Your first post was a great one. You said that you had done some reading on the site. I hope you not only read more, but also chose to "post roll" with the August 2013 group. (You will hit 100 days nic free (the Hame of Fame) in August).
Post Roll:
Every day you log into your “Group”, a bunch of guys all quitting together and going through the same suck, fog, cravings, etc. You “Post Roll”; add your name and the number of days quit that you are. This is your promise, a pledge to your quit brothers and sisters,
to yourself, and to everyone else here on KTC to not use nicotine in any way, shape, or form, for the next 24 hours. Keep your promise. A man is nothing if his word is no good.
Get involved and get to know these guys. They make quitting a lot easier and every day I have good laugh while reclaiming my life.
If you need anything just holler.