Thanks to all here for the welcoming words.
After reading many stories here, I don't think I quit the recommended way. I had a date set (my birthday) for months in advance. All I could think about as the date approached was, "How in the hell am I going to do this? I literally schedule my life around my secret dipping addiction."
I guess I had been telling myself the date for so long, that a weird sensation came over me on my birthday; it was a Monday and I had to work so on my way to work (when i would usually have my first dip of the day in the car), I stopped to get gas, threw away my can (and all the empties that seem to accumulate so quickly) and never looked back.
I'd be lying if I said I don't think about it all the time. It's MUCH better than at first, however. It was mostly that feeling you get like "sweet, when I drive to the store, I'll be able to dip!" Or "Can't wait until everyone's asleep tonight so I can dip."
Those thoughts would automatically pop into my head and I'd have to remind myself "hey, you don't do that anymore, remember??"
Anyway, October will kick ass and I can't wait to give my speech!
It's gonna be a good life.