful demise via nicotine. Your in the ring already- fight like you mean it." - Skoal Monster 10/8/14

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2015, 08:32:00 AM »
Gratz on roll call and a great decision to be quit!
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2015, 04:58:00 PM »
Quote from: iamaquitter
I've only been dipping for about 4 years. I started dipping in order to stop smoking. I'm in the Air Force and used to joke that I can't run without lungs, but I could run without a jaw. That was a horrible joke and I didn't really know what I was saying. I've been telling myself for years that I need to quit nicotine and even stopped for a couple of months a couple of times. But I always went back, usually when something stressful came up, or I got bored. I tried quitting for my wife, for my kids, for my job, and even just to prove to myself that I could. As you all know, those were not the right reasons. I'm a bit pessimistic, so when I saw the pictures of mouth and throat cancer on this site, I immediately felt like I had cancer or would get it if I did another dip. I threw out my can and resolved to quit. That lasted about 2 hours before I went and bought another can. However, that was the last can I bought. I tapered back over the course of a few days and then at 8:45 pm on May 9th, I spit out my last dip and haven't taken another one since. It has been hard, I feel like I always have to have something in my mouth, so I'm eating a lot of sunflower seeds, jerky, nuts, gum, and hard candy. I've been a bit of an asshole to my wife and kids, but when I made the decision to quit, I sat them down and talked to them. I showed them the What to Expect portion of this website, I told them I would try my hardest not to be too mean, but that I wanted to quit dipping and that meant I had to go through the withdrawal.

I'm on day 4 today. I know that things will get harder, I've stopped for months before but always started again. I'll remain vigilant and never give in to the "only one dip won't hurt" I know where that leads. I'll try to remember to post roll call everyday (if I can figure it out). Thanks in advance for all the support. I am a Quitter!
First off, congrats on the decision and the action. You'll never regret quitting, ever. Sounds like you've got a decent mindset going into this and you've made it through the physical part. Believe it or not, it's all mental games now. So... find your quit group, August I believe. Post up roll. You'll find plenty of other brothers/sisters in arms to help you through the battle. You'll get out of this resource what you put into it.

Offline iamaquitter

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« on: May 13, 2015, 03:11:00 PM »
I've only been dipping for about 4 years. I started dipping in order to stop smoking. I'm in the Air Force and used to joke that I can't run without lungs, but I could run without a jaw. That was a horrible joke and I didn't really know what I was saying. I've been telling myself for years that I need to quit nicotine and even stopped for a couple of months a couple of times. But I always went back, usually when something stressful came up, or I got bored. I tried quitting for my wife, for my kids, for my job, and even just to prove to myself that I could. As you all know, those were not the right reasons. I'm a bit pessimistic, so when I saw the pictures of mouth and throat cancer on this site, I immediately felt like I had cancer or would get it if I did another dip. I threw out my can and resolved to quit. That lasted about 2 hours before I went and bought another can. However, that was the last can I bought. I tapered back over the course of a few days and then at 8:45 pm on May 9th, I spit out my last dip and haven't taken another one since. It has been hard, I feel like I always have to have something in my mouth, so I'm eating a lot of sunflower seeds, jerky, nuts, gum, and hard candy. I've been a bit of an asshole to my wife and kids, but when I made the decision to quit, I sat them down and talked to them. I showed them the What to Expect portion of this website, I told them I would try my hardest not to be too mean, but that I wanted to quit dipping and that meant I had to go through the withdrawal.

I'm on day 4 today. I know that things will get harder, I've stopped for months before but always started again. I'll remain vigilant and never give in to the "only one dip won't hurt" I know where that leads. I'll try to remember to post roll call everyday (if I can figure it out). Thanks in advance for all the support. I am a Quitter!